Since this was posted fairly late at night and might have been missed by some people following this mongoloid of a thread I feel it is worth repeating in the light of day.
Originally Posted by
The first line of the God Forbidden thread is
"Legitimate thoughts/facts." for fuck sake.....
can you retards get on the wagon yet?!
I posted a list of roughly 20 links, all sites filled with legitimate proven facts, most were online books written by horticulturalists and cannabis researchers and others who are very well known highly experienced growers. You were totally uninterested in any of it. I also typed out factual information for you. You rejected it too.
You proved that you were totally uninterested in and absolutely unwilling to accept any "Legitimate thoughts/facts" so what did you expect your thread to turn into ... a let's all praise "Rain Man" for trying to grow fest?
Others also offered you sound growing advice. Just like with me, you flat out rejected what they told you and instead went with your "sexy feelings" about your Leaning Tower of Pisa Mongolian cluster fuck in a picnic basket grow.
You attacked people who tried to help you. You abused people who tried to help you. And now you have the unmitigated audacity to try to make it appear as if you actually wanted "Legitimate thoughts/facts" and that you would have accepted them and followed the sound advice you now claim you had hoped for?
In the one single post I made with the links you would have found every piece of growing information you would need to be able to grow as well or better than most people here. But you flat out totally rejected it.
So don't make a major ass of yourself, again, by attempting to play the injured party who asked for help and was instead abused and made fun of.
You made your own bed, so now you have to bang whatever crawls into it.