...lol...I'm surprized my father-in-law doesn't have one...he's got all kinds of odd little gadgets like that
I see the 2010 update...but is that an old piece??...almost looks like it came out of a 60's catalog...lol...I'm sure it works great though...see ya
can you explain how this works?
herb is in bowl, battery is inserted, battery provides power to make heat, heat vaporizes the cannabis in the bowl and is the inhaled..
I was thinking about one, but it's really steep for what it is. I will just be making browniesI think
if i can use a bong freely in my house then i don't really need this right?
herb is in bowl, battery is inserted, battery provides power to make heat, heat vaporizes the cannabis in the bowl and is the inhaled..
I was thinking about one, but it's really steep for what it is. I will just be making browniesI think
a bong burns weed, a vaporizer heats it until the 'mind altering' properties are released
a vaporizer is more efficent, and smoother (especially in a bag)
You don't NEED one, but it COULD be nice for vaporizing in public, when you can't carry a bong around and you want to conserve weed.
I use a volcano, I love it. It's a big ol' expensive vaporizer but it gets me veryy high and I haven't had ONE issue with it... the thing with the volcano is you have to plug it in, the appeal of the "magic flight" is that you can go almost anywhere with it
is it like breathing air? are you feeling the taste?
most vaporizers i've seen are way too expensive.. are they really worth it?
is it like breathing air? are you feeling the taste?
most vaporizers i've seen are way too expensive.. are they really worth it?
I sold it to a good friend and coworker, because I knew he'd use it more then me, but we still hang out enough that I can rip it almost daily. It was a really tough choice, but I kind of feel bad for a piece that was once my favorite and that I use a lot less now. This way I know its still being used and taken care of very well
To clarify, this thing is far from a cheap, shitty vape. At the same time, it is a good price for what you get: portable, tastes good, and LIFETIME WARRANTY. How many vapes, or any electronics for that matter, have a lifetime warranty where they will replace the thing no quesitons asked if something goes wrong for any reason. It will also pay for itself with how much herb you conserve. A tiny pack lasts 20 min+
As a side not, I like to hit it in "native mode," i.e. without the straw extension. I think it hits slightly better. Plus, you can conceal the entire unit, take a hit, and it just looks like you're blowing into your hands or something. Also, no smell at all (thinking.... vap in the movie theater???)
There's a great vaporpedia entry (it's like wikipedia) on the magic flight with more info than you'd ever need to know about it.