Safe Adhesives?

Searched but couldn't turn up what I was looking for.

I am building a cooler DWC system and was wondering what people have used as an adhesive to get the airstones situated on the bottom. Also, what have people used to keep the airline running in the same location on the inside of the rez?

I was thinking Gorilla Glue Superglue, but, was worried that there might be a chemical effect on my babies? What about a silicon based bathroom adhesive?


Well-Known Member
I have used hot glue many times in the past to hold down an air stone with no adverse reaction from the plants. The glue itself is non toxic and not a threat to humans. I have used lead weights as well. I even took a tiny bag of glass marbles and tied them to the stone with fishing line one time. But since then I have found that using heavier air stones is all that's nesesary. It really doesn't matter if the air line isn't fastened down, or if the the stone moves around from time to time. Lately, when I harvest, my roots are so thick that I can not retrieve the air stone or even pull it out. I have to cut the line and throw it away with the roots.

Ideally you want the stone centered beneath the root base with bubbles coming up through the mass, but simply having it at the bottom on one side is good enough. The water becomes oxygenated from the bubbles breaking the surface tension, so movement is whats important. That is not to say roots don't also get oxygen when they momentarily make contact with the bubbles rising, but that is not the main mechanism for oxygenating the water. Also when going crazy with bubbles remember, the more the roots make contact with bubbles(air) the less they make contact with the nute solution. Of course, you would have to add a TON of bubbles before this is a problem.


I don't think so, nutrients can be pretty corrosive to stuff, i would consider weighting it , or drilling a hole. This is a problem i think we all have had at one point or another, but once you have enough power cords and air lines running around it won't bother you so much anymore.
Posted before i saw the hot glue comment, that sounds like a good idea.


Well-Known Member
Sounds good...I will look for some heavier airstones.

Are there any safe adhesives though?

No safe adhesive will be "safe" for DWC unless its NSF certified. Anything NSF certified is safe for water/food consumption. Thats really the only gurantee you can get.


Active Member
Another vote for hot glue. Perfectly safe, non toxic, Heat activated, no solvents. Great stuff. I dunno how I would have built my grow setup without it.