Maybe John Kennedy's driver William Greer shot him with an air pistol

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You are silly. It is not possible and real life exposes the obvious, Zapruder film fantasy. Show me one person besides Kennedy where your silly claim is possible. You cannot because there is no such case ever recorded because it never happened.
Are you so fucking stupid you can't even respond to an intelligent post rationally?

I just showed you how physics PROVES that the head can move backwards in REAL LIFE. REAL LIFE exposes your made up fantasy world where you claim something CANNOT happen yet actually does.

Talk to someone in the military. They will tell you the same thing. In fact, it was from a marine sniper that I first learned why the head had paradoxical movement.

Mr. Specter.
Did you just mention, Mr. Greer, a hole in the President's head in addition to the large area of the skull which was shot away?
Mr. Greer.
No. I had just seen that, you know, the head was damaged in all this part of it but I believe looking at the X-rays, I looked at the X-rays when they were taken in the autopsy room, and the person who does that type work showed us the trace of it because there would be little specks of lead where the bullet had come from here and it came to the--they showed where it didn't come on through. It came to a sinus cavity or something they said, over the eye.
Mr. Specter.
Indicating the right eye. (GREER POINTED OVER HIS RIGHT EYE)
Mr. Greer.
I may be wrong.
Mr. Specter.
You don't know which eye?
Mr. Greer.
I don't know which eye, I may be wrong. But they showed us the trace of it coming through but there were very little small specks on the X-rays that these professionals knew what course that the bullet had taken, the lead.
Mr. Specter.
Would you describe in very general terms what injury you observed as to the President's head during the course of the autopsy?
Mr. Greer.
I would--to the best of my recollection it was in this part of the head right here.
Mr. Specter.
Upper right?
Mr. Greer.
Upper right side.
Mr. Specter.
Upper right side, going toward the rear. And what was the condition of the skull at that point?
Mr. Greer.
The skull was completely--this part was completely gone.


312-313 cause headshot with fake white and fake mist working in perfect sync.
Are you so fucking stupid you can't even respond to an intelligent post rationally?

I just showed you how physics PROVES that the head can move backwards in REAL LIFE. REAL LIFE exposes your made up fantasy world where you claim something CANNOT happen yet actually does.

Talk to someone in the military. They will tell you the same thing. In fact, it was from a marine sniper that I first learned why the head had paradoxical movement.

You have repeatedly and consistently run away from facts which ruin and destroy your delusions.

No witnesses support your claim nor does any physical evidence.

The nix and zfilm prove Greer's guilt. Video evidence trumps any other kind of evidence, especially fake evidence against a patsy.
Nix film shows Greer's arm crossing which contradicts the silly zapruder cartoon.

Are you so fucking stupid you can't even respond to an intelligent post rationally?

I just showed you how physics PROVES that the head can move backwards in REAL LIFE. REAL LIFE exposes your made up fantasy world where you claim something CANNOT happen yet actually does.

Talk to someone in the military. They will tell you the same thing. In fact, it was from a marine sniper that I first learned why the head had paradoxical movement.

Listen up, you delusional twit. I don't give a fuck what anyone says in the military. Unless you can show what you are saying is possible, in a video, go home because you've lost the battle that you were never in, in the first place.

These real life shootings destroy your pathetic and silly government theories about a man going backward from a rear shot.


Listen up, you delusional twit. I don't give a fuck what anyone says in the military. Unless you can show what you are saying is possible, in a video, go home because you've lost the battle that you were never in, in the first place.

These real life shootings destroy your pathetic and silly government theories about a man going backward from a rear shot
You're calling me delusional? ROFL!!

I did show it. I posted a video explaining the physics behind the jet effect. None of your other stupid videos mean anything. A small caliber handgun is not going to produce the effects of a high powered rifle. You seem to know nothing about ballistics.

Why don't you just go back to your little conspiracy websites. No one here wants to watch your pathetic whining any more. Go spam somewhere else. You have contributed absolutely nothing to RIU. You haven't posted anywhere else in this site. Why the hell did you join here?
You're calling me delusional? ROFL!!

I did show it. I posted a video explaining the physics behind the jet effect. None of your other stupid videos mean anything. A small caliber handgun is not going to produce the effects of a high powered rifle. You seem to know nothing about ballistics.

Why don't you just go back to your little conspiracy websites. No one here wants to watch your pathetic whining any more. Go spam somewhere else. You have contributed absolutely nothing to RIU. You haven't posted anywhere else in this site. Why the hell did you join here?
He joined to spread "The Truth"!:roll: lmfao!!!!!!!!:mrgreen:
You're calling me delusional? ROFL!!

I did show it. I posted a video explaining the physics behind the jet effect. None of your other stupid videos mean anything. A small caliber handgun is not going to produce the effects of a high powered rifle. You seem to know nothing about ballistics.

Why don't you just go back to your little conspiracy websites. No one here wants to watch your pathetic whining any more. Go spam somewhere else. You have contributed absolutely nothing to RIU. You haven't posted anywhere else in this site. Why the hell did you join here?

You're completely delusional? ROFL!!

You posted a video of two retarded magicians that did not use anything similar to a human. You at least need a crash dummie like Gary Mack used.

Why don't you just go back and fuck off. I don't give a fuck what you think or want. You cannot provide any real footage showing your debunked delusions.LOL
did u see the forward snap 7forever?

BP, you actually seem like a decent person but the mist is fake because it's appearing before the shot. That, and there is no such thing as this exaggerated red mist. It's not just fake, it's obviously fake.

The mist was created to hide the front right entrance, to give the illusion the shot comes from the right side, and to create the illusion of a fake right exit. You can see the flap form before the shot, most of the mist then disappears, leaving the fake flap.
You're calling me delusional? ROFL!!

I did show it. I posted a video explaining the physics behind the jet effect. None of your other stupid videos mean anything. A small caliber handgun is not going to produce the effects of a high powered rifle. You seem to know nothing about ballistics.

Why don't you just go back to your little conspiracy websites. No one here wants to watch your pathetic whining any more. Go spam somewhere else. You have contributed absolutely nothing to RIU. You haven't posted anywhere else in this site. Why the hell did you join here?

The jet effect is a fucking joke and already been extensively documented as bullshit. A WATERMELON.LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
He joined to spread "The Truth"!:roll: lmfao!!!!!!!!:mrgreen:

I used the footage and told you what you are seeing is a gun, and he passes that gun to his left hand 4 seconds before he shoots Kennedy. Apparently you will stick to your delusions forever.

Also, the supposed mist can not be seen in another video because it's fake and so is your brain.LOL I showed it to you failbags and you make up some more bs to try to justify your fake claims.
You're calling me delusional? ROFL!!

I did show it. I posted a video explaining the physics behind the jet effect. None of your other stupid videos mean anything. A small caliber handgun is not going to produce the effects of a high powered rifle. You seem to know nothing about ballistics.

Why don't you just go back to your little conspiracy websites. No one here wants to watch your pathetic whining any more. Go spam somewhere else. You have contributed absolutely nothing to RIU. You haven't posted anywhere else in this site. Why the hell did you join here?

Even a jury of the dumbest crack heads would reject your claim that Oswald fired the fatal shot.

Not only refutable but refuted and proven false.

There is no reasonable interpretation of any image to support a claim that Oswald shot Kennedy.

You have been proven wrong and your stupidity is absolute evidence that you know you are wrong and beaten.

But in the in end, that's the evidence they base their government delusions on...the lack of evidence.

You have no case, no evidence and no proof. There is a gun in the video and a shot taken. Even with the worst of imaginations, you can see the gun.

Greer had the only shot.

There is tons of evidence to support these claims and in fact no evidence the government's conclusions are anything but nonsense.

Declaring the government was correct is all you people have. You have produced no evidence of any kind.

You have failed to offer a shred of evidence and are beaten.

Oswald fired no shots, including the fatal shot.
shot at by marine rifle expert trained by the best , out in the open , trajectory really puts all the conspiracy fags out in the cold
BP, you actually seem like a decent person but the mist is fake because it's appearing before the shot. That, and there is no such thing as this exaggerated red mist. It's not just fake, it's obviously fake.

The mist was created to hide the front right entrance, to give the illusion the shot comes from the right side, and to create the illusion of a fake right exit. You can see the flap form before the shot, most of the mist then disappears, leaving the fake flap.

what about the forward snap though in that last 311-316 clip, what caused that? or was that faked too?

also pink mist is definatly real, if you ever served in combat you would know

pink mist Military - The blood that comes out of a snipers target when he/she is hit. the blood appears pinkish over the distance and the quick burst of blood that comes out makes a misty effect.
I want the pink mist

The sniper got his first pink mist

Pink mist army language for a headshot cause by a sniper.
He wanted the pink mist so he went crazy and shot 4 civilians.

pink mist Is what happens when a 150 grain 30-06 bullet strikes the forehead of a small white tail button buck.

jke What does "the pink mist" mean?

i was watching Jarhead and when they were training the staff sergent said something about the pink mist. What does "the pink mist" suposed to mean.

by jasper11... Member since: October 14, 2008 Total points: 113 (Level 1)
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker

actually in the movie the Pink Mist is referring to a Head Shot, one of the hardest parts of the body to hit. but a definite kill

when the round hits the head it a pink mist of blood is seen through the scope confirming the hit.
Asker's Rating:
Asker's Comment: thank you

BP, the film was altered. I have NOT zoomed in on the nix film headshot but I guarantee there is no forward head snap. Don't forget Greer's arm crossing in nix and not zapruder.
shot at by marine rifle expert trained by the best , out in the open , trajectory really puts all the conspiracy fags out in the cold

I'm glad you're on board. Shot with a revolver from the driver's seat that caused a small entrance wound over the right eye with a large exit on the right rear by Bill Greer.


this is pulled off the sniper forumz:

Joe YellowKnife wrote:Thanks for the information, all. I was thinking that these bullets might fragment like a B-Tip and hence be a good bet for the lung shots I typically take on deer. Your recommendations lead me to believe that I should just stick with the Nosler and Hornady bullets I have used in the past. I wonder why Marine Snipers used them so successfully on thier targets then though. I realize the Geneva Conventions limits the troops' choices. At the same time, I vividly remember a breif from my Company Gunny at Quantico recalling his first long range kill which resulted in a "pink mist" after a solid hit on an insurgent sniper in iraq. So I wonder what the deal is. Do they frag out or not?

Don't base anything you think on what Qld says; he's just a kiddie and doesn't know squat. Notice he said "I have always heard..."

That said, match bullets aren't for hunting. That pink mist you're talking about is simply caused by the bullet exiting the target. There's hydraulic pressure ahead of the bullet (not to mention the bullet is simply pushing tissue and fluid out of it's way) which blasts tissue and fluid out of the exit wound, causing that bloody mist you're talking about. Indeed, if the bullet fragmented a lot, you probably wouldn't see this phenomena quite so distinctly or even at all, due to smaller pieces, less pressure, etc.

Like aw25833 said, there's match quality hunting bullets...Use 'em!

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