sativa strain hunt...


Active Member
im in search of a good sativa to grow.:weed: im not too concerned about yeild as i will probably use the LST technique. my main concern is potency, maybe something with more of a smooth taste but im really more concerned with potency.
right now im reveging a sweet tooth clone. excellent tasting smoke and its a sativa/indica mix. i plan on keeping it around since my patients, friends, and myself love it.:-P
i had huge success growing LA confidential which i still am continuing to grow. one of the best indica strains out there today for medical use. danny danko and other expert from high times even agree. in fact according to danny dankos new book, la con is in the top 7 medical strains.:clap: but now i want to add some sativa, maybe even something pure sativa. the la con is not good daytime smoke imo. it puts you in a near coma even after drinking several cups of coffee.
im thinking possibly dr grinspoon. low yield but this heirloom sativa looks great! barneys seed farm claims 25% thc and very low cbds/cbvs. friend of mine got me some supposed super lemon haze or lemon skunk, cant remember. not even sure if it was the real thing. maybe whoever grew it didnt grow it right but this stuff literally smelled like it was in someones asshole. it smelled like a lemon, skunk, and literally shit. didnt like that at all, its thats what real lemon skunk or super lemon haze smells like, i'd rather not have it around.:dunce:

so can anyone recommend a top ranking sativa strain? i will probably order seeds from the net. im told barneys seed farm is very trustable. here is the dr grinspoon if anyone is interested here is how my la con turned out thanks guys and +rep to anyone who is helpful.:leaf:

i also use a 400w mh for veg, 400w hps for flower, fox farm soil & trio for nutes along with AN's overdrive(i know ppl dont like AN's overpriced products but it came with my kit). well 5 o click done with work time to :fire: a joint of some outdoor green from garden michigan!

Brick Top

New Member
Try Reefermans Seeds - Willie Nelson

2005 High Times Cannabis Cup Winner - Best Sativa

An F1 hybrid between Vietnamese Black and Highland Nepalese . Its Willie favorite smoke , he tried it once and bought the whole crop. What else do you need to know? How about a sweet and sour, lemongrassy flavor and a reasonable 10-12 week flowering time? Good mold resistance and a friendly, soaring high round out the package.

Inside Finish Time: 10-14 weeks / Outside Finish Time: Late November / Variation: 3 / Odor Level: 3.5 / Mold Resistance: 4.5 / Yield: 4 / Ease of Growth: 4 / Feed Level: 4.5 / Stretch: 2.5-3x

Strain: Willie Nelson
Breeder: Reeferman
Location: indoor, outdoor
Type: sativa
Flowering: ~84 days
No feminized seeds.

Strain Lineage / Genealogy / Family Tree

Or Reefermans Seeds - Phnom Penh

Aka: Cambodian
The PP is anything but average! Crossing to a Thai x Haze father tames the wild sativa just a little bit, with out losing the psychedelic stone and spicy incense , black tea flavors of the Cambodian jungle weed. Not for beginners

Inside Finish Time: 14 weeks / Outside Finish Time: early December / Variation: 3.5 / Odor Level: 2 / Mold Resistance: 6 / Yield: 4 / Ease of Growth: 3 / Feed Level: 2.5 / Stretch: 3.5x

Strain: Phnom Penh
Breeder: Reeferman
Location: indoor, outdoor
Type: sativa
Flowering: ~98 days
No feminized seeds.

Strain Lineage / Genealogy / Family Tree



Active Member
Just my opinion but I think you should look into the c99 or one of the c99 crosses.
Also known as cindy99, cinderella 99.
I am growing some now, and should start harvesting in about a week. What is trully amazing about this
strain is its very short flowering time. According to the sites I have visited they all show a 45 day maturation time.
I can attest to that. The ones I put into flower where about 14 inches, they grew about 2 to 3 times that with nice tight buds.
For a Sativa, this is amazing, as even my fastest indica still takes at least 60 days.

The c99 is not known for its yeild, as the plant is kind of spindly, with long fairly weak branches that need to be supported upon budding, as the weight of the buds can break the branches. I find that supercropping and topping / fimming helps in this regard.

c99 is a decendent of the Jack Herrer.

I grow mine in soil, 5 gal pots, under 400 watt lamps and have had no trouble with mold or nute problems. It is a very thirsty plant that seems to drink twice as much water as any other breed I've grown. Also easy to clone.

I hope this was a help in your choice.


Well-Known Member
If you find something better than Haze (the orignal not Super Silver) let me know:
Tom Hill's Original Haze

"Haze is a four-way hybrid of some of the finest narrow-leaf tropicals that the world has ever known (Mexico, Colombia, S. India, Thailand), so the legend goes. A long flowering plant that gives wispy yields of the highest quality. This line is out of Sam Skunkmans stock by way of Positronics seeds ("Original Haze") circa mid 1990's.
It does not breed true for its intoxicating properties, however the best examples (approx 5%) are electrifyingly cerebral. For decades, words have utterly failed to fully capture the intensity of effect that a good example of Haze can give - it is absolutely in a league of its own and must be experienced."

Brick Top

New Member
If you find something better than Haze (the orignal not Super Silver) let me know:
Tom Hill's Original Haze

"Haze is a four-way hybrid of some of the finest narrow-leaf tropicals that the world has ever known (Mexico, Colombia, S. India, Thailand), so the legend goes. A long flowering plant that gives wispy yields of the highest quality. This line is out of Sam Skunkmans stock by way of Positronics seeds ("Original Haze") circa mid 1990's.
It does not breed true for its intoxicating properties, however the best examples (approx 5%) are electrifyingly cerebral. For decades, words have utterly failed to fully capture the intensity of effect that a good example of Haze can give - it is absolutely in a league of its own and must be experienced."

If I were to suggest a Haze it would be Reefermans Seeds - Haze bros original Haze

Haze brothers original haze crazy old school this is the original haze that all haze hybrids were bred from
strong cat pissy super long flowering sativa that will blow your mind very special its back in all her glory these plants stretch like mad getting huge you will need to flower cuttings as soon as they root to keep plants under 6 feet tall medium yielding the best breeding haze available today. 12-16 weeks flowering time and worth the wait reasonable because no veg is required.

Strain: Haze bros original Haze
Breeder: Reeferman
Location: indoor, outdoor
Type: sativa
Flowering: ~98 days
No feminized seeds.

Strain Lineage / Genealogy / Family Tree



Well-Known Member
If you're still searching in 90 days, hit me up as I have some Serious Seeds Kali mist going right now. 5 females out of 11 seeds and 4 of the 5 females look like clones of one another. I also got a very good looking male out of the seed pack too and have some plans for him later 8-).

Brick Top

New Member
I have some Serious Seeds Kali mist going right now. 5 females out of 11 seeds and 4 of the 5 females look like clones of one another.

That is common when you purchase high quality genetics from true breeders rather than purchasing Wal-Mart grade genetics from pollen chuckers, including the few that price their garbage mutts with F2s used in their creation in the same price range as high quality breeders do in hopes that their prices will make them appear to be true skilled professionals.

When you purchase true quality you get stability, you get consistency. You do not end up with so many different phenotypes that you almost wonder if you received a pack of mixed strain beans instead of what you ordered.

Brick Top

New Member
seeing as Reef's are $50 more for probably the same thing I'd stick with the Tom Hill line. Not that I'm biased against Reeferman. Seedsman's are even cheaper.

Do whatever works for you but there isn't a breeder that I trust more than I trust Reeferman, If he says it's the Haze Brother's original .. I will believe him over anyone else and I will willingly pay the price difference for it even if for nothing more than the comfort level that it will give me.

I am not in any way saying that Seedsman Seeds Haze would be garbage. They have some decent strains that are decent values. But I would bet my left nut that they are not the original Haze Brother's Haze regardless of their advertising copy that mentions Sacred seeds breeding an "original Haze" strain back in the 70's. Many different Haze strains, some of them originals, have been bred over the decades, but they are not all the Haze Brother's work or the equal.

Many people purchase at least in part, if not largely, by price. If it is a case of that is all they can afford, then I can understand it. But if they are just trying to save a buck but could afford the best, each and every time they try to save a buck they will almost certainly be making at least a minor error if not a major error.


Well-Known Member
Do whatever works for you .
So if I bought a pack of Reef's seeds from Attitude at over $120 Canadian rather than $70 @ the Vancouver Seedbank they'd be almost 100 % stronger ?
Anyways, I've given Reef plenty of business over the years, the only thing I plan on buying of his is the Panama Red when it becomes availble and maybe the Durban Pineberry. I still have 3 packs of his strains to grow out yet and no grow place.
TGA is where I'm moving on to.

Brick Top

New Member
Originally Posted by Brick Top Do whatever works for you.
So if I bought a pack of Reef's seeds from Attitude at over $120 Canadian rather than $70 @ the Vancouver Seedbank they'd be almost 100 % stronger ?

I wouldn't expect so, but I would believe his Haze to be the original Haze Brother's Haze and that would be all that would matter to me if I wanted to purchase the original Haze Brother's Haze.

I make my choices of what I purchase by what I like and by what I trust. I do not pick something because it is less expensive and then attempt to convince myself that I got equal quality for lesser money and that I am just as happy about my purchase as I otherwise would have been had I purchased what I actually wanted and would have fully trusted.

I am always more than willing to pay more for something rather than less if paying less would leave me questioning my purchase.

You might be different though and that is why I said; "Do whatever works for you." But I will always do what works for me.


Active Member
unfortunately im in michigan, in the usa so i cant get seeds from reeferman. barneys seed farm doesnt have any links for buying seeds online. im told nirvana and attitude are trustworthy so i might be stuck with them. i dont trust getting clones or seeds from anyone i know as far as what strain a plant is except 1 friend whom i got my la con seeds from and i only see him once a year. any other reliable seed sources online?

Brick Top

New Member
any other reliable seed sources online?

Last Updated: December/05/10

Greetings growers this is for medical marijuana users and those who can use the information legally. Seedbank ratings are farther down and the links to growing information are near the end.

The seedbank update is over 12 years old and is the longest running seedbank rating service in the world. Use the list of rated seedbanks and you won't worry about being ripped off. Thanks again to the many people who send in reports on how they did with various vendors.

This is the season to be jolly so light up a big one and put a smile on your face. It's a good time for indoor grows. Get those seed orders in if you haven't already.

The post office in the USA often gets funny about delivering letters. People many times use a fake name to get orders sent to them. The trouble is that the letter carrier may not deliver it if they do not recognize the name. Before you send your order, send a letter to yourself using the name and see if it arrives. Then make your order. Ask the company first if they send to your country. If no reply, do not order.

If you have bought from a seedbank send in your report so that other people will know how good or bad it was. No seeds are sold from this site. This center is only for information. You may also send in a grow report on a variety you grew out.

To reach me write to [email protected] remove the ZZZ. Please do not write me at, only at the email address listed.

This group I've heard good things about. Those with four stars or more are the most reliable. They will send to most countries. I've tried to list those that ship worldwide. Those with a relatively low rating may just be new to the ratings. It takes a while to earn a good rating. A 1/2 means they are half way to the next star.

I keep getting bad reports on bc bud depot. Non delivery or poor quality seeds if they do arrive.

Attitude 4 star 1/2 (F****1/2)
Bluenose 3 star (***) (2)
Dr. Greenthumbs 4 star (F****) (1,2,3)
Hemp Depot 4 star and 1/2 (F****1/2) (1,2,4,)
Hemcy 4 and 1/2 star (F****1/2) (1,4)
Highland 2 star and 1/2 (**1/2)
Joey Weed 4 star and a half (F****1/2) (1,2)
Klozit King 3 star and 1/2 (***1/2) (1,2)
Natural Mystic 3 star and 1/2 (***1/2)
Peakseeds BC 4 star (****)
Seedboutique 3 stars and 1/2 (F***1/2) (1) 2 star and 1/2 (**1/2)
Tambu 3 star (S***) (1,3)

The limited area seedbanks and a list of bad ones to avoid will be found farther down.

Check out the new and unrated seedbanks at the New page. These are seedbanks I've heard good things about but haven't had enough reports on to make a rating.

I don't have time to answer individual questions so I usually just tell people to do some reading. I have information on my site and links to other sites with even more info.

Would you like to see your grow report in the SU? Please include the name of the strain, where obtained, how it grew, potency and yield. Tell us the names of other strains you grew or smoked for comparison. Cultivation tips and news items are also welcome. You can get credit under any name you prefer or stay anonymous. If you like I will rewrite it for you.
To reach me write to [email protected] (remove ZZZ)

This is a report on which seedbanks are reliable and give good service. I also list some bad ones to stay away from (crooks). Reports from people who have ordered from cannabis seedbanks are welcome. That's what this is based on, reports from people like you. You can send your report to me at [email protected] (remove ZZZ) If you send a report please state what bank you ordered from, how long it took and roughly how far away you are from them. I'd like to know if the packaging was stealty (well hidden) and what method used and if any seeds were crushed. Any other info you think is important will be appreciated.

Reports on how the crop turned out are good too. I don't rate companies on price, that's up to you to compare. The more stars, the more reliable. F = faster than average, no letter = average, S = slow.

I have a system of additional ratings. They are a one (1) for accepting payment by money order or certified check without charging extra for it. A two (2) will be given for free stealth shipping. A three (3) will be given for accepting credit cards. This leaves a paper trail but is quick and easy. (4) indicates that they use PGP code for privacy on request. A five (5) means Western Union is accepted. A six (6) indicates customer complaints about seed quality. An example of the new rating might be Ed's seeds (***) (1,2) which means three stars and he gives free shipping and takes money orders with no extra charge.

These seedbanks send to certain countries only.

Dr Chronic 3 star and 1/2 (F***1/2)
Pukka 2 star (**) (1)
Sensi Seed 4 star and 1/2 (****1/2)
Nirvana Shop3 star and 1/2 (***1/2)
Seeds of Passion2 star (**)

These are seed breeders and wholesalers primarily. While they have a good reputation, I don't have enough information about their mail order seed business to make a rating.

Bros Grimm
Dutch Passion
Homegrown Fantaseed
KC Brains
(and many others)

This is the rip-off section. The following seedbanks I've heard many bad things about. They are NOT recommended. aka means also known as. X means they seldom or never send the product. N means sending non viable seeds (non sprouting seeds) M indicates they send very inferior seeds or nothing at all
A-1 Seedbank (X,N)
BC Seeds (X,M)
Beeoo (X)
Fairlight (X,N)
Greenmanspage (X,M) (X) Software Services aka Cannabis4u aka Medical hemp aka [email protected] [L.Pafort] (X)
Richies Seedshack (X)
Stinkey's (X)
Weedseed (X)
Pot a Gold (X)

These seedbanks are not recommended due to excessive complaints. This is a judgement call and some customers have said they were satisfied. The nature of the complaints are as follows: 10 = non delivery, 11 = very poor customer service, 12 = inferior quality or misrepresented seeds, 13 = unethical conduct by seedbank owner.
BCbuddepot (11, 10)
Bullmall aka (10, 11) (10) Ganjaland (10)
Greater Harmony (10)
Kindseed (10)
Laughing Moon (10, 11)
Seedbank Co uk (11) (10)
Topseeds (10)


Active Member
nice! thanks for the info. i'd rep u again if i could. it was looking like a toss up between the original haze and willie nelson. it said the original haze smells like cat piss so that sorta turned me off. gonna have to wait a bit to order unless i can get another patient. i need to stay within state law and i already have 11 fem la cons just starting in veg and 1 sweet tooth im reveging to eventually clone with my botanicare aeroponics cloner. maybe by the time im ready to order they will have more options available. although might be worth getting the willie nelson in case they run out.


Well-Known Member
Brick, how do u like NC? I moved down about 10 years ago and love it. This past summer I had an outdoor grow here. I was welcomed midway through the season by the local subterranean termites. Man, they don't have them things up north. Anyway, i'm in the piedmont, how bout you?

Brick Top

New Member
Brick, how do u like NC? I moved down about 10 years ago and love it. This past summer I had an outdoor grow here. I was welcomed midway through the season by the local subterranean termites. Man, they don't have them things up north. Anyway, i'm in the piedmont, how bout you?

I used to love North Carolina and where I live but more and more over time I have become to dislike it. I live on a lake that's North and a bit East of Raleigh and when I moved here they was little development and it was like living on a lake in the middle of nowhere.

Now due to the development what had once had a really great middle of nowhere lake-living rural feel has turned into something like a upper middle class to high class suburb built around a lake sort of place to live.

The feel, the atmosphere I loved is gone. I want to move but each time I feel sure I have picked the general area I want to move to I learn something out about it that stops me or there is something about it that concerns me, like uber-cold winters with 300-plus inches of snow that I am not sure I would adapt to to all that well.