can't get rid of the thrips

have had problems with thrips in just over two weeks now.
tried both the green soap / water, green soap / water / alcohol (for hand wash) and pyrex N / water mixture and spray-painted on this very closely at both the bottom and top of the leaves.

A couple of hours to a day after they are here again on the leaves.
Is it time to discard it or? Is it possible to continue? Is in the process of putting it in bloom soon as it is quite acute. Anyone know what to do?

Now I also saw today that there was some kind of "fly" who jumped on soil, if there is a thrips which managed to come to the adult stage I do not know, it was only one.


Well-Known Member
Are you sure it's thrips? Fly jumping in the soil sounds like fungus gnats.

Anyway, neem oil is the way to go for thrips.

Fungus gnats? First, get sand and make a 1/4" layer in the top of your pots, you could also use diatomaceous earth. They can't get through the sand to lay eggs. Next, get a large coffee cup and add the following: about a cup of red wine or grape juice, half a cup of wine vinegar or balsamic, a half a cup of water and two drops of dishwashing liquid. Place the cup in a shady area of your grow. Wait a week pour it out and repeat in case there are any new hatchlings.

Good luck
Thanx for the quick reply.
When i went back to the tent after writing here, i saw the same one, but now it flew in the tent, it was just one.

The thrips are yellow very small and are on the leafes right?
I have observed several images of thrips, and it's defently thrips.
So the quest remains, what to do with the problem?


Well-Known Member
Thanx for the quick reply.
When i went back to the tent after writing here, i saw the same one, but now it flew in the tent, it was just one.

The thrips are yellow very small and are on the leafes right?
I have observed several images of thrips, and it's defently thrips.
So the quest remains, what to do with the problem?

sounds like gnats to me gnat are earth borne i used aza max on mine and got rid of them right quick and in a hurry i spray the plant and the dirt. also put a fly strip in to catch the fliers. hope this helps ya it worked for me


New Member
just go and by END ALL or BUG BE GONE mix it in a barrel 50 gallon and get a card board box cut it with a strip so stem can fit in it then dump hole plant in the barrel for like a min that will kill all on plant next take a spray bottle and spray soil as well it will end all of your problems while your at it spray your floor ceiling and walls with it and next time you enter your tent change your clothes even shower most bugs brought into grow rooms came from your self
as well next time be more steril meaning bake your soil at 180 degrees for like 15 mins most growers will do this
people dont realize that most soil is contaminated right from the soil you purchased look at labels look for sterilized soil if not you will always have bugs
If i bake the soil, will all the nutrients in the soil destroy to?

just go and by END ALL or BUG BE GONE mix it in a barrel 50 gallon and get a card board box cut it with a strip so stem can fit in it then dump hole plant in the barrel for like a min that will kill all on plant next take a spray bottle and spray soil as well it will end all of your problems while your at it spray your floor ceiling and walls with it and next time you enter your tent change your clothes even shower most bugs brought into grow rooms came from your self
as well next time be more steril meaning bake your soil at 180 degrees for like 15 mins most growers will do this
people dont realize that most soil is contaminated right from the soil you purchased look at labels look for sterilized soil if not you will always have bugs


Well-Known Member
just go and by END ALL or BUG BE GONE mix it in a barrel 50 gallon and get a card board box cut it with a strip so stem can fit in it then dump hole plant in the barrel for like a min that will kill all on plant next take a spray bottle and spray soil as well it will end all of your problems while your at it spray your floor ceiling and walls with it and next time you enter your tent change your clothes even shower most bugs brought into grow rooms came from your self
as well next time be more steril meaning bake your soil at 180 degrees for like 15 mins most growers will do this
people dont realize that most soil is contaminated right from the soil you purchased look at labels look for sterilized soil if not you will always have bugs
Dunking your whole plant, WOW...


Well-Known Member
I agree with you, sure looks like thrips to me.

Neem oil. You can also coat them with just about any other kind of oil, like olive or saffron, to suffocate the bastards. Neem oil has an insecticidal quality in addition though.
Yeah it sure is thrips.

Thanx, i'll try the neem oil!
Should i let the oil be on the plant for a while och just spray it with oil and directly spray it of with water?


Well-Known Member
I don't know what other people do, but I leave it on during the dark cycle and rinse it off first thing in the light. I think a couple of hours would be enough though.


Well-Known Member
1/2 oz per acre? How do you figure out the correct amount for a plant or two?

There are several products you can use, I'd research them heavily before spraying them on something I'm going to ingest.


These I have tried with some success:

Safer Brand Rose & Flower Organic Insect Killing Soap
Captain Jacks Dead Bug Brew
i will try the neem oil, if it doesn't work, i will have to start all over again i think.
I've only got one plant in the tent.