Not Trying to bBag On Any Christians or Anything But....


Well-Known Member
Really? I mean I remember going to church as a little kid and I was actually CONVINCED that my grandparents were lying to me about everything just like santa claus.. Only because I was forced to go to sunday school.. And as I got older I would have to go every now and then and just think 'Damn why is everyone so convinced about this?' I mean I guess it gives you motivation towards something and steers you in the right direction and all.. But I mean it just seems like a scam.. I mean, back hundreds of years ago, the church would actually KILL people if they talked bad on the church.. Doesn't that seem a little suspicious? I mean now people say, 'how would you know if it isn't real? It happened so long ago..' Or the other way around.. But back then that wasn't that long ago after Jesus' crucifixion, maybe the church just sqaw that as a money oppurtunity and took it up and started teaching people.. just think, thats how it all starts is money.. Jesus wouldn't even be that big of a deal, but then some rich mother fucker probably decided, "HEY!!!!! This is a great oppurtunity to make some money by droning people into a cult and making them believe that everyone else is retarded!!!" When realistically the people who followed the church owner would be retarded..

I guess it has helped some people improve their lives and find 'god' or whatever.. But no one really knows what any of that is.. And we never will.. so why devote your whole life to finding something that doesn't exist yet? It just seems retarded to me.. Its kinda like looking for something that you lost and you just keep drastically looking forever and you can't fucking find it.. then whenever you don't need it anymore, you just turn up on it.. I mean honestly I think that none of us are gonna know until we die.. no big apocalypse is gonna happen, and fuck it, if it does then I can stop ranting about this shit.. But really? I'm not saying I am smarter than any christian or anything, because most of them probably think more logically and better than I do, I'm just a stoner.. Lol but I mean I really can't talk to any of my friends about church because its like arguing with a little kid.. If one of someone I know is christian, if you try to argue with them, their mind is set. Because they are SO god damn sure that they are right.. Maybe your just raised that way? maybe 'god' is god, as to an apple is an apple to people? I don't know.. Just think about it.. I mean sure saying an apple isn't an apple is nonsense.. But thats just not the way it is.. Maybe an apple really isn't an apple.. Who are you to even fucking say? and those christians who are assholes about believing god FUCK THEM. If there even is a hell, those fuckers are the ones who need to be there.

Lol sorry, if I said anything retarded I am quite BAKED. But still it raises the question fight with me about it lol
Btw, I'm not athiest, I just am not sure what I am just like most people.. Don't really hardcore christians at least have the thought, to second think their beliefs? jsut to see it from the other side? I dunno.. I really can't make up my fucking mind on anything, and I know Im not the only one like that.. I mean you HAVE to think at least once.. "WHAT THE FUCK IS REALLY GOING ON HEREE???!?!?!!?" And it seems most christians can't do that..

KINDA LIKE WEED! :0 Yes, a lot of christians are like anti weed people, think of it that way You know? "Drugs are badd mmmmkkaaayyyy" "Not believing in god is bad mmmkkaaaayyyyy" And if there is a god the only reason why I used to be scared is that thought, like 'what if second guessing god will put me in hell or make him think I was stupid? thats bullshit its like another mom!' no, if there was a god, wouldn't he WANT you to second guess it, just to show that you are thinking, I mean

Devoting all your time and money to a church won't put you in heaven, it will put you in bankruptcy, while the church owners are showering in your money..
When something is drilled into your mind from childhood, and you reinforce that belief by attending church every single Sunday of your life, it's not uncommon for people to act that way.

The point here is lack of perspective. Almost every religion promotes close-mindedness, and that close-mindedness is pretty efficient at keeping millions of people in the dark.
Almost every religion promotes close-mindedness, and that close-mindedness is pretty efficient at keeping millions of people in the dark.
is a philosophy that promotes peace close-minded? is it close-minded to encourage charity, morality and a general reverence for the world around us? many believers may use their faith as an excuse for their ignorance, but there is nothing in the world's religions that actively condones that ignorance. many of the leaders of the world's religions may use their positions to enforce archaic regulations and practices, but this is the failure of those leaders and not a fault within the underlying philosophies of the religions they claim to represent.
is a philosophy that promotes peace close-minded? is it close-minded to encourage charity, morality and a general reverence for the world around us? many believers may use their faith as an excuse for their ignorance, but there is nothing in the world's religions that actively condones that ignorance. many of the leaders of the world's religions may use their positions to enforce archaic regulations and practices, but this is the failure of those leaders and not a fault within the underlying philosophies of the religions they claim to represent.

What a load of horse shit. Religion absolutely actively condones ignorance. It is literally fundamental to most of the world's major religions. It is also inherently rigid and close minded. I am right, you are wrong and going to hell; No amount of evidence can ever sway me from my beliefs - This is about as close minded as you can get.

And promote peace and morality? You are fucking delusional.
What a load of horse shit. Religion absolutely actively condones ignorance. It is literally fundamental to most of the world's major religions. It is also inherently rigid and close minded. I am right, you are wrong and going to hell; No amount of evidence can ever sway me from my beliefs - This is about as close minded as you can get.

And promote peace and morality? You are fucking delusional.

You have obviously never read any of these religious books or teachings. Either that or you are to feeble minded to understand them. And yes Jesus taught that you should love and care for your neighbors. Buddhism and Hinduism both teach acceptance and love. Like I said, you should try reading what these religions actually teach before you start saying such crap. Your an idiot.
You have obviously never read any of these religious books or teachings. Either that or you are to feeble minded to understand them. And yes Jesus taught that you should love and care for your neighbors. Buddhism and Hinduism both teach acceptance and love. Like I said, you should try reading what these religions actually teach before you start saying such crap. Your an idiot.

Fuck you. I have read the bible. I went to church every sunday, I went to sunday school, and I went through confirmation at my local lutheran church. I didn't have a choice in the matter as a child because my family was religious. Unlike you i'm not legally retarded so I wasn't brainwashed by the propaganda. You cannot pick and choose what YOU think the religion represents. You cannot say it teaches that you should love and care for your neighbors while simultaneously omitting the EVIL and HATE that it also teaches. Here are a few passages for you to look up in your bible:

Leviticus 20:13
Deuteronomy 13:7-12
Deuteronomy 22:28-29
Titus 2:9-10

There are a thousand others. You will simply dismiss each of these passages because you know it's wrong. You know it's not right to enslave another human. You know it's not right to murder someone who tries to lead you astray of your faith. And you know it's not right to murder someone simply because they are gay. This is what the bible teaches though, very literally. Your dismissal of these, yet acceptance of the "loving" portions of the bible is hypocritical.

The views and beliefs you personally hold are disgusting and you should be ashamed.