HELP!! zinc issues with coco

bud monsta

safe RIU ive recently tried growing in coco natural but seem to be having zinc def,i no coco has no nutrients in it and im using vita link max grow.The ph seems to stay between 6 and 6.5 so i dont think its a ph issue (could be wrong lol).My question is has anybody else had this problem with coco?Should i change my nutes?Ill post some pics up soon of the plants. Safe :joint:


Well-Known Member
You should ideally be using COCO SPECIFIC nutes in order to get the more balanced nutrient that is needed with coco. Coco specific nutes are usually higher in certain metals and also in Cal/Mag.


bud monsta

ok thanks J i was thinking i should get some coco nutes but have been using vita link max grow that i have left over from a soil grow.i no its not ideal but being a hydro nute and not soil i thought it would still be ok.i have four plants that are 4 weeks in veg on 24 hr light.three of the plants are growing fine,a little sign of pale green between the veins and some slight tip burn but still growing strong.the fourth however is suffering really bad,stunted growth and looks burnt round the there anything i can do till i get the coco nutes to help the def?ive tried sprayin the plants with a weak nute that has zinc in it but it doesnt seem to be improving,nice one .


Well-Known Member
You could try adding some Cal/Mag or even try some molasses.

You could try foliar spraying some Epsom salts 1/4tsp per litre/quart

Other than that just wait it out and hope it doesnt get too bad.

How long do you think before you will get some coco specific nutes?



Active Member
coco is not an easy medium to grow in, i dont know why people bother with it, i guess maybe they think its kind of organic or something, but its still hydro, and everyone i know whos used it has had problems.

bud monsta

I should be able to get some coco nutes in a few days.which do you recommend? Also should i still be having problems with fungus gnats after changing to coco?Ive been using 1 ml of gnat off per litre of water every feed but yet still see one or 2 a day.Can you recommend another product for fungas gnats?thanks


Well-Known Member
coco is not an easy medium to grow in, i dont know why people bother with it, i guess maybe they think its kind of organic or something, but its still hydro, and everyone i know whos used it has had problems.
I use it and i dont have problems!!! IT has better aeration rates than soil straight out of the bag, There are no plain water days just feed feed feed.

Once you have tried it yourself maybe you will better understand how to use it.

You just pH everything at 6.

One major issue people have with COCO is that they dont use COCO specific nutes and then wonder why they get problems.

Dont bash it until you have tried it. Once you have tried it and using it properly you will never go back to soil!


bud monsta

nog i agree wiv ya ive had a few problems with it aswell.i moved to coco to get away from fungus gnats and i also heard it improves yeild.think i might just go back to soil lol safe


Well-Known Member
I should be able to get some coco nutes in a few days.which do you recommend? Also should i still be having problems with fungus gnats after changing to coco?Ive been using 1 ml of gnat off per litre of water every feed but yet still see one or 2 a day.Can you recommend another product for fungas gnats?thanks
Monteray GArden INsect spray. It contains SPINOSAD and is good for FUNGUS GNATS, THRIPS, APHIDS, CATERPILLARS, WHITE FLY, SPIDER MITES, the list goes on and on and because it is a bacterium very similar to that of BT in GNAT OFF it is organic.

I would highly recommend CANNA nutrients For COCO A and B with PK13/14

I would also recommend an EC meter for testing the strength of your nutes.

You can see how plants are feeding by comparing your EC going IN to your EC coming OUT in your runoff.

YOU ARE CREATING 20% runoff EACH TIME???????



Well-Known Member
As for FUNGUS GNATS think about it! They dont just appear in your room without something bringing them there!

either your room is in a location that is going to get them ie close proximity to outside, or you have a pet that bring them in, or you bring them in, or they are in your medium that you are using already.

I always flush out my coco prior to use with HOT WATER. just to make sure of anything living in it. AS you can never guarantee that your Hydo shop is sterile where they keep them.

A clean environment and proper hygiene and precautions is essential.

I will never come home and go straight into my growroom without getting changed into some different clothes, as i could have bugs on me from outside.

Also HOT SHOTS NO PEST STRIPS work quite well but are carcenogenic so be carefull with them.

Are you hanging sticky traps in your grow room near the tops and bottoms of your pots?



Well-Known Member
Fungus Gnats live in any medium where there are roots for the larvae to feed on.

I have had them setup camp in some rockwool blocks.

Again spinosad saved me from them. Also stopped my cat from being allowed upstairs also helped on the pests.


bud monsta

yeah got a few sticky fly traps hangin up and the gnats seem to flying around them.i think the first come from some compost i brought a while back i tried covering the pots puttin perlite on the top of the pots and they still gettin in then i brought some gnat off and after a few days they seemed to die off-YES!! but they seemed to of come back since using the you think that wat i think is a zinc def is actually damage from the gant larva chewing the roots???thanks

bud monsta

just an update on my zinc def,brought some cal/mag and have added it to the feed at 1ml per litre and i think i can see the difference allready:) Still using VITA LINK MAX but will switch to CANNA coco when its finnished.Safe