I can tell you the weirdest one I have ever had.
I was sitting at my desk and staring at a bottle of Jack Daniels that had been sitting there for like a year (used to drink heavily, haven't had a drink in like a year now) when I realized that I could revolutionize the automobile industry if they would just make cars out of glass instead of metal, fiberglass, and plastic.
And let me tell you right now that it was an EPIC idea. It was so epic that I started MSOffice and started typing my proposal. I typed, referenced, cross-referenced, cited different sources and included pictures for like 3 hours. Yes 3 HOURS!
All of the sudden something snapped in my head and realized what I was doing. I stared at msoffice for like 3 minutes re-reading what I had typed. It was... well, I don't know what it was. I had typed "To the masters it might conern" and then had about 3 different pie and bar charts from three random places. They had nothing to do with anything, it was like a population chart, a sample chart from a company that makes web graphics, and some other random thing.
After this was more text... "As you can clearly see I have proven my point, but I will go a step farther."
Then came pictures that I had appearantly found at random on the web and put in there. There was a tiolet bowl, an apple, something that looked like a deformed ashtray, and a pic of a pack of cigarettes.
WTF WAS ALL THAT SHIT!!!!!!!!!! Seriously?!?!?!! 3 HOURS?!?!?!?!?! My wife came home from work and asked me what I was doing. I had her come over to the computer and she looked at what I had done. Shaking her head she looked right at me and said "Again with the glass cars?"
I just looked at her with this dumb look on my face as she opened the documents folder showed me where I had done this TWICE before!!!! None of them was the same, it was all random crap. I deleted them all, tossed the Jack Daniels bottle in the trash (since it was apparently the instigator ) and have never done that again.
