4th CFL Grow With Jungle Growth Soil - Blue Mataro and Afghan Kush x Train Wreck

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
ok, a little more research and heres what i found, these are on ebay, they ship from new york, and it would be right at $16 and change for 4 of them shipped and you will get them 5 or 6 days, this is what i will order.

Ebay Light Extender

and then theres the straight extenders, you can get these at home depot for $2.69 and i like the one with the plugs, more uses and cheaper than the one from hong kong.


Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
yeah its funny, some of the lower and middle branches are like 6 to 10 inches tall with no leaves and just a bud sites at the top, i'll get pics of that tomorrow, LoL.

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
well i hated to do it, but im not gonna go through what im going through now with the 2 plants in the flower box and the space issue. when they get close to being done, i'll have another rocklock to put into flowering and thats all i want for the flowering box is 1 plant. i have a whole bunch of ideas bangin around in my head for 1 plant and all the lighting adapters and and extensions im gonna have for side, top and bottom lighting. this way, i can take a couple bulbs from the top and spread them out around the box, its gonna be so cool, LoL.

so now the rocklock is all alone in the veg box and will stay there for a while, i hope this this is growing and not just hanging on from spraying water on it everyday, it looks a lot better than the KK cutting did and that thing didnt even have any root growth yet. im not sure what the high is like from the rocklock yet but im sure its the stone im looking for. heres some pics and the lucky blade of grass, LoL.



Well-Known Member
ha ha i had some grass in mine to , i decided to pluck it though r.i.p little one haha , to bad your clone hasent rooted , i was thinking i would do what my mother and my mothers mother have been doing for quite some time , and thats taking a cutting and sticking it in a glass of water till it sprouts a root then plant the sucker , cant go wrong there says my mothers mother


Well-Known Member
Aww, you know I'm sad to see the KK go :( But I understand your reasoning! You will be able to get just as much I bet from one big plant then squeezing the 2 in there :)

BTW I'm Putting the dry weight up in the next couple minutes! Just finishing up weighing it now, come by when you get a chance!


Well-Known Member
How tall are the ladies from the top of the soil? I found a a couple random branches that had snuck from the lower middle of the main stalk and made their way up and out into clean light and only have the one main budding site at the very end with no other leaves or budding sites below its top.

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
WOW CD that blade of grass is really taking off now it almost doubled in size :lol: :blsmoke:
yeah and i didnt even top it, LoL.

ha ha i had some grass in mine to , i decided to pluck it though r.i.p little one haha , to bad your clone hasent rooted , i was thinking i would do what my mother and my mothers mother have been doing for quite some time , and thats taking a cutting and sticking it in a glass of water till it sprouts a root then plant the sucker , cant go wrong there says my mothers mother
i hope the rocklock clone takes, it looks better than the KK did, ive been wanting to try the glass of water to start a clone.

Aww, you know I'm sad to see the KK go :( But I understand your reasoning! You will be able to get just as much I bet from one big plant then squeezing the 2 in there :)
BTW I'm Putting the dry weight up in the next couple minutes! Just finishing up weighing it now, come by when you get a chance!
yeah bro, i hated to do it, but i just cant have to much going on at once, and the 2 girls in there is really to much for the box. so from now on, it be 1 nice big plant, i ordered 4 of those light extenders from ebay, i think they'll work good for side lighting, im gonna get another clamp light and use the extenders in them.

How tall are the ladies from the top of the soil? I found a a couple random branches that had snuck from the lower middle of the main stalk and made their way up and out into clean light and only have the one main budding site at the very end with no other leaves or budding sites below its top.
26 inches, i ran the tape along the stem of the KK and it would be 31 inches if it wasnt tied down, and that would max the height out right there. yeah those ones are crazy looking, i'll get a couple pics of that.

im gonna do my daily pics and stuff in a few.

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
day 51 and the girls are looking great, buds are budding. the temp is 75 and the humidity is 26%, perfect growing weather in the box. i just hand watered the girls with the plain rain water and i broke that leaf off choo choo, and its huge!! these girls are drinking up some water.

with the KK clone gone, i have just the rocklock clone left, this will be the next grow and will grow alone when she goes into the flower box, with these good genetics, i think 1 plant is the limit now. like treeZ said, 1 big plant should be better than trying to jam 2 up in there. after this, i will order some new strains but will stick with only indacas from now on.

oh, and the last pic is the lucky blade of grass, looks like i'll have 2 tops on it, LoL. i'll let it go for a while, its not hunting anything and i need some new grass for the yard any ways, LoL.



Well-Known Member
Damn that leaf is very indica dominant from the looks of it :) Everythings looking supurb bro!!! How is it so far growing good genetics compared to the random bagseed that your used to? :)

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
yeah its weird, i sure hope i dont have these 2 mixed up still, im sure i dont. the big leaves are like that where the smaller ones are long and skinny. and no more bag seed for me, when its time for a change, i'll order another couple seeds. i'd like to find a short bushy indaca that i could grow 2 plants in the box, maybe a couple auto's. im gonna do some seed research tonight when i get home, but the rocklock clone will be the next grow in the box by her self. i wish there was a way to take a clone and preserve it for later use, something like cryogenics, LoL.


Well-Known Member
That would be awesome to preserve a strain!!!! Bubblelicious from nirvana is a good short bushy indica. it's the only strain i have that i don't need to LST. It has big thick leaves, so it really should have good side lighting for full potential. this doesn't sound like a problem for you with your new lighting plans!

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
cool man, i'll check it out, thanks stoney.

well its cold as shit here, 47 right now with a low tonight of 32. im sure its colder elsewhere, but for a florida boy, thats to cold for me, LoL. i have 9 dogs in tonight and im sure i'll be putting the blanket on them for sure. heres the link. races start at 7:30 pm EST.

Dog Races


Well-Known Member
it's less than 20 degrees here now!!! that's cold!!! I'm about a thousand miles north of you! good luck with the 9 you guys have in tonight!!! I'll be watching!!


Well-Known Member
cool man, i'll check it out, thanks stoney.

well its cold as shit here, 47 right now with a low tonight of 32. im sure its colder elsewhere, but for a florida boy, thats to cold for me, LoL. i have 9 dogs in tonight and im sure i'll be putting the blanket on them for sure. heres the link. races start at 7:30 pm EST.

Dog Races
Yeah CD, this Fla. boy aint loving this cold weather either. We like it warm in the peninsula! Girls are lookin great!


Got 'em, thanks! But got home and my girl was dead today...unsure now of how to germinate the 3 seeds I have left..how did you say you germed yours?
paper towel in the dark or light or ???so MANY ways on here for a newbie to hunt for the RIGHT way..3 seeds coming that I ordered need a SURE way to get them to pop..HELP!!!