My first blueberry plant!!! Need help!!

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
those buds are just in the beginning stages, just you wait lol they will explode in the last few weeks


Well-Known Member
dude look at that blueberry go!!! i have a dp blueberry i just started flowering after 6 weeks veg and looks like yours did...i hope she looks this good!!! damn + rep for sure. good thing i took clones!!
thanks bro stay subed she shud bud reall soon i hope!!! lol


Well-Known Member
those buds are just in the beginning stages, just you wait lol they will explode in the last few weeks
i can't wait for that man. after how long do you thing she will explode she is a 9 week flower as they say. but boys have mentioned to me 10 week flower is best for the blueberry


Well-Known Member
this thred is gone alllll dead. well lets get it kiking again, i would lke to announce my next grow lol, BIG BUDDHA BLUE CHEESE (monsters) . any comments? lol. plus i'm smoking some big buddha blue heese right now, my mate grow it and he gave me 3g of it, i must say i smoked alot of bud in my life but cheese takes it to a next level!!!! special blue cheese, its bludi knoked me out, i would give it a 10/10!


Well-Known Member
I've had my hands on BC before and that stuff is serious. After 2 blunts we just watched the sun come up, it was pretty dope. Don't worry, we're all still here just patiently waiting, haha.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Your entering the final stages :)

check out this link

look for like 85% cloudy 15% amber, basically just like 1ish amber for every 10 cloudy you dig? When they turn amber that means they are just beginning to degrade to CBN/CBD.. When around 15% of the are amber this means that you are peaking in THC. The more you let them turn amber, the more couch locked/medicated you feel... the more cloudy the more euphoric head high... by the end of curing more turn amber (dont worry) so towards the end its really like 60/40...70/30 and it has a nice balanced high. You want balanced. Balanced is realll nice :)

also, hasnt the amount of frost packed on rediculous?

If your not using molasses I suggest you should... the buds love it and its cool to use up to the day of harvest :)

make sure you flush

and man your going to have a lotta weed. arent you glad you topped?


Well-Known Member
Wow, look at that first BB. Just 2 monster colas. Where are the secondary shoots lol?

Going to yield big from that 6 tops BB. So nice and frosty. How's the smell in there? Sure it's wonderful.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
6 tops? yeah I told ya you cut too high

fucking told you bro LOL

I feel like that one is one node too high for 4. Unless the branches growing out the top were also removed? Cause you definitely cut above the 3rd true node on that. I can't really see the nodes on the other plant though and I'm too baked off this kush to figure it out bongsmilie

on the blueberry and sharksbreath i wasnt to botherd to get 4 tops 2 will be just fine ;) sour cream will have 4 good tops

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
lol ^

6 gotta be > than 4 though right? haha.

Not totally lol... it's kind of argued a bit though

Some say that a plant will only yield so much weed

Like, for easy sake lets say the plant will only yield 24oz's. (only lol) anyway with 6 colas there could/would be only 4oz on each cola... now with 4 colas you could have 6oz on each cola

who knows for sure though, I'd only top for 2 or 4 tops... you can also top tops butttt lol yeah youd have to look into it more


Well-Known Member
Your entering the final stages :)

check out this link

look for like 85% cloudy 15% amber, basically just like 1ish amber for every 10 cloudy you dig? When they turn amber that means they are just beginning to degrade to CBN/CBD.. When around 15% of the are amber this means that you are peaking in THC. The more you let them turn amber, the more couch locked/medicated you feel... the more cloudy the more euphoric head high... by the end of curing more turn amber (dont worry) so towards the end its really like 60/40...70/30 and it has a nice balanced high. You want balanced. Balanced is realll nice :)

also, hasnt the amount of frost packed on rediculous?

If your not using molasses I suggest you should... the buds love it and its cool to use up to the day of harvest :)

make sure you flush

and man your going to have a lotta weed. arent you glad you topped?
yow verde, now this is a badboy thred , this zeuss he really knows his shit!!! he made me look at harvest a compleat diferent way now!!!! thanks to you bro ;) may god bless you with 1000 kids lol all from diferent women ;) lol


Well-Known Member
Not totally lol... it's kind of argued a bit though

Some say that a plant will only yield so much weed

Like, for easy sake lets say the plant will only yield 24oz's. (only lol) anyway with 6 colas there could/would be only 4oz on each cola... now with 4 colas you could have 6oz on each cola

who knows for sure though, I'd only top for 2 or 4 tops... you can also top tops butttt lol yeah youd have to look into it more
well we will see now. how much the 6 colas and the 4 colas yield, then we will know for certain


Well-Known Member
p.s THE BB 1 IS 4 COLAS! NOT 2 it only looks like 2 because of the angle i got the shot at, but its definitely 4 colas not 2!

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
yow verde, now this is a badboy thred , this zeuss he really knows his shit!!! he made me look at harvest a compleat diferent way now!!!! thanks to you bro ;) may god bless you with 1000 kids lol all from diferent women ;) lol
yeah man zeus knows his shit.. i use a combo of his method (checking calyx size and all) combined with watching the trichs


Well-Known Member
Not totally lol... it's kind of argued a bit though
I was just thinking about that. If a plant can only yield so much under perfect conditions, maybe the amount of tops/ supercropping/ LST is part of the ideal conditions. It would be cool if someone had 10 clones, all under the exact same setup and each method was tried on each one to find out which actually does increase your yield the most.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
I was just thinking about that. If a plant can only yield so much under perfect conditions, maybe the amount of tops/ supercropping/ LST is part of the ideal conditions. It would be cool if someone had 10 clones, all under the exact same setup and each method was tried on each one to find out which actually does increase your yield the most.

Yes it would be interesting. But I imagine this varys for strain

You would really need like 10 plants of each strain, running like 3 strains at least. Then lets say only doing 5 different things to each plant, like 2 with 2 tops, 2 with 4 tops, 2 with 6 tops, 2 left alone etc. Now clone or seed, thats the question.

We could learn so much about the plant but the illegality of it in most states keeps legit research from being done..

One day though.. one day.


Well-Known Member
Yes it would be interesting. But I imagine this varys for strain

You would really need like 10 plants of each strain, running like 3 strains at least. Then lets say only doing 5 different things to each plant, like 2 with 2 tops, 2 with 4 tops, 2 with 6 tops, 2 left alone etc. Now clone or seed, thats the question.

We could learn so much about the plant but the illegality of it in most states keeps legit research from being done..

One day though.. one day.
I think you're definitely right. Damn dutch need to get off their stoned asses and do some experiments and then post the results on RIU for all to see, lol.

Will be cool to see which yields more out of nas' BB though, I know they're different seeds but it's a reasonable comparison.


Well-Known Member
I think you're definitely right. Damn dutch need to get off their stoned asses and do some experiments and then post the results on RIU for all to see, lol.

Will be cool to see which yields more out of nas' BB though, I know they're different seeds but it's a reasonable comparison.
yep we should get a good ruff idea