The Art of The Auto

I totally agree with you Fruitbat! I didn't have a clue when i came to this forum. I learned everything i know from the members here.

Come can teach me How To and I will do a virtual tour of the patio...
Never waste a Talent....

Gladly! and thanks... glad you liked... sorta my christmas present to everyone here

I would buy the dvd man, those plants are beautiful.

Really? Ok... it'll be for sale then! lol thanks man!

How is everybody this Christmas afternoon?
I woke to a white Christmas which sucks because if it snows any more the power is likely to go out, The power company sucks balls in my area...
Some pics of the bud-
1st-HBD...2nd-ALF#3...3rd-Weird looking BSxDR

I am well.. sorry to hear old man winter is sticking it to ya! Hey, tell him I said to F-- OFF! :)

Nice pics... and that last one is strange.. almost looks like the beginnings of a duckfoot!

@mossy and frutibat... nice trich and pistil shots gents! mossy.. you using a microscope or photo zoom for those? nice clean shots

Merry christmas to all!
FD... mossser, question: My ladies are pretty shaded on the lower branches.. how detrimental to their health do you think it would be for e to SELECTIVELY eliminate afew of the upper larger fan leaves that are blocking light o the lower buds?

tnx in adv

FD... mossser, question: My ladies are pretty shaded on the lower branches.. how detrimental to their health do you think it would be for e to SELECTIVELY eliminate afew of the upper larger fan leaves that are blocking light o the lower buds?

tnx in adv


tuck them, don't cut them. If I remember correctly those fans feed your buds during flower.
JM, i was going to mention some defoliation. But i am just enjoying the grow, don't see a need to arm chair critique it.

You won't hurt your yield if you loose some fans. A major defol would set you back. Defol is best used in veg to grow the under growth up higher. Late flower it's not worth it. imo.

JM, i was going to mention some defoliation. But i am just enjoying the grow, don't see a need to arm chair critique it.

You won't hurt your yield if you loose some fans. A major defol would set you back. Defol is best used in veg to grow the under growth up higher. Late flower it's not worth it. imo.


Ok.. so a few of the bigger fans would be ok? because in my experience with photos... the more light you can get directly to the bud (even if that means trimming pretty extensively as my standards (which are conservative) go) the better the yield... i just wanna make a few "sunlight holes"... but didn't know how tied to fan leaf fod they were... although I inew I should be cautious!..

As far as arm chair critique... from you guys? its always appreciated.... Others' experiece infused into my work is good thing...

"Advice, is a form of nostalgia. Dispensing it, is a way of fishing the past from the disposal, wiping it off, painting over the ugly parts, and recycling it for more than its worth" - Max Ehrman (I think)

hitman... you're lucky to see ur ankle biters christmas AM.... enjoy it my friend!

Also..since I think you are in the same area of homework as me..we were talking PH balance..
do you know about the Bicarbonate of Soda drink..
works in the same way..
(stay near a toilet and blast the antagonist out of your belly..)
they say that it alters the ph balance of the gut so that those drug resistant forms of candida are killed off...?
IF anybody wants the info on this subject please yell...
(IMO..anyone who has a long-term suceptible to yeast overgrowth..)

mosser... I'm hollerin on this one! holla! holla! :)
bh, just re-read your post and caught the second levle of what you said... usually done to raise the growth to flowering height... so you arm chair enthusiasts out there ;) couldn't mention this 22 days ago? :) just bustin' :)

bh thanks for the tip

LOL, i am trying not to give advice to every pic posted up. If people ask i'll comment.

You might get less stretch to them too JM. On a next run anyways, your current ones are done stretching i'd bet.

Maaaannnn sooo hungry.. That turkey is smelling soo good right now. I wish they had more hollidays when we eat turkey :D lol.

LOL, i am trying not to give advice to every pic posted up. If people ask i'll comment.

You might get less stretch to them too JM. On a next run anyways, your current ones are done stretching i'd bet.

Maaaannnn sooo hungry.. That turkey is smelling soo good right now. I wish they had more hollidays when we eat turkey :D lol.


Word, they stretched A lot more than I'm used to... but a lot of that was my new light setup.. wasn't proecting the lumens in the right direction... thats corrected now... I think next round I'll run even more MH time to keep em nice n' bushaaaaay! :)

As far as the turkey goes, shit... pick a day a week and make it a weekly meal. or even a roast chicken... I like chicken even better... mmmmmm I ate really early today... wasn't hungry yet... but had to accomadte the elders of the family. no biggie.... I got killer munchies snakcs for l8tr!

Anyway bh... thanks for the tip...


PS - anyone ried switching back to MH last week for these yet? I know some experiments have been done with the photos in that regard and I believe positive results were achieved in terms of yield, and more importanlty, quality of potency.
Bless Lady D..she is a good un.....:clap:

Yeah i guess you can say that LOL. I was tickled when i saw it and what a nice deal for the price.
Its got a hard case and everything got way more that i thought i would with it.

For the first two days you are just gonna sit viewing with your jaw on the floor..when you See how many there are..
I think that this is gonna be a problem i dont think ladyD say that coming and with me i like to study everything i can about them and with this i opened a new door to a new world of investigating :)

try to Find the THC glands on all of them..they all carry them... is probably going to boil down to % cover..and Perfection..
look for perfect orbs.
Already have my sample picked and cant wait to take a look, its been a long day with all the dinners and presents and people ....

Girls are Brilliant..
2-3 times the height that you are used to...?

Thanks bro i appreciate it greatly! I can tell there really starting to pack it on. I hope i get the same amount of swelling on this run as you said the height is 2-3 times larger this run, and believe me i am not complaining at all.

you should break some of your own records this time. :o

Hope so im looking for 110g wet+ a plant if i get more ill be excited
but i dont think that itll drop below 60g wet on any of the three girls.

Means I'll have to try even harder for the Challenge....:fire:

I like to give you a run for your money its what keeps healthy beastie girls looking there best, it all in the name of them :joint:

P.S...the one on the back left leaning over the window...looks very fine it a sati..:mrgreen:

Yep but shhhhhhh ............its one of my best kept secrets but it has bad leaf to calyx ratio LOL. Actually an experiment from a fern root. That is what the result was. Minus some cat damage.

I'm trying my pint pot girl tiered..but she doesn't look too impressed so far......

I think she is telling you that if you would have put here here about 4 weeks ago she would have been monstrous :mrgreen:

GREAT growth in a small pot my friend, that right there lets me know my theory works. So its now become fact. Im TM'ing that one.

PS got a late Christmas Gift one of the JEM F1's i made showed female when i got home. Opened the cab to a whiff of skunk. Knew one of the bitches came into her teens.