8 Plants 1 Pot

Think this out thoroughly

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Active Member
hell, this thread will probably get a sticky and put to the top of the list on RIU, i cant even keep up with it, every time i go to my rollitup, theres 5 new posts, LoL.
I know its on top everytime I go back..even if I just took a sec to read the last post. I'm starting to think he might be like advertisement for RIU...because I'm pretty sure people have started accounts just to comment on this thing. LMAO.


Well-Known Member
and that confuses me bro....bet if i made a thread saying i started 20 plants in a burger king fry box using beach sand...i would get a response like this...shit...here comes tafs new thread...i need to stop giving him ideas
my aura aura aura my aura aura aura-aura-aura

Brick Top

New Member
when I made this thread, I expected people to ask about the plants and what's up with it and to just watch how it turns out. I didn't expect this thread to skyrocket like this

Well Johnny Quid, if you had not packed 8 sexy plants in a sexy picnic basket on top of a pile of sexy books on top of a sexy stool that is on top of a sexy table that is all under a sexy chandelier with a few sexy CFLs in it .... and not flashed us a picture of some guy holding his 'weasel' while showing off his abbs and if you had not refused the good advice you were given and instead just ignored it and just did what "feels" right, and likely sexy, to you, and not replied to people giving sound advice in an aggressive abusive manner .... then you just might have gotten responses more like you hoped for and expected.



Well-Known Member
I honestly thought my thread was a sticky when I went to the forums. I didn't understand what the red and blue envelopes meant but my thread was on top with some numbers youtube would be paying 1cent a comment for

wally nutter

Well-Known Member
theres no puzzle here...just a big steamy pile of book and chair stacked bullshit...but ill offer a solution...take your 8 plants..chop them now..roll them into one big joint...because they are the more potent now then they ever will be.
that logic is incorrect. im hitting the buzzer. buzzzzzzz


Well-Known Member
I'm still satisfied. a few people came around and understand. the way this thread went off was not my fault. I simply just don't like wasting time or wasting life. I have to always be efficient and multi-tasking to feel well and content.

Brick Top

New Member
Maybe Johnny Quid is actually some guy on some reality show in Moldova or Albania or someplace and people are watching and getting a laugh out of our responding to the things he says and does?

If so .. for the amount of entertainment I have provided, I believe I deserve a paycheck out of this from the producers of the show.

If it is a reality TV show I wonder if it's titled 'I Love Doofy?"


Well-Known Member
that logic is incorrect. im hitting the buzzer. buzzzzzzz
yeah, simply just weed out the failures... his solution would be to just quit, my solution is to fight and advance. this is what the whole argument of this thread has been about. me vs a bunch of people who quit


Well-Known Member
yeah, simply just weed out the failures... his solution would be to just quit, my solution is to fight and advance. this is what the whole argument of this thread has been about. me vs a bunch of people who quit
lmao i agree tafbang, keep em growin green!

Brick Top

New Member
youtube would be paying 1cent a comment for
If they paid one cent for each positive supportive comment made about your grow and then charged you one cent for every negative non-supportive comment about your grow you would owe YouTube about an equal amount to the total U.S. national debt.


Well-Known Member
If they paid one cent for each positive supportive comment made about your grow and then charged you one cent for every negative non-supportive comment about your grow you would owe YouTube about an equal amount to the total U.S. national debt.
luckily youtube just pays per any comment. "any publicity is good publicity"
any economy is good economy


Well-Known Member
yeah, simply just weed out the failures... his solution would be to just quit, my solution is to fight and advance. this is what the whole argument of this thread has been about. me vs a bunch of people who quit
i get that...ive tried a few odd tricks to grow with different methods...but your not trying to expand your grow...nor take any advice when its given...acting like you already know everything....i take it you forget that im the one you was talking to on another thread where you was wondering how well your plants was going to do under the incandescent lights you use to have them under...and that wasnt too long ago..but i guess in 16 days you mastered growing MJ huh?well hell..i guess the threads not needed...your obviously the greatest grower that ever lived...if you want to "fight and advance" least put up a fight that makes sense

randy leopard

Active Member
I honestly thought my thread was a sticky when I went to the forums. I didn't understand what the red and blue envelopes meant but my thread was on top with some numbers youtube would be paying 1cent a comment for
you want to know why taf?? because YOURE A FUCKING IDIOT and people love reading the totally moronic things you say.

Brick Top

New Member
please tell me where any logic in this thread exists?

I think what has been proven is that all of us that have stayed tuned into this Mongolian cluster fuck of a thread is that we are all true masochists.

This thread has been as painful as watching a baby drown ... but yet .. here we all are eagerly awaiting the next post to show up.

wally nutter

Well-Known Member
jus tryna bring some clarity to this hazey mess. these people just dont understand mann. life has sprung and you have been forced in the world of botany. i think youre doing just fine. every second you spend with your babies the more exp you gain. there's nothing new to this game. plants grow with light and water and some dirt. its really that simple. everything everyone inputs is really common knowledge we've been bestowed with by our creator, who ever you believe that to be. every one is really saying the same ish but they all putting they own personal twist on it. bricktop is a wealth of knowledge but he likes to come of as a dick. dicks are good though, they fuck you mind and plant the seeds. all these other goons , all they have to say is that you arent doing this "right". as if they automatically grew kill on they first grow. you are a n00b but n00bs lvl up. all these haters just dont wanna believe it.

your plants are sexy lil things. touch them a bit and let the green rub off!! :D
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