the chitown sourkush thread

so I wanna ask you straight up, is sour kush still on top as far as all the other strains you've ever grown? I think you of all people would be a great judge of this as you've grown over 15 strains in the time I've been watching you (or atleast it seems like that much.)

out of all the strains I've ever tried it definitely is on top... I need to try it again on a low tolerance to truly judge but so far the only thing I've ever had that was pretty much on the same level was hindu kush, and sour kush looked and smelled better...

so howak, does it come out on top for you?
im fucking wasted..... i donno why i was drinking icehouse today but i polished off a whole 6 pack of 16 ouncers... quick has fuck too
so I wanna ask you straight up, is sour kush still on top as far as all the other strains you've ever grown? I think you of all people would be a great judge of this as you've grown over 15 strains in the time I've been watching you (or atleast it seems like that much.)

out of all the strains I've ever tried it definitely is on top... I need to try it again on a low tolerance to truly judge but so far the only thing I've ever had that was pretty much on the same level was hindu kush, and sour kush looked and smelled better...

so howak, does it come out on top for you?
well out of all the strains i have grown sourkush is by far the best but i like the bubbakush i grow and the last sourpower cross was really dank and had a real sweet funny flower smell to it i really liked it and i think i got 2 of those left
well out of all the strains i have grown sourkush is by far the best but i like the bubbakush i grow and the last sourpower cross was really dank and had a real sweet funny flower smell to it i really liked it and i think i got 2 of those left

nice man, because I think it's truly a statement to say something like that clearly out of all the strains you've ever grown ya know....

btw I smoked a pure bubbapheno of sour kush joint today, 4-5 hits and I was high as FUCK... even higher than smoking 5 hits of hash the previous day... that's sayin something!
nice man, because I think it's truly a statement to say something like that clearly out of all the strains you've ever grown ya know....

btw I smoked a pure bubbapheno of sour kush joint today, 4-5 hits and I was high as FUCK... even higher than smoking 5 hits of hash the previous day... that's sayin something!

well im thinking about lacing this hash oil with this last .4 of jwh-018 and selling that shit for like 60$ a gram..... ima call that shit royal oil... this jwh shit is fucking super potant i bought 2 g's of itt many months ago when i was still on probation to get high on the low off of... my hash oil is waaaay pure.... its like 90 something % total cannaboids... the jhh-018 is 5 times stronger then my hash oil gram for gram!!!!!!
nice man, because I think it's truly a statement to say something like that clearly out of all the strains you've ever grown ya know....

btw I smoked a pure bubbapheno of sour kush joint today, 4-5 hits and I was high as FUCK... even higher than smoking 5 hits of hash the previous day... that's sayin something!

bubba pheno is supreame.. i wish i had some.... i gto some pure bubba kush doe... and its flame has fuck!!!! stinking up my tip has we speak.... threw 2 bags

haaaay you ripped off a joint too??? nice you should have taken greens off a clean bowl... the bubba is very flavorfull and strong
well out of all the strains i have grown sourkush is by far the best but i like the bubbakush i grow and the last sourpower cross was really dank and had a real sweet funny flower smell to it i really liked it and i think i got 2 of those left

i wanna try some of the apple pheno of the sourpower!!!!! and we all love bubba kush trust me.....
bubba pheno is supreame.. i wish i had some.... i gto some pure bubba kush doe... and its flame has fuck!!!! stinking up my tip has we speak.... threw 2 bags

haaaay you ripped off a joint too??? nice you should have taken greens off a clean bowl... the bubba is very flavorfull and strong

yep I smoked a nice joint.... I should rip it off the bowl...

I'm gonna wait till I've gone like 4-5 days without it before I do that though, good test...

I had to eat a couple chunks of my edibles to get rid of this sensitive tooth from chipping one of my front teeth, its fuckin annoying but I go to the dentist on the 6th regardless of what this tooth does so I"ll get it figured out...

I"m just annoyed that I had to use cannabis when I wanted to go awhile because I blazed the past 2 days, oh well I figure I"m doing great in the big picture of all this...
nice man, because I think it's truly a statement to say something like that clearly out of all the strains you've ever grown ya know....

btw I smoked a pure bubbapheno of sour kush joint today, 4-5 hits and I was high as FUCK... even higher than smoking 5 hits of hash the previous day... that's sayin something!
hell yea man !! yea i hear yea on that joint lol i rolled up a 1.5 gram joint of sk on x-mas between 3 people and we all was stoned as fuck !!! this budder is really getting me think iam bout to play some xbox live
hell yea man !! yea i hear yea on that joint lol i rolled up a 1.5 gram joint of sk on x-mas between 3 people and we all was stoned as fuck !!! this budder is really getting me think iam bout to play some xbox live

hella this joint was probbaly about that size and went between 5 people and I got stoned as fuck... everyone else there had a high tolerance so they probably just got a normal high haha...
im sure they were high has fuck too..

they didn't look high as fuck, one dude looks high all the time so it's hard to tell, lmfao. they probably were pretty damn high though, I just know it's not normal to be as stoned as I was for 5 hits because I lowered my tolerance... a few chunks of cookie get me high as hell... its awesome.

my tooth went from being an annoying spike in sensitivity to a dull ignorable sensitivity... if anything i'll be able to pass out and ignore it...
they didn't look high as fuck, one dude looks high all the time so it's hard to tell, lmfao. they probably were pretty damn high though, I just know it's not normal to be as stoned as I was for 5 hits because I lowered my tolerance... a few chunks of cookie get me high as hell... its awesome.

my tooth went from being an annoying spike in sensitivity to a dull ignorable sensitivity... if anything i'll be able to pass out and ignore it...

better go see the dentist lil buddy.. maybe too many sweets in form of edibles lol
better go see the dentist lil buddy.. maybe too many sweets in form of edibles lol

actually I suspect the dentist chipped this tooth putting in my fillings.... it wasn't like this before i went to the dentist... but yeah Im gonna have that shit filled in on the 6th...