Club 600


Well-Known Member
Ah the old fungus, well I have seen a plastic bag turn into a big fluffy white Persian Cat that jumped up at me and took a swipe at my hand....but then I still take my shopping home in bags from the supermarket and then squash them in another bag without worrying I am being cruel to Thats funghi for ya!

wally nutter

Well-Known Member
Ah the old fungus, well I have seen a plastic bag turn into a big fluffy white Persian Cat that jumped up at me and took a swipe at my hand....but then I still take my shopping home in bags from the supermarket and then squash them in another bag without worrying I am being cruel to Thats funghi for ya!



Well-Known Member
just over 15 oz all together of dryed bud on my first grow with 9 plants


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Well-Known Member
Good morning to those in the states, good afternoon to those elsewhere on terra firma. Hope all you guys in the west/mid-west and northern parts of the country are well. We have some weather going on this year, and you guys in the EU aren't far behind either.

I've been listening to some of the music posted, generally I don't, I'm just an old die hard rock and roller, long live Jim, Jimi and Janis, may they rock eternally. I have to say, you guys sure are some stoners. Maybe I'm just not stoned enough to get it?

Christmas vacation is upon me even though I actually was hoping to work today, so I'm off for the next four days, I guess I'll watch my plants grow. Speaking of, I'm thinking of a tee time for tomorrow morning and it just dawned on me, earlier in the year I threw out about a hundred beans on one of the local golf courses that had a fair amount of water on it, I think I'll have to make a tee time for there tomorrow see if anything grew over the summer. I would be happier than a pig in shit if I found one plant that had flowered.

Back to the music thing, the six hundred club and our members. I'm sure we all have in time placed a persona to people on this thread. For some reason listening to the music this morning I started wondering, how old, or young, is everyone?

I'll start off, the curious old fart is a day older than dirt, I'm only as old as dirt, I'll be fifty eight in february, you?

wally nutter

Well-Known Member
Good morning to those in the states, good afternoon to those elsewhere on terra firma. Hope all you guys in the west/mid-west and northern parts of the country are well. We have some weather going on this year, and you guys in the EU aren't far behind either.

I've been listening to some of the music posted, generally I don't, I'm just an old die hard rock and roller, long live Jim, Jimi and Janis, may they rock eternally. I have to say, you guys sure are some stoners. Maybe I'm just not stoned enough to get it?

Christmas vacation is upon me even though I actually was hoping to work today, so I'm off for the next four days, I guess I'll watch my plants grow. Speaking of, I'm thinking of a tee time for tomorrow morning and it just dawned on me, earlier in the year I threw out about a hundred beans on one of the local golf courses that had a fair amount of water on it, I think I'll have to make a tee time for there tomorrow see if anything grew over the summer. I would be happier than a pig in shit if I found one plant that had flowered.

Back to the music thing, the six hundred club and our members. I'm sure we all have in time placed a persona to people on this thread. For some reason listening to the music this morning I started wondering, how old, or young, is everyone?

I'll start off, the curious old fart is a day older than dirt, I'm only as old as dirt, I'll be fifty eight in february, you?
good morning!