• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Denver area...How active are police?


Well-Known Member
I plan on moving to Colorado next summer and I had a few questions. How active are the police on actually trying to find grow ops? I plan on trying to get a MMJ card, but Im not so sure I have any medical conditions that would grant me a card. I do have a lot of insomnia and troubles sleeping, which is why I started smoking weed in the first place when I was 20. However, from what I understand, insomnia is not a viable medical condition to obtain a MMJ card for in Colorado. Even if I got a card, the limit from what I have read is only 6 plants per patient...and I would grow more than that anyway. So Im starting to come to the conclusion that I will probably have to do this illegally unless I can find a way to get a card...because Im going to grow either way.

My op would probably be cycled to where I'm harvesting about 8-10 plants every month . So if counting total plants in seed/veg/flower, 30 would be the max I would have at one time. Im going to dedicate most of my crops to making various hashes and edibles. I'll probably only keep a few ounces of personal bud per harvest.

Is this considered a large op by Colorado standards? I just dont feel like I'm the guy they would be looking for since there are probably tons of ops with hundreds of plants...Im not an idiot and would take every precaution possible with proper ventilation and filtering so odor would not be a problem. I dont know a soul in Colorado, so only me and my friend I am moving with would know about it. Im also trying to find housing in a more rural area preferably in the mountains to avoid any snoopy neighbors.

What Im trying to understand is how much do the police there actually care about busting weed? If by some crazy series of events my op got busted, what kind of heat would I be looking at for something like that? And what would be the penalty difference if I actually had card and was just growing more plants than I'm supposed to, as compared to not having a card and growing anyway? I have a clean criminal record and have never had any run-ins with the law before. I've looked up the penalties, but they're all so general and vague that they dont really help.

Im just trying to anticipate and learn how the cops operate up there so I can better protect myself and my precious buds. I appreciate and info you guys can give me.


Well-Known Member
It was easy to obtain your MMJ card at first now i believe it has to be judge approved or something like that. Basically as long as you don't go way over the top(4000+Watts), Always try to Pay yours Bill on time, and hide the smell (Carbon Filters) and You should be fine. I love Co been here my whole life. LET ME WARN YOU THORNTON POLICE ARE ASS HOLES Same with Some Denver Police(Around George Washington High school Area and Aurora Police). I am in Fort Collins now and love it out here but i wish there were as many Dispensaries as in Denver. Good luck


Well-Known Member
City & County of Denver "proper" now have a 12 plant limit no matter what when growing in a home residence


NOTICE: The green rush is over!!! If you are such a smart guy you would open up shop where you stand. It is still federally illegal in Co. Only mmc's can sell to other mmc's n those patients who dont grow thier own usally have a friend do so or they go to an mmc. if you are not buying a house good luck land lords and property mgnt are on top of this shi*. they are writitng into lease no grows, they are actually making sure people arent trashing their property. A 24 hr notice of we will be conducting a walkthrough tommorrow is not uncommon these days. Not trying to be a dick but if you are planning on making a living on the herb it ain't easy. Might be better off going with ur plan where u live being iilegal and all, just keep ur head down. The market is Flooded to say the least and i mean flooded. No matter how good ur meds are. just sayin'


Well-Known Member
NOTICE: The green rush is over!!! If you are such a smart guy you would open up shop where you stand. It is still federally illegal in Co. Only mmc's can sell to other mmc's n those patients who dont grow thier own usally have a friend do so or they go to an mmc. if you are not buying a house good luck land lords and property mgnt are on top of this shi*. they are writitng into lease no grows, they are actually making sure people arent trashing their property. A 24 hr notice of we will be conducting a walkthrough tommorrow is not uncommon these days. Not trying to be a dick but if you are planning on making a living on the herb it ain't easy. Might be better off going with ur plan where u live being iilegal and all, just keep ur head down. The market is Flooded to say the least and i mean flooded. No matter how good ur meds are. just sayin'
I dont plan on that being my sole income at all. I still plan on getting a legit job and working...the thing is that I currently live in Oklahoma where its nothing but bible belt holy rollers. Where I live you can be taken to jail for a gram of schwag, no questions asked. Theres way more underlying motives that are playing a role in this move, main motive being getting the fuck out of Oklahoma and starting a new life up there. I dont plan on slinging a bunch of weed, my main goal is just to learn the art of growing, and just having enough for myself to where I dont have to worry about purchasing weed again. Not to mention snowboarding is one of my favorite things in the world...so I think it would just be a better quality of life than where I'm at now. Im not expecting to go up there and be the next weed kingpin...as long as I can pay my bills and not have to spend money buying weed from other people, its mission accomplished. I just figured given the environment, decriminalization, and amount of oversaturation there, staying under the radar and growing enough for personal/homies would be much easier than where I currently live.


Well-Known Member
If your main goal is to learn the art of growing cannabis, and to just have enough for yourself and not have to purchase it......then you can find what you desire here I believe. You will need to become a CO resident, obtain your MMJ recommendation from a Dr, and adhere to the 6 plant guidelines that you are protected with under Admendment 20. It is totaly possible to cycle your 3 plants veg and 3 plants flower so that you always have under the 2oz allowed, harvesting 2oz. every 3 weeks or so...which should be enough meds (hopefully-I know some patients need more than that for the conditions they have..) so that you do not have to purchase any. Lots of peeps want to skirt the laws and press thier luck with plant counts, etc....but I say just adhere strictly to the laws so that you can live and grow without fear and still achieve your goal of growing your own medicine! Just my 2 cents-
Good Luck-


IMO if you are going to say fuck the number the state says is allowed there is only 2 ways to go,
#1 Get an edibles recommendation, typically for as many as 50 plants, still gonna get it all taken if they come to check numbers, but at least you can still say it was medical in court.
#2 Don't get your card, they are giving the registry to the police so they have it on the computers in the cruisers, so they may just stop by to see how things are going. If your gonna do it illegal, why do it partially legal and give them your address?
As far as getting the card due to your condition, things are changing here everyday, soon it is going to be near impossible to get a card (or i believe renewal) unless you are truly ill with cancer or aids or something of that extreme. I will always argue the fact that i can not eat without smoking and nausea is one of the few conditions they have found scientifically that mmj helps.
Buy a carbon filter and make sure you are as light tight as possible, i would not worry about heat signatures. But los3r was right that growing in a rental is very tough at this point, i have some ideas to help to get around that, but i don't care to broadcast them to the world, if interested PM me. As far as the cops, i think they are looking more here for grows since they are every where, but they are looking for the idiots who don't follow the rules, loose lips sink ships.
You say you love to snow board, so i imagine you have been in the mountains in winter, i couldn't live up there, but lots of people do, it def takes some consideration though, the sun disappearing at 4 or earlier everyday gets old quick, especially when you don't see it till 10. Good luck on your ventures and remember that oversaturation has dropped prices (unless you are a dispensary) to the $200 an oz range, half of what it was (and i imagine is in non legal areas.)


Well-Known Member
wow wtf happend??? colorado got gay on the mmj laws? thought if you stayed under 100 you were decent


Active Member
they cant be that fucking active, last time i was their they all looked about 20 stone


Well-Known Member
Since when did we get the 12 plant limit? I thought it was 6???
it is a new denver zoning ordinance, it means that a caregiver with the 5 patient limit can only grow 12 plants instead of the 30 allowed by amendment 20, or that if more than 2 patients or caregivers live in a house they are still limited to 12 plants,,,,it defeats the states 6 plants per patient rule, denvers way of reducing home grows, something about being dangerous to the children


Well-Known Member
It's the same rule in Fort Collins.

it is a new denver zoning ordinance, it means that a caregiver with the 5 patient limit can only grow 12 plants instead of the 30 allowed by amendment 20, or that if more than 2 patients or caregivers live in a house they are still limited to 12 plants,,,,it defeats the states 6 plants per patient rule, denvers way of reducing home grows, something about being dangerous to the children


Active Member
(Hey dadio nice to see beatniks still lurking around.)

as for growing illegal...man you just can't think about it. Cops are like apples, some are bad in every bunch. Steer clear of the ones with shaved heads and mohawks. I've run into some so obviously stoned with pipes in plain view who just brushed it off - in 4 different states with 4 different law.s But I am considerate and know my rights and my laws and have never been busted. If you don't know your rights and you have a shitty attitude then you have something to worry about. But like I said, bad apples in every barrel even nice/smart folks get busted so you just got to decide if you wan'na live free or what. City cops seem to be more addicted to adrenaline than small town and country cops which, I think, leads city cops to more often "create something out of nothing." Rural living is the way to be-cities are nice-if you like ghettos.

Great advice above about growing where you own and not to rent. Consider buying a mobile home and renting the lot...or buying an RV and renting a space. Lots of people take this route, its a private and affordable way to live. If you buy and RV and rent a lot you can always get up and move when the big ones hits ;)


Active Member
By the way what's up with Alaskan laws? Someone told me you could hold/grow legally there - meaning without MMJ b.s.


Active Member
Getting a rec in Denver is stupid easy. Shoot me a PM and I'll give you a number to a doc who I guarantee not only that you'll walk out with a rec but also he'll give you at least 20 plants. A few things though, don't live in Denver. They have a 12 plant max law. Same goes for ft Collins. If you can afford it Boulder is good. Cheaper and friendly places include: Longmont, Frederick, dacano, and Greeley.

As for renting. You should really try to get a feel of the landlord. Do a walkthrough and you should be able to tell how "cool" he is with a few questions. Avoid large realtor companies.

The BEST thing for the house hunt is a company called housing helpers. Check them out, they will help you find a house free of charge. Just tell them what you're looking for.

Good luck, if you have any other questions shoot me a PM I have just completed exactly what you are trying to do and have learned a lot.


Well-Known Member
I've read all these posts, very interesting. I too moved to Colorado in the the summer of 2009.First place I moved to was Colorado Springs, it is so BORING there.I moved from Georgia, and they too are holy rolling ass backward and have a "put'em under the jail for dope smoking" attitude. I lived in CO Springs for 8 months, then moved to the mountains in west Jefferson County so I'd be closer to the Denver area and be....HIGH UP...both physically ,mentally, and literally !

My landlord would evict me on the spot if he was aware of my grow. I do see it getting harder in the future to get an MMJ recommendation ...UNLESS, the Colorado pro-legalization forces that exist push for legalization in 2012. Supposedly there's going to be a try for it in 2012 for Colorado, I know the big money MMJ warehouse growers will be against it as they know it will end their greedy profit takings.

It was easy getting my recommendation 2 months after I moved to CO Springs I went to a dispensary after seeing them on myspace and calling them for an appointment. All I showed the doctor was a signed letter I had from a pain doctor I saw from 2002-to-2007 in Georgia stating I had taken 8 - 10 MG Methadone daily and suffered debilitating chronic back and hip pain and the MMJ doctor said ABSOLUTLEY, NO PROBLEM....then he started writing out the recommendation. With my medical history chart, MRI, Cat Scan, I really don't care anymore if Colorado did make it where only terminally ill people could get recommendations, it wouldn't stop me from growing my own. I'd stand firm with my chin up in court with a jury of my peers to view my medical history.

I wish it was straight out legal for all. Colorado has a lot of conservative old fashioned people still and towards the end of 2009 the Colorado Green Rush started exploding throughout the state big time, a lot that I think had to do with the Obama Justice Department instructing U.S. attorneys to allow medical marijuana growers and distributors to operate so long as they're complying with state law. I went to a few dispensaries around that time and that was all people were talking about..."they're backing off, they're backing off !" I remember going to a hydroponic shop in the fall of 2009 and the cashier was the owner of the store and he asked another customer whom I'm sure he knew "hey, how long have you had your card? " .... even though he never used the term MMJ or bud-lingo , just indirectly referring to MMJ growing and being the owner of a store that sells grow equipment I thought he had some nerve.

The conservative minded officials are trying to keep Colorado from turning into California and reverse the huge amounts of people getting into MMJ, and they are trying to make it harder for MMJ sellers as well as MMJ users. I think Pandora's Box has been opened and they have a fight on their hands trying to close it again.

As some of the posters have said , it is hard to rent a house with the intentions of having a grow. A small personal grow is easy to conceal and stay undetected. I think there's a market for stealth grow cabinets for that reason. I've thought about getting into that for an extra income. Going to thrift stores and buying used wooden dressers and chester drawers and converting them into stealth grow cabs that appear to hold clothes. Something about like this>


More people are going to go stealth if they can't continue to get their recommendations updated. I don't see people stopping their growing. They'll just do what they've been doing by any means necessary. 6 plant limit isn't enough, I've always had more than 6 and always will. I like to have anywhere from 6-9 in flower in 3 gallon pots with 6-9 small clones 6 inches tall on stand by waiting to be transplanted for immediate flowering and using lolli-pop pruning to get bud-on-a-stick plants. That's always been my preferred method. That puts me at having anywhere from 12 to 18 plants all the time. I didn't bother with the bullshit state registry last time, but I do keep an up to date doctor recommendation.