8 Plants 1 Pot

Think this out thoroughly

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you are missing the fact that I knew 99% of what people were already saying. I honestly didn't read anything new. you feel me? probably not.
I call bullshit on this. Just the way you talk and state shit just reflects the ignorance and stupidity in yourself. You sir are a fool take the advice you are given and don't brush it away like an annoying fly in your ear and take it. You don't know shit guy and until you admit that to yourself you will always be an ignorant fool.

And you are gunna do whatever you like with the light schedual??? You are retarded guy. Are you deciding to quit doing 12/12 because you didn't notice pistils in a few days? Sometimes it takes a week or two shit even 3 weeks on occasions. You just need to exercise some patience dude.

So whats your new light schedule gunna be? You just gunna turn the lights on and off whenever u feel? Do you even have a timer?


Well-Known Member
a couple of my plants are a foot tall and the average is about 8inches. the smallest plant is way behind at about 4 inches. but it's not looking withered.


Well-Known Member
I call bullshit on this. Just the way you talk and state shit just reflects the ignorance and stupidity in yourself. You sir are a fool take the advice you are given and don't brush it away like an annoying fly in your ear and take it. You don't know shit guy and until you admit that to yourself you will always be an ignorant fool.

And you are gunna do whatever you like with the light schedual??? You are retarded guy. Are you deciding to quit doing 12/12 because you didn't notice pistils in a few days? Sometimes it takes a week or two shit even 3 weeks on occasions. You just need to exercise some patience dude.

So whats your new light schedule gunna be? You just gunna turn the lights on and off whenever u feel? Do you even have a timer?

It's going to be the right light schedule. I can tell you that, babes. I'm never bullshit. everybody knows that taf is the man


Well-Known Member
so..you knew all that info..but are still growing the way you are...thats what makes no sense at all...thats like saying "ive got the skill and materials to build a mansion...but im going to build an outhouse"

yes.... I'm growing the way I am because I have to. I'm surprised some of you idiots didn't get that yet.... it's the only way, you dummy. I don't have the materials. I'm squeaking by trying to turn this accident into a win


Well-Known Member
It's going to be the right light schedule. I can tell you that, babes. I'm never bullshit. everybody knows that taf is the man
proving my point you are a fool. And what exactly is the "right light schedule"?

And if anything taf is the man with no plan. You don't even know what your gunna do for a light schedule thats why you dodged my question with a vague answer. Its not even really and answer.


Well-Known Member
actually nevermind. I'm growing like this and I have a bunch of nutrients and lights and stuff but I just want to try another way and see if the don't die


Well-Known Member
proving my point you are a fool. And what exactly is the "right light schedule"?

And if anything taf is the man with no plan. You don't even know what your gunna do for a light schedule thats why you dodged my question with a vague answer. Its not even really and answer.
you fail, stop talking out of your ass, I don't even know what you said about whatever question dodging. Once I read that 1st stupid word I pass


Well-Known Member
and for the plant smells... they aren't odorless by any means. marijuana may be one of my favorite smells next to victoria secrets' men cologne "very sexy for him"


Well-Known Member
anyways, this is all I wanted to say. I'll post pics whenever I feel it's necessary and if you guys really want them

yeah, the snow is in a pitcher sitting on a heater. going to let it sit to get room temp/warmerish. it's not going to be given water for a few days. I want to see where my plants are at in terms of how long till they starve from water. does that make sense? I don't know the proper way to word it. I'm simply just testing to see when they need water??.... fuck it, i hope you get it, I can't figure out how to say it.

one of the 3 average plants has now got a bigger set of leaves than my 2 big trees. they are all growing well and are stacking nodes. the nodes are still symmetrical though. I'm going to veg them up more and will be picking up a shit load of lights in a few days and some more soil. I need to re-up on carbonated water also. I'm going to look into some weak nutrients. I know my 2nd family has nutes and gardening stuff sitting out in their patio that they will let me use. I'll just see what they have. the plants are getting a lot thicker and out of the biggest plants they are giving 3 different aromas. out of 6. the sativa smells different from the rest. and the average one that blossomed out of nowhere is giving off a strong dark smell. and the rest just smell like bags of midgrade


Well-Known Member
yes.... I'm growing the way I am because I have to. I'm surprised some of you idiots didn't get that yet.... it's the only way, you dummy. I don't have the materials. I'm squeaking by trying to turn this accident into a win
looking at your setup how do you have the balls to refer to anyone as a dummy...your telling me your setup you have now is the best you could come up with?i could find any random 10 year old that would make a more logical setup then that....thats if this is even a real grow...seeing as your over a 1,000 posts in and ive only seen one damn pic...and i guess ill be the only one to say your plants dont have a prayer....people can jump on the bandwagon and hope the best for you...but lets be honest here...you have barely any soil..not enough for 8 plants...and you have no drainage...so root rot...or starved for air...they are not going to make it....anyone can toss a seed in any soil and get it to grow...but the point is to keep it alive...and to harvest when its done....and the saddest part...you think your gonna make money doing this...you can claim you know this and you know that..build your internet ego all you like...but people with half a sense of reality are not buying it


Well-Known Member
I have drainage. I mentioned that more than once
Tell me what a 10 year old with no money in the middle of a terrible winter and the only light was from the ceiling would do?
you done yet


Active Member
fire one up and listen to this...thats what I'm doin'.



Well-Known Member
you fail, stop talking out of your ass, I don't even know what you said about whatever question dodging. Once I read that 1st stupid word I pass
I fail at what exactly? I surely don't talk from my ass I speak from my mind.

And you were dodging my question about your light schedule you fucking idiot. WHAT IS YOUR LIGHT SCHEDULE GUNNA BE?!?!?!? AS IN HOW MANY HOURS ON AND HOW MANY HOURS OFF PER DAY? Failure to answer this question again means you sir are the failure.

I honestly hope you never succeed at growing ever and end up in the military I hope you get shot to death or tortured to death by muslim extremist or get cancer... either one is fine by me.


Well-Known Member
Tell me what a 10 year old with do with no money in the middle of a terrible winter and the only light was from the ceiling would do?

you done yet
they would at least have the common sense to put them in a fucking bucket,pot,butter bowl...not hang it from the ceiling like some type of cletus hanging farm of death...thats one....should i go on?


Well-Known Member
they would at least have the common sense to put them in a fucking bucket,pot,butter bowl...not hang it from the ceiling like some type of cletus hanging farm of death...thats one....should i go on?
how would you have 8 buckets near a ceiling light? what if he didn't have 8 buckets? please. go on, I doubt you can out strategize me...

I'm pretty damn sure I'm way ahead of you in terms of strategy


Active Member
I fail at what exactly? I surely don't talk from my ass I speak from my mind.

And you were dodging my question about your light schedule you fucking idiot. WHAT IS YOUR LIGHT SCHEDULE GUNNA BE?!?!?!? AS IN HOW MANY HOURS ON AND HOW MANY HOURS OFF PER DAY? Failure to answer this question again means you sir are the failure.

I honestly hope you never succeed at growing ever and end up in the military I hope you get shot to death or tortured to death by muslim extremist or get cancer... either one is fine by me.
I wouldn't wish death on anybody. I'm sure somebody cares about this kid. And cancer is no joke. If you havent somehow been touched by cancer, you're one of the lucky few. Sorry to call ya out, but you sir, just spoke directly from your ass...because if that was "speaking your mind", i feel sorry for you and your family.


Well-Known Member
or how bout this....
cardboard box $2
light socket $3
y adapter $2
reflective hood $2
thats what it took to make that box right there...if you dont have 10 bucks to make a decent box...maybe you need to get your priorities in order...just face it..you had no knowledge of how to grow...you toss these things in some shit soil...and are now trying to act like you know what the hell your doing...while not taking any advice along the way...when its obvious you need it


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't wish death on anybody. I'm sure somebody cares about this kid. And cancer is no joke. If you havent somehow been touched by cancer, you're one of the lucky few. Sorry to call ya out, but you sir, just spoke directly from your ass...because if that was "speaking your mind", i feel sorry for you and your family.
I could careless about who cares about this kid. I know cancers not a joke thats why I wished it apon this fool. And no I'm lucky to not have been directly effected by cancer. I come from a family that is healthy as mules no heart problems no diabettes no cancer. And yes out of anger I may have spoken out of my ass in that post.

Its just the amount of ignorance and the insulting he throws my way gets me to the point of being enraged and want his dumbass to die along with this thread. I stick by what I say and I hope he has a slow painful death at the hands of cancer.
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