Club 600

As long as we had somewhere to be alone aswell it could work. Theres a lot to be said for comunity living i think

i feel you on that one Mr West.. i can socialize and fellowship with my fellow community members like the best of them, but it is understood that whether it be socializing or fellowshiping it needs to be boundaries, and respect for other people's time, and space ,and privacy. because it is nothing worst than someone you have "NOTHING" in common with( other than growing) wanting to be your best bud just because we are in the same "community", or just because we're both black, or because we both have Ford Explorer's. so in my honest opinion i dont think it would work. i think that there would be the same elements in our hemp city that exist in every city, and the only two things that would change is there would never be a shortage , and no one would have to worry bout getting busted, but every other pro and con would still exist. i think the one reason that the 600 works is because there is no pressure. there is no pressure to build a rapport, no pressure to socialize. but it is easier to build one , or to socialize because we do it on a "want to" basis. you read a post, you like or you dont like . you comment or you dont comment. somebody sends a friend request you accept it or not. because its only you infront of your computer screen, alone. theres no pressure of feeling somewhat trapped to conversate ,or, to whatever degree, worrying about someone's feelings that may have extended a olive branch of friendship, but you really were not feeling them. ill take myself for example. DST, Mr West, and Don Gin and Ton, and Butters were pretty much the first people i traded post with in my first thread. that was in '08, i think. out of those four; i make sure any time i see butters i holler at him(which is rare), Mr West and Don, i would like think we are pretty cool to the point that if im gone for a minute and they see me post something they would get at me and say hey in their own special way, and i them. now DST he would be the only person that ive talked with about different things(other than weed) from women to my dream of getting the fuck out of the U.S. and moving to the Dam. so there you have it four people, three levels of coolness, all on our own terms individually, and if we do one day meet, that to will be on our own terms. not like staying in a community where at some point in time you "HAVE" to deal with somebody you really might not want to deal with. just like this long ass post, if you dont feel like reading it.............on to the next one. but it would be harder, if we were face to face, to be a rude asshole and just walk off right when i started talking, ormidway through my statement, like Mr West said, "there's alot to be said about community living".

arms as thick as my legs lol, its all the carbs they feed ya in jail init?

some of the fittest people i know were in there,its crazyhow well they really feed ya,
till you get back to the real world,thats the real test,tryin to stay that way..
i think even the water had a shit load of
i feel you on that one Mr West.. i can socialize and fellowship with my fellow community members like the best of them, but it is understood that whether it be socializing or fellowshiping it needs to be boundaries, and respect for other people's time, and space ,and privacy. because it is nothing worst than someone you have "NOTHING" in common with( other than growing) wanting to be your best bud just because we are in the same "community", or just because we're both black, or because we both have Ford Explorer's. so in my honest opinion i dont think it would work. i think that there would be the same elements in our hemp city that exist in every city, and the only two things that would change is there would never be a shortage , and no one would have to worry bout getting busted, but every other pro and con would still exist. i think the one reason that the 600 works is because there is no pressure. there is no pressure to build a rapport, no pressure to socialize. but it is easier to build one , or to socialize because we do it on a "want to" basis. you read a post, you like or you dont like . you comment or you dont comment. somebody sends a friend request you accept it or not. because its only you infront of your computer screen, alone. theres no pressure of feeling somewhat trapped to conversate ,or, to whatever degree, worrying about someone's feelings that may have extended a olive branch of friendship, but you really were not feeling them. ill take myself for example. DST, Mr West, and Don Gin and Ton, and Butters were pretty much the first people i traded post with in my first thread. that was in '08, i think. out of those four; i make sure any time i see butters i holler at him(which is rare), Mr West and Don, i would like think we are pretty cool to the point that if im gone for a minute and they see me post something they would get at me and say hey in their own special way, and i them. now DST he would be the only person that ive talked with about different things(other than weed) from women to my dream of getting the fuck out of the U.S. and moving to the Dam. so there you have it four people, three levels of coolness, all on our own terms individually, and if we do one day meet, that to will be on our own terms. not like staying in a community where at some point in time you "HAVE" to deal with somebody you really might not want to deal with. just like this long ass post, if you dont feel like reading it.............on to the next one. but it would be harder, if we were face to face, to be a rude asshole and just walk off right when i started talking, ormidway through my statement, like Mr West said, "there's alot to be said about community living".


i did read and didnt skip over. Its been a long time but seems like a few weeks.>>>>>>>:joint:
i feel you on that one Mr West.. i can socialize and fellowship with my fellow community members like the best of them, but it is understood that whether it be socializing or fellowshiping it needs to be boundaries, and respect for other people's time, and space ,and privacy. because it is nothing worst than someone you have "NOTHING" in common with( other than growing) wanting to be your best bud just because we are in the same "community", or just because we're both black, or because we both have Ford Explorer's. so in my honest opinion i dont think it would work. i think that there would be the same elements in our hemp city that exist in every city, and the only two things that would change is there would never be a shortage , and no one would have to worry bout getting busted, but every other pro and con would still exist. i think the one reason that the 600 works is because there is no pressure. there is no pressure to build a rapport, no pressure to socialize. but it is easier to build one , or to socialize because we do it on a "want to" basis. you read a post, you like or you dont like . you comment or you dont comment. somebody sends a friend request you accept it or not. because its only you infront of your computer screen, alone. theres no pressure of feeling somewhat trapped to conversate ,or, to whatever degree, worrying about someone's feelings that may have extended a olive branch of friendship, but you really were not feeling them. ill take myself for example. DST, Mr West, and Don Gin and Ton, and Butters were pretty much the first people i traded post with in my first thread. that was in '08, i think. out of those four; i make sure any time i see butters i holler at him(which is rare), Mr West and Don, i would like think we are pretty cool to the point that if im gone for a minute and they see me post something they would get at me and say hey in their own special way, and i them. now DST he would be the only person that ive talked with about different things(other than weed) from women to my dream of getting the fuck out of the U.S. and moving to the Dam. so there you have it four people, three levels of coolness, all on our own terms individually, and if we do one day meet, that to will be on our own terms. not like staying in a community where at some point in time you "HAVE" to deal with somebody you really might not want to deal with. just like this long ass post, if you dont feel like reading it.............on to the next one. but it would be harder, if we were face to face, to be a rude asshole and just walk off right when i started talking, ormidway through my statement, like Mr West said, "there's alot to be said about community living".


I read through it as well and I gotta say... Zen you only get a day pass LOL.

I feel like this screen I sit in front of is some what of a barrier keeping me from being myself most of the time.
I personally would love to meet some of you cats, I have this mental image of what all of you look like but I bet its way off lol.
When its all said and done the six is a great place to chill.

Ballast pr0n anyone?

I read through it as well and I gotta say... Zen you only get a day pass LOL.

I feel like this screen I sit in front of is some what of a barrier keeping me from being myself most of the time.
I personally would love to meet some of you cats, I have this mental image of what all of you look like but I bet its way off lol.
When its all said and done the six is a great place to chill.

Ballast pr0n anyone?


are the green ones galaxy ballast?
I thought this was pretty funny:

Even Pat Robertson thinks we need to change MJ laws.

Oh... and about the community living deal. I think it would work quite well if we kept to the ways we have here. Like Zen was saying always sucks to have someone hanging around youd don't like... but if we kept our lives like we keep ourselves on here I think it would be grand. It doesn't make you a dick to tell someone you don't want to hang out with them... it just makes you honest.
Zen, this is pretty much in a nutshell what I was thinking, i.e the parts about only having 1 immediate common link. However, I personally think as people 1 Common link is generally all you need to be able to tollerate another man, or in other words, RESPECT for that person. ONce you have that for your fello wman, anything can be achieved. It's all in the communication method and delivery. Some poeople just need to be taught that (it's not that easy to get ones point across in a succinct manner 100% of the time.

i feel you on that one Mr West.. i can socialize and fellowship with my fellow community members like the best of them, but it is understood that whether it be socializing or fellowshiping it needs to be boundaries, and respect for other people's time, and space ,and privacy. because it is nothing worst than someone you have "NOTHING" in common with( other than growing) wanting to be your best bud just because we are in the same "community", or just because we're both black, or because we both have Ford Explorer's. so in my honest opinion i dont think it would work. i think that there would be the same elements in our hemp city that exist in every city, and the only two things that would change is there would never be a shortage , and no one would have to worry bout getting busted, but every other pro and con would still exist. i think the one reason that the 600 works is because there is no pressure. there is no pressure to build a rapport, no pressure to socialize. but it is easier to build one , or to socialize because we do it on a "want to" basis. you read a post, you like or you dont like . you comment or you dont comment. somebody sends a friend request you accept it or not. because its only you infront of your computer screen, alone. theres no pressure of feeling somewhat trapped to conversate ,or, to whatever degree, worrying about someone's feelings that may have extended a olive branch of friendship, but you really were not feeling them. ill take myself for example. DST, Mr West, and Don Gin and Ton, and Butters were pretty much the first people i traded post with in my first thread. that was in '08, i think. out of those four; i make sure any time i see butters i holler at him(which is rare), Mr West and Don, i would like think we are pretty cool to the point that if im gone for a minute and they see me post something they would get at me and say hey in their own special way, and i them. now DST he would be the only person that ive talked with about different things(other than weed) from women to my dream of getting the fuck out of the U.S. and moving to the Dam. so there you have it four people, three levels of coolness, all on our own terms individually, and if we do one day meet, that to will be on our own terms. not like staying in a community where at some point in time you "HAVE" to deal with somebody you really might not want to deal with. just like this long ass post, if you dont feel like reading it.............on to the next one. but it would be harder, if we were face to face, to be a rude asshole and just walk off right when i started talking, ormidway through my statement, like Mr West said, "there's alot to be said about community living".


arms as thick as my legs lol, its all the carbs they feed ya in jail init?

You better starting eating mare Shreddies mate!!!!

i think even the water had a shit load of
That was a classic line...perhaps we should start using their water to grow our girls!!!! Now wouldn't that be something. The Prison System prodicing retarded would that be!!!

I read through it as well and I gotta say... Zen you only get a day pass LOL.

I feel like this screen I sit in front of is some what of a barrier keeping me from being myself most of the time.
I personally would love to meet some of you cats, I have this mental image of what all of you look like but I bet its way off lol.
When its all said and done the six is a great place to chill.

Ballast pr0n anyone?


Brilliant post Whodat, I agree, I want to MEET everyone!!! If you come to the Dam you can meet DST!!!

yes sir :-) with COUGH "1,000 W" digilux bulbs....

Awaiting news on some new ballasts from a good 600 watter!! Lumateks to replace my dinosaurs.

Gotta love a good ballast setup! This 600 club is huge. LOVE IT!

Thanks The Organic, please feel free to join gotta throw some Pr0n up though!!!

4400 is a pretty exclusive club


Seems to produce quite sticky looking bud though!!!

I read Green Weed just now by Dr. Seymour Kindbuds.
Any one heard of him?

Never heard of it...please tell more.

I thought this was pretty funny:

Even Pat Robertson thinks we need to change MJ laws.

Oh... and about the community living deal. I think it would work quite well if we kept to the ways we have here. Like Zen was saying always sucks to have someone hanging around youd don't like... but if we kept our lives like we keep ourselves on here I think it would be grand. It doesn't make you a dick to tell someone you don't want to hang out with them... it just makes you honest.
Everyone just needs a bit of space, I mean I need space from my wife at times! No offence to her, that's just the way humans are.

Will be providing an update to day with som epics, got the camera back.

Have a good Xmas Eve,

Green Weed Says we should all go organic and stop fucking up the environment with chemical fertilizers.
I think the 600 needs a book about using chemicals and electricity...
A book with references to all kinds of scientific compiled data.
All we would have to do is well DO IT. 0ur book will be better. and cost less $10-12
Wow, my head is full of thoughts, what have I started.......I got to say one thing, whatever happens, as long as the place is warm and my misses can enjoy the sun, then we are me the gps co-odinates please? lol.

Providing you could find a piece of land on the planet that didn't have laws to curb our enthusiasms, we could may be buy an Island and start a Sovereign Ganja state. Man, we get the right people on board and up for a project like that, you could effectively be using generators run from derivatives of hemp oil, it would all be in the refining I guess. The possibilities are endless, the whole world runs on Oil, and what does our beautiful plant produce in abundance, -re-usable oil. You got a country already working independant of oil, then you got a strong independant place.....probably quite dangerous what with some rich hating mofo's......need to hit the bong.


There have been attempts. Some fat cat built a manmade island off somewhere off italy and created his own colony, currency etc, the italian military blew it up with C4. Some other guy made a manmade island off some country as his own, the military promptly went in and siezed it as their own.