First time PC Build/Grow


Well-Known Member
21 Budsites! Thats crazy, looking good, cant wait to see buds!
Yeah she had some heavy LST done..

hell yeah bro, you'll be real happy with the FF nutes, i am, LoL.
For sure bro, I got 1qt bottles of the FF Tiger Bloom and Big Bloom it was 36 and some change.. this place was more on the big bloom but it was 100 miles round trip closer :).. So saved on gas.. But the other place didn't have Tiger bloom and I heard it was awesome coupled with big bloom.. We will see I gotta pick the wife up from work in 15 mins and will come home and give her the first feeding..

Thinking of only going 1/4 or 1/2 dose of each to start?
Do you think if I mix an entire gal. it would be ok for a week? I use about a gal a week so far..
Edit: It says to feed every other water so if I mix a gal and water today, then feed just distiled water next watering, should it be ok to use that gal I mixed up 4-5 days later?


Well-Known Member
i would start off at 1/4 strength for the first 2 feedings then step it up a tad to half. after a few weeks of nutes she should be fine for full strength. i mix up a gallon jug at a time and just use it every 2nd or 3rd watering so you shuld be fine to let it sit for a few days

harvesting tonight!!!

peace bro


Well-Known Member
i would start off at 1/4 strength for the first 2 feedings then step it up a tad to half. after a few weeks of nutes she should be fine for full strength. i mix up a gallon jug at a time and just use it every 2nd or 3rd watering so you shuld be fine to let it sit for a few days

harvesting tonight!!!

peace bro
Cool thanks CT, yeah I mixed 1 tablespoon FF Big Bloom as it says 4 tablespoon per gal and 1/4 teaspoon FF Tiger Bloom as it says 1 teaspoon per gal... Just went ahead and mixed full gallon hoping it would be ok.. Thanks for responding :)

GL with the harvest bro + rep to ya

Got 1 quart of the Fox Farms Tiger Bloom and 1 quart of Fox Farms Big Bloom as I didn't have the money for the gallon jugs :)..

Mixed up a gallon of 1/4 strength and gave her the first feeding.. Will follow the schedule of feed every other watering so I will finish this gallon off in a couple waterings and bump it up to probably half strength depending on how she is taking the nutes..

Snapped a few pictures to show you all what she looks like before the watering.. Hopefully in a few days she will start to blow up on me :)

Let me know what you all think :bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
just be careful with the feedings. let her tell you when she needs to be fed. you will get a hang of it after a week or so. watch for rust spots, main sign of nute burn. youll do fine though. ive heard good things from fox farm nutes. havent tried them though. i have ffof soil and an very happy with it.

later bro


Well-Known Member
also how much room do you have to move the pot down? if she starts to get to tall for you look into bushmaster. it worked wonders with this bb. stopped vert growth in 2 waterings with it and gave it a jump start into flower. thanks for the rep bro heres a lil for you as well



Well-Known Member
just be careful with the feedings. let her tell you when she needs to be fed. you will get a hang of it after a week or so. watch for rust spots, main sign of nute burn. youll do fine though. ive heard good things from fox farm nutes. havent tried them though. i have ffof soil and an very happy with it.

later bro
Yeah I've heard good things to, thats why I decided to go with it, and I also use the FFOF soil and love it.. Next grow I will probably beef it up a bit with some blood meal and more guano and what not but it is some nice high quality soil thats for sure..

also how much room do you have to move the pot down? if she starts to get to tall for you look into bushmaster. it worked wonders with this bb. stopped vert growth in 2 waterings with it and gave it a jump start into flower. thanks for the rep bro heres a lil for you as well

I have about another foot or so to move it down.. So still some room, but if I start to look like its growing more vert then it should I'll look into some bushmaster, how much did you pay for yours?


Well-Known Member
it was 20 bucks for a 4 oz bottle. a little goes a long way with this stuff though. a lil steep for how much you get but ive had the same bottle for over a year now. i store it in my fridge. i also have seabird guano i mix into my soil for extra veg goodness


Well-Known Member
it was 20 bucks for a 4 oz bottle. a little goes a long way with this stuff though. a lil steep for how much you get but ive had the same bottle for over a year now. i store it in my fridge. i also have seabird guano i mix into my soil for extra veg goodness
For sure, I've thought about making my own organic tea when I get moved into a bigger place but I'm thinking just mixing some seabird and some blood meal and some other things will make the FFOF soil great for vegging without nutes... Then just use the FF Tiger Bloom and Big Bloom or maybe try other nutes I dunno lol... But for sure I'll look for some of that bushmaster if its only 20 bucks couldn't really afford 50+ right now.. Wish I had the extra money I would have gotten gallon jugs of the Big Bloom and Tiger Bloom.. But big bloom was 40 per gal and 55-60 per gal for the Tiger Bloom... Since I only have 1 plant I opted for the quart bottles..

I want to try DWC or a Hydro setup one day down the road but for now I think soil is the best for me.. Plus the hydro shop I found 25miles from my house has the PH meters and what not found a checker one for like 30 bucks with the replaceable electrode.. I really need to get a meter one of these days :).. Thanks for the advice CT I appreciate it for sure..


Active Member
Make sure you check the PH after you mix the nutes. FF nutes are very low PH to start. I ran into some mag problems when I transitioned into flower but I'm sure that was more of a user error. So far I'm happy with them overall in both DWC and soil.


Well-Known Member
Make sure you check the PH after you mix the nutes. FF nutes are very low PH to start. I ran into some mag problems when I transitioned into flower but I'm sure that was more of a user error. So far I'm happy with them overall in both DWC and soil.
Still no way to check it, but christmas is coming up so I plan on buying a Checker PH w/ replaceable electrode for like $30 bucks..


Well-Known Member
The big bloom and grow big don't alter the ph at all. Its the tiger bloom that lowers it :) To give you an example the ph of my tap is around 8 and after I mix a full dose of tiger bloom "2 teaspoons" its right around 6.8 which actually works out perfect for me! I just have to lower my ph in veg when there not getting the TB.


Well-Known Member
The big bloom and grow big don't alter the ph at all. Its the tiger bloom that lowers it :) To give you an example the ph of my tap is around 8 and after I mix a full dose of tiger bloom "2 teaspoons" its right around 6.8 which actually works out perfect for me! I just have to lower my ph in veg when there not getting the TB.
only using 1/4 strength TB so shouldn't lower to much


Well-Known Member
Do you know what your waters ph is? Before nutes and stuff?

Good call on starting with 1/4 though!
Not yet smelly I need to get a ph meter that is coming soon I hope, I use distilled water so whats that usually run? 7.0 I assume..

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
my r/o water from walmart is only 6.0, you have to watch that. my rain water is right 5.2 to 6.4 and tap at almost 8. trick shit, LoL. remember, distilled water is kinda just tap water thats been boiled. they have those ph pens on ebay for like $23 with free shipping, thats my next ebay buy, LoL.


Well-Known Member
my r/o water from walmart is only 6.0, you have to watch that. my rain water is right 5.2 to 6.4 and tap at almost 8. trick shit, LoL. remember, distilled water is kinda just tap water thats been boiled. they have those ph pens on ebay for like $23 with free shipping, thats my next ebay buy, LoL.
Hmmm, whats prime PH for soil then?

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
i checked the ph every couple days during the last grow. the ph stayed around 6.5 to 6.8 which is great for a soil grow. that was after watering with nutes. im using a fresh water PH kit to test the water, both before i water and the run-off water.


Well-Known Member
6-6.5 is what I shoot using the color dropper thing for but I think prime is like 5.8-6.2 or something around those numbers. I'd honestly hold off on the nutes if you don't have a pH meter.

The nutes I use (5mL CalMag, 2TBSP PureBlend Pro Bloom and 10mL Liquid Karma) bring my pH from the 8+ range (highest the color chart goes) to that 6-6.5 range I mentioned.

To echo what CD said, I check the pH of all my plants pretty religiously, both what I'm putting in and what comes out.