second grow flash seeds


Well-Known Member
happy holidays everyone x mas update they are doing great i had i little mishap yesterday the speedy gonzalez was blown to the side so i made a little sling for her shes doing well the santa ,and jet 47 will be showing sex soon they are 18 days old so ill be watching thats about it 2010-12-25_18.49.50.jpg


Active Member
Hi all i too have santa & speedy g growing at the moment. The santa (3girls)is 6wks old and the speedy g is 2wks(to young too sex).


Active Member
just harvested 2 santas and they are some of the dankest autos ive grown try flash cobra the best ive grown 1 bong rip and i was feeliin fine and that was the tester bud


Active Member
just harvested 2 santas and they are some of the dankest autos ive grown try flash cobra the best ive grown 1 bong rip and i was feeliin fine and that was the tester bud
Does the santa have a fruity smell?, only i picked abit of a fan leaf, this and it had fruity smell


Well-Known Member
Day 19 they havent shown sex yet but the speedy and the jet 47 are growing so fast i have new pics so i hope everyone enjoys this grow so far im just wishing for all females even the super small santa. whats up freakishlyyellow hows glad you looked hey neilw3600 do you have pics of the santas just want to see what they look like for comparison thanks2010-12-26_15.40.21.jpg2010-12-26_15.40.17.jpg2010-12-25_18.49.50.jpg


Well-Known Member
thanks man they look good real good im glad you put the pics up what are you feeding them and what light are you using your doing a good job how long did they take to show sex thanks


Active Member
thanks man they look good real good im glad you put the pics up what are you feeding them and what light are you using your doing a good job how long did they take to show sex thanks
Thanks they are on plain water now, but was bio bizz-bloom. they are under 250w hps @ 18/6. they took about 3wks too show.


Active Member
phone pics 014.jpgphone pics 009.jpgphone pics 010.jpg
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Ok pics 1- 3 are the santa, as you can see the girl in pic 2 has had some stretch this week. pics 3 - 6 are speedy gonzales and they are a little over 2wks old and different growth rates, pic 3 looked like pic 4 before i dropped another pot on it lol should be ok, got some stirring around the preflower area so looks like i should know in the next few days how many girls i got


Well-Known Member
2010-12-27_09.53.51.jpg2010-12-27_09.54.59.jpg2010-12-27_09.55.06.jpg2010-12-27_09.53.33.jpg2010-12-26_15.40.21.jpg2010-12-27_09.54.18.jpg2010-12-27_09.55.13.jpg thanks bro they look good i like em bushyas for my santa is 20 days old and is the smallest of all three plants the jet 47 is 19 days old and the speedy gonzalez is 15 days old they have not showed sex yet but i check them every few hours to rotate all of them when they show sex i will give them flower tabs and lets see how that goes i hope for all females


Active Member
looking good, i think the santa is ok its a good size, you have to remember that the speedy gonzales grows to 30-40inches as the santas 12....


Well-Known Member
I didnt know that thanks man the santa has shown pre flowers so shes doing well damn and i thought she was a dwarf hey neil,do you know how big the jet 47 gets? one more ? what auto strain would you do next curious im shopping so any input SoA,i checked the la musa looks great so thats on the list so what autos would you do neilw3600?


Active Member
I didnt know that thanks man the santa has shown pre flowers so shes doing well damn and i thought she was a dwarf hey neil,do you know how big the jet 47 gets? one more ? what auto strain would you do next curious im shopping so any input SoA,i checked the la musa looks great so thats on the list so what autos would you do neilw3600?
Not to sure about the height of the jet 47, i think i read someware that it grows to a medium height which i see as about the same range as the speedy g.
As for my next autos im not sure, mainly because when the weather picks up again i will go back to my grow tent where i have i few nice strains to grow, but when i was looking for beans i did come close to buying..
Barneysfarm - Flower Power...she looks a lovely auto, other than that from what i hear the low ryders are good...hope this helps...