Dj Ruiner and Stoner Princess Party Cup Perpetual Grow x2 +Rep For Stopping In


Well-Known Member
rep has been givin to all that has stopped by...should be some fun grows this time around...almost time to catch a buzz...woo hoo


Well-Known Member
Did y'all ever come up with anything for the smell? Lol I'm in a bind also and I don't feel like buying a carbon filter
there are a few different diy vids and posts out there on how to make cheap carbon filter..much cheaper to make one then buy one...some pvc and carbon is about all you need..the most expensive being the carbon..can find it at most pet stores for around $10-$20


Well-Known Member
Yea.. I have some ona , but it's just not enough lol.. I should check into making a filter.. good call dj
no problem bro...check youtube...there are a few good videos there about diy carbon rather build most of the stuff i use..why pay triple for something that if your not lazy you can make yourself...and more custom for your area....thing like inline fans...they charge anywhere from $40-$150 just for a vent and a fan...i bound a 4" round fan and a 24" flex vent...the fan was 3.99 vent was 4.99 and has just as much power and pressure as the expensive inlines...and are using less power..but some are lazy and would rather spend gobs of money for something you can build yourself


Well-Known Member
Quick baby is doing very good :)..just watered her with ph'd water..shes all green and looks very healthy right are some pics..


Enjoy :D


Well-Known Member
the second pic is real cool looking, almost looks like its been topped lol i know it hasnt but its growing like it kinda lol if that makes sense. lookin nice and healthy!!


Well-Known Member
figured id toss in my update for the night.....i changed the lights up again and raised the plants closer to the lights...only a few inches away now...gave all the ladies a good mist of plain water since the lights just came on and all was running dry...

the 2 crop circle trained ladies are drinking like crazy and having tons of new cant even see the main stem at all now..all the new growth blocks it..they look weird as hell being trained like this..but will start growing up a ton of the side branches and start looking normal..after the top is trained all the way around the going to top them both...these things are going to have a ton of colas...if all goes as planned..but so far so good


haze is doing pretty good...starting to pop some hairs out the top...but i think i caught it just in time before it really started it should take well to reveg...the sad thing is as it comes to height...its just as tall as the older party cups because of the other being trained...had the other 2 not been trained they would be well over a foot tall if not more...cant wait to start training this haze


and here is some pics of the new light setup...also moved the smaller fan up to blow right onto the lights...still need to get the humidity up a tad bit imo but other than that off to a better start here then we had with any other grows.


and for those of you that know me on here...know i like to twinker with things and try new stuff out...well im at it again....details later on when i get a plant going in it...hehe :hump:
Yea.. I just found one that's gonna get built tomorrow.. should work great.. pic's look good btw.. progress is always a plus lol


Well-Known Member
ill be repping everyone tomorrow...riu put me in rep timeout for the rest of the night it seems...bastids...and p.s im high weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


Well-Known Member
finally made up my mind on what my next seed order is...gonna try the tude out this time and see how it goes...getting seedsman white widow...and the RP kandy kush they are tossing in for would be a good time to place my order...less chance of the douches at customs seeing it with the numbers of all the packages floating around this time of year...and ive got a few ideas to do with really hoping i get a male out of the other 2 reg strains i have waiting to germ...gonna do some breeding with the white widow...thats part of my other little project im working i go again.....and for those that followed my other girl....ho ho holy shit its gonna be a good bowl has us both blitzed...smoke report will be on the other thread...maybe tomorrow..lets me have time to see how long the buzz 35 minutes right now and still just as stoned


Well-Known Member
lookin good dude.nice and healthy. you plan on a transplant anytime soon?
thanks man...some will get transplanted...but not many...most will stay in party cups all through flower...we stand to get more yield do numerous party cups with short veg times then trying to fit 1-2 bigger plants in there