4 Tops on 1 Plant... PICS...


Well-Known Member
I don't know why everyone calls it Uncle Bens technique... It is called topping a fucking plant people... By topping a plant you will naturally get (4) tops or more... Ok now everyone understands topping... Fimming is completely different from topping... Fimming is more of an experiment because you will could end up with many variables... Fimming is when you cut about 75% of the new growth on the top of the plant to acquire (4) top oppose to topping where you cut between branches at the stem... By fimming the plant will have (4) tops that will grow together from the beginning oppse to toppping where you will have to likely train your plant to keep (4) tops... What I have noticed with topping a plant is the (2) top branches grow alot faster than the other bottom branches thus you hav to train the top branches to slow down or train the lower branches to speed up... This is why I have decided to experiment with FIMMING... Its a new technique to me and I think anyone knows how to top a fucking plant so people get over it.....
Now I know you never read UB's post.


Active Member
Good luck with your experiments. Do what you like. see what works for you.
play with different techniques and cutting in different locations. or try topping once in flower thats fun!

Nice plant Jim!

The Ruined

Active Member
I don't normally do this but, he didn't ask for any of your advice so everyone should STFU and allow him to display his FIM experiment. I for one am interested to see how it turns out.

I FIMed my first grow after 4 weeks of veg and left it till I saw new growth (about 4 days) then flowered. I got 6 main colas on a 3ft plant that yielded me 5.5 ounces dry. I hope your FIM experiment works out. Please stop responding to other people on this thread and do what you planned to do. You look very uneducated along with everyone else fighting like little girls with sand all up their cooches. So chill and do your thing. Don't let anyone else bring you down. :)


Well-Known Member
If you cannot produce results that can be consistently duplicated...what exactly is the point? Why so many people here are pointing you to Uncle Ben's topping thread is that his knowledge does work consistently and on all plants.
I have used UB topping...and produced 4 strong colas every time. Using three different strains too.

In addition there are about 2,000 threads on this site about some stoned guy who discovered something AMAZING. (My favorite of all time was the guy who wanted to grow a plant using the light feature from his iphone)

People that are taken seriously...do the work first...measure the results...duplicate the results...make sure that nobody else (or 100,000 others) have done the same thing before them...then publish the whole journal.

or you could just call me a dick.


Well-Known Member
phxfire, are you retarded or something? It's either that or one of the following:

a) You lack social skills.
b) You lack the ability to learn from others.
c) You are a *very* defensive person.
d) You have an anger management problem.
e) You are quite insecure.

Please choose one and have a nice day.

PS The kind of attitude where you scream, insult, throw a tantrum, and tell everyone to piss off doesn't work in the forums; sorry, but this kind of second class behavior only works in real life and in-person.


Well-Known Member
Hmmm....well this post is nothing but a bunch of insanity....Good luck with your plant. I just LST to get many tops...I have a plant now that the whole thing is a top....I have pulled the top down level with the bottom. so now my plant thinks it is just a bottom, and everything is just growing up up up...I am pretty excited about it....I need to take some clones tho....think I'm going to go do that now...wish me luck!


New Member
Its actually easier to just top above the 2nd true node, than to FIM. Ive done both. See pictures of my blue mystics with 4 tops in my signature. It tells you in uncle bens tutorial about this.Topping just above the 1st true node gets 2 tops, 2nd gets 4, 3rd gets 6. My super Skunks had 6.

+Rep. Good luck. Looking forward to pictures.
For sure... I know this but I was reading about fimming and I wanted to give it a try... Nothing more nothing less...


New Member
I don't normally do this but, he didn't ask for any of your advice so everyone should STFU and allow him to display his FIM experiment. I for one am interested to see how it turns out.

I FIMed my first grow after 4 weeks of veg and left it till I saw new growth (about 4 days) then flowered. I got 6 main colas on a 3ft plant that yielded me 5.5 ounces dry. I hope your FIM experiment works out. Please stop responding to other people on this thread and do what you planned to do. You look very uneducated along with everyone else fighting like little girls with sand all up their cooches. So chill and do your thing. Don't let anyone else bring you down. :)
For Sure For Sure... Finally someone can read... Thanks... I wish people would read this... Because I did not ask for advice... I know what topping is and what results in has but when it comes to fimming I know nothing... Thanks for understanding me.. I wish others did the same....


New Member
If you cannot produce results that can be consistently duplicated...what exactly is the point? Why so many people here are pointing you to Uncle Ben's topping thread is that his knowledge does work consistently and on all plants.
I have used UB topping...and produced 4 strong colas every time. Using three different strains too.

In addition there are about 2,000 threads on this site about some stoned guy who discovered something AMAZING. (My favorite of all time was the guy who wanted to grow a plant using the light feature from his iphone)

People that are taken seriously...do the work first...measure the results...duplicate the results...make sure that nobody else (or 100,000 others) have done the same thing before them...then publish the whole journal.

or you could just call me a dick.
No you are right in a way... Yes I should have did my experiment and posted the results instead of posting the results as I go... I figured it would be a lot more detailed if I posted experiment weekly as it happens but I am thinking it was a bad idea.... Too many speculators...


New Member
phxfire, are you retarded or something? It's either that or one of the following:

a) You lack social skills.
b) You lack the ability to learn from others.
c) You are a *very* defensive person.
d) You have an anger management problem.
e) You are quite insecure.

Please choose one and have a nice day.

PS The kind of attitude where you scream, insult, throw a tantrum, and tell everyone to piss off doesn't work in the forums; sorry, but this kind of second class behavior only works in real life and in-person.
Thats funny because realistically I think I am all of the listed above if not more... YOU CAUGHT ME.... What you don't have on there is
f) You hate stupid people that put their input into something when it was not asked for
g) You go onto forums fucking with the douche bags that take forums to heart
h) You get all your facts from a forum and argue with everyone like what your saying is your own words but really they are straight from the forum
i) You really don't care what morons have to say if they don't listen in the first place

Come on dude we can play grab ass all day or we can just both shut up and watch what happens... Since the title does say EXPERIMENT and no where did I ask for your opinion.... I really wanted to hear from the people that may have done this technique oppose to hearing from ever douche bag that has read Uncle Bucks topping technique on this forum.


New Member
Hmmm....well this post is nothing but a bunch of insanity....Good luck with your plant. I just LST to get many tops...I have a plant now that the whole thing is a top....I have pulled the top down level with the bottom. so now my plant thinks it is just a bottom, and everything is just growing up up up...I am pretty excited about it....I need to take some clones tho....think I'm going to go do that now...wish me luck!
LST does work... I know this and have done this... BUT I am trying to fim this (1) plant if that's fine with you....


New Member
Can I Fim this (1) plant and post my results??? I know how to top a plant.. i KNOW LST works... But I wanted to do an experiment with fimming a plant since it is new to me and I know nothing about fimming other than reading about it... I think I need to ask permission from people to do this though....

Can I post my experiment????? If no I will stop posting....


Well-Known Member
I for one will be checking in with this post. I am curious to see what will come of this technique. Experimenting is the fun part about growing. If it doesnt work out then you can try something else. Kinda like a haircut right? Good luck with your experiment.


Well-Known Member
shit man people need to sit back and read be4 they post trip on peoples threads man!
topping is totally diffrent to fimming.
1 topping a plant is more stressfull on a plant than fimming is.
2 you lose more growth topping than you would fimming.
3 it takes more time to recover after topping than it would fimming.
4 its impossible to fuck up either way but to be successfull fimming is extremely harder than topping.
5 in time consuming situations id fim always and have 4 main colas fuck the 16 its not like your gonna gain xxx amount of bud out of a bush inside, outside might be diffrent but thats for another thread. if i had a couple of weeks extra to play with id top the fuckers and get 2 strong branches but i like to get my shit on the street in less than 13 weeks from rooted clones to dry bud hence why i fim
atb lad


Well-Known Member
For Sure For Sure... Finally someone can read... Thanks... I wish people would read this... Because I did not ask for advice... I know what topping is and what results in has but when it comes to fimming I know nothing... Thanks for understanding me.. I wish others did the same....
"I am thinking about making (4) tops and then doing the same technique to the (4) tops and make (16) tops...Is this possible???"
