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get another FC!
They came in the mail today!!! I'll be geting started this weekend!I'm subbed. X-mas presents on the way from microtech. I can't wait!!
Probably gonna, but don't have any room left in my cab. I was actually thinking about getting another one of the same tubs and stacking them. It won't affect my airflow since all the holes are in the sides. Only thing is that the bottom one won't really get much light unless I hang it vertically. Overall, I think it would be better than just shoving it under the bed or in the corner somewhere. The temps in my cab stay pretty constant with the space heater and it's easier to keep clean. Once or twice I week I take everything out and give the cab a quick spray down with Oust.get another FC!
I'd give it a try anyway man. I'm no expert, but I don't see why it wouldn't work. If anything I'd think that maybe your colonization times might be a little longer. In all honesty though I don't see much difference in colonization at the low 70's than I did at the low 80's. I actually have a small $20 space heater in my cab. On the lowest setting it keeps it in the low 70's and only kicks on for a few minutes every hour or so. Probably not the safest thing to do but I have myself convinced it's ok because I'm an electrican, haha. The walls are drywall which is somewhat flame retardant and there isn't anything else in there. Worst case scenario it doesn't work and you're out $15 bucks for the syringe and another $15 for the jars, verm and rice.Very nice following the grow, Ive long wanted to dive in, but always worried my current residence is too unstable as heat/cold fluctuates too constantly to have a successful grow. But have been assured it wont be to tough to regulate temperature.
Cool man keep us posted. What strain?They came in the mail today!!! I'll be geting started this weekend!![]()
Cambodian, Mazatapec, African Transeki. A world tour of cubensis!!! LOLCool man keep us posted. What strain?
WOW! 3 days? How and Why do you think you got such a fast colonization? 3 days is remarkable!!! Man, I'm going on 3 weeks and my jars are not even 50% colonized yet. I'm thinking about usung my last syringe to make an LC first, then using copious amounts of the LC to speed up the cake colonization. I like your little lasagna bulk tek idea and may do that instead of cakes though. Have you ever tried or had any success with LC as spawn?Finally birthed the GT jars the other day. They are in the FC now and have some small primordia developing.
I decided to use 4 of the cakes in a coco/verm/casting mix. 2 cakes per tray was enough to give me about a 50/50 mix of substrate and spawn. In less than 3 days, they completely colonized the coco. I think I'm going to wait another day or two to see some pins before casing and putting them in my FC along with the cakes.
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that what i did last time i did some trays, i pop them out and case in verm like a giant cake. works pretty well i get alot on the sides of the cake that would have been much amaller if they were still in the trays. just flip the tray over and set the giant cake on top.I didn't really measure but if I had to estimate I'd say about 60% coco, 20% verm, 20% castings. Broke off a piece of coco from the brick and hydrated it with boiling water. After it cooled down enough that I could handle it, I added the verm and worm casting and mixed them together. I kept the moisture content slightly above "field capacity" because the verm and castings would absorb some. After that, I covered with foil and baked the pans in the oven at 350 for about an hour just to be certain I killed off as much as I could. Once they cooled, I crumbled up my cakes in a big gallon bag and mixed it in. Put the foil back on sent back to colonize.
I was shocked when I checked them last night and they were completely colonized after 3 days. My intent was just a quick peek to see if everything was going well and to judge how far along it was.
I've been doing a little research and found when ppl do these sorts of trays, often times they pop the whole thing out of the tray and fruit like a huge cake.