1st from Seed Grow (Cowboy Style)


Active Member
Let me know what you think about that... I kinda got a wierd taste in movies... Ive ask people sometimes if they have seen it and most havent even heard of it...

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
No takers on the James Woods triv question. I'm not talking about other movies that he has made. Here's a clue,,,,,it was eluded to in at least one scene in Once Upon a Time in America.


Well-Known Member
Smoking the broon me thinks...

EDIT Well De niro smoked Opium, and Woods was probably on the ching.


Well-Known Member
Hey there guy! Been busy man, twice i've been oot clearing damn snow before the big freeze the night and the pensioner neighbour's i have will be trapped indoors again! And my Preg. Lass can get her car out if needed! Funny thing was 5 mins after i started half a dozen other decent guy's came out and done their own patch's. except the Sausage Roll as you would say! Cock. Any way the guy who stay's straight over from me, as in the Fam. that would have noticed anything strange in my room, lights ect. A good Family man. popped over to borrow my spade and quietly asked "do you know any mates wi weed?" Hahaha, he had'nt a j for 8 day's! But more importantly he Deff. Doesnt know i grow or have been for........ Good stelth check!
I gave him a nice bit cured Chiesel and :)

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Answer to the triv question about Woods...Noot the fact that hes got an iq to go through the roof, but the fact that he has a rather freakishly big dick lol :shock:


Well-Known Member
Doin a fookin night shift man! Oh! Its cold man. In a potra-cab. Just a security gig, on a site. Cash for Christmas n all man! Hope your sound having some swee ( but dry) dreams lol. Catch you l8r Don lol



Well-Known Member
Porto cabins in the snow, charlie, and James Wood's big dick, where am I? oh yeh, must be on Don's thread, hehe.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
wouldnt be the same without you guys ! nightshift in a portacabin must be grim in bonny snowdonia lad, hope your safely tucked up with a fatty by now!