Ph test kit - color doesn't excist

I made 2 tests on my water in my kitchen, it's pure with nothing added to it.
The same color shows up, and i can't find it on the chart, am i color-blind or what??
The color of the sample is "Bluish" and the chart ranging from red > green...right!?



Well-Known Member
dont drink that shit!.....nah, it might be off the chart chlorinated,let it sit out 24 hrs then re test


Well-Known Member
Either your water has high alkalinity or you didn't put the right amount of drops. I use water from my hose but im sure its the same thing.


Active Member
Its most likely just out of range for that test kit. It look like you got water +8.5. My water in my city is about that too. They add too much crap to the water. Put some ph down in there and then test it again to see if you recognize the color.


Well-Known Member
Try letting the water sit for a while, they chlorine usually disappears from my water after 3 days in a container. If you have a couple bucks you could buy a water distillation or a reverse osmosis system. Also adding lime to the pH usually makes it a good yellowish-green color.


Active Member
Those tests are pretty easy to do (just add the number of drops) so I doubt you did it wrong. Chlorine isn't going to throw off the result. What you have is just very hard water that is very alkaline (like Kerovan pointed out).

Put enough pH down in a gallon of your tap water to lower it by a point and then test. Do the same thing again and retest. Continue doing that until you get the water to about 7 pH. But if you have to do that more than 3 or 4 times before getting it to seven, I'd think about getting an RO unit or use bottled water.

Another alternative would be to use a nutrient line that is formulated for hard water like:
Thanx for the replies.
I don't think that it's possible that the pH is that high, my friend who use the same water tested it to around Ph 7 with their pH-digital tester.
I could by the one that it's to alkaline, but not to high pH, i doubt it.
I probably ending up with that i have to buy a digital Ph tester :(


Active Member
Are you sure that's blue? It looks green in the picture, my tap water's around 8 so it shows green when I use drops. You've got an essentials product so there's nothing wrong with that imo.


Active Member
A lot like with thermometers, digital doesn't mean better or more accurate (and actually a digital meter is more prone to errors and being miscalibrated). Nothing wrong with pH drop kits and strips - they work fine. No reason to drop big bucks on a digital meter if money is tight for you.

Alkaline is a high pH by the way (same thing).
My water tested almost as blue as that. I added some Ph down and it turned more of a green color. Try adding some Ph down, if that doesn't work, be sure to get the water from a sink and not your Tidy-Bowl toilet> JK
Ok, maybe the pH was high after all, i apologize. Here is a pic from today when i took a sample after watering the plant, but i have hard to determine what pH it is anyway, now it's green, that better. Any ideas? About 6.5-7? Or about 8?phtest2.jpg
I've bought a simple combo-tool for about 10$ (the one that meassures, light, ph and humidity) *laughs* it says that the soil is about pH 7.5, but if i can trust it? i don't know. i Just want to doublecheck with a test-kit to confirm that is shows about what the combotool says.


Active Member
Ok, maybe the pH was high after all, i apologize. Here is a pic from today when i took a sample after watering the plant, but i have hard to determine what pH it is anyway, now it's green, that better. Any ideas? About 6.5-7? Or about 8?View attachment 1330737
8 to 9 ph. You won't be seeing any blue tinge to the water w/ 6.5 to 7 pH. Just a green tinge.

At 6 it will be pure yellow. Keep adjusting the pH down until there is no blue tinge.

Or if you are really color challenged (I am, but can use the drop kits no problem for some reason), pop for a digital meter. I can relate. Just make sure you keep a digital pH meter calibrated, so purchase whatever you need to calibrate it at the same time you purchase one.
It looks to me like you need just a little more Ph down. IMO I would like to see it just a shade more yellow. Looks to be about 7.0 - 6.8. Just for consideration, I don't want to give you any poor advise, this is your grow.

Good Luck Lil' Buddy!