Where's My Package???


Well-Known Member
01/27/2008 Shipping to final destination (7 from 7)
I ordered from Nirvana and I know it was only 2 days ago but, when should I expect to receive a tracking number? I live in the US if that makes any difference...

I'm pretty sure I won't fuck up on my first grow... I've been studying this site every day for maybe the past 2wks...

Has everybody from the US received their packages from Nirvana with all their seeds inside?


Just some idiot
I have, but I only used them once. I hear good and bad about them to be honest with you. I mean we could write a book on Nirvana, it's an everday thing anymore. I was happy that I got my stuff but my stuff wasn't the greatest I hear some of their stuff is great though.


Well-Known Member
I got my (7 from 7) reply on the same day and I live in the States too. I'll let you know when mine arrive. What didja order?


Well-Known Member
I ordered from Nirvana and got my notification (Shipping to final destination (7 from 7)on Jan 9th....It's now the 29th and no seeds....I'm sooooo trippin.....gonna cry if I have to use Bagseed...by the way I ordered bubblicious


Well-Known Member
I ordered from Nirvana and got my notification (Shipping to final destination (7 from 7)on Jan 9th....It's now the 29th and no seeds....I'm sooooo trippin.....gonna cry if I have to use Bagseed...by the way I ordered bubblicious
Damn that's over 3wks... I hope you get 'em soon...


Well-Known Member
Hey GMN....I remember tellin ya that I'd let you know when my beans from Nirvana arrived since our orders went to "7 out of 7" on the same day. Well...they're HERE! Yahoo!


Well-Known Member
Hey GMN....I remember tellin ya that I'd let you know when my beans from Nirvana arrived since our orders went to "7 out of 7" on the same day. Well...they're HERE! Yahoo!
That's good to hear... maybe I should look in the mail...

nope, nothing yet...


Well-Known Member
just hang on a few more days and it should arrive. Very stealthy packaging too. Good Luck!:blsmoke:


Sector 5 Moderator
I ordered big bud from Nirvana too. It took a few days but we're talking marijuana seeds here, not ceramic windmills. When you get it you probably won't recognize it; it'll be something and you'll probably think "hey, this ain't what I ordered!" Look closer. Take it apart. Then smile. Nirvana is good peeps. BTW, I got two beautiful plants to harvest and it's curing now. They are FAT!!


Well-Known Member
heres a thought to scare ya

Customs has seized your package , they will forward it on and then come to your house in a few months and bust you!! thats why ure package is taking so long , they have to photograph it fill forms etc ............
lol wouldnt that suck.


Well-Known Member
I ordered big bud from Nirvana too. It took a few days but we're talking marijuana seeds here, not ceramic windmills. When you get it you probably won't recognize it; it'll be something and you'll probably think "hey, this ain't what I ordered!" Look closer. Take it apart. Then smile. Nirvana is good peeps. BTW, I got two beautiful plants to harvest and it's curing now. They are FAT!!
I ordered that as well do you have any pictures of what I can look forward to?


Well-Known Member
I ordered from Nirvana and got my notification (Shipping to final destination (7 from 7)on Jan 9th....It's now the 29th and no seeds....I'm sooooo trippin.....gonna cry if I have to use Bagseed...by the way I ordered bubblicious
My seeds came yesterday...wooo.hooo