• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Who Was Jesus? What Did He Teach? Letting His Words Do The Talking!


Active Member
Denial isn't just a river in Egypt bro.

Organized religion keeps people ignorant to real world facts. You, for instance, don't accept evolution even though a few of us evil atheists have attempted to explain it to you. It's real, it happens, yet you refuse to acknowledge it. Same thing most likely goes for the big bang and any other scientific theory that conflicts with the beliefs organized religion has instilled into you. And there are millions of others just like you. I come into contact with some of them on a daily basis and it blows my mind how absolutely stupid some people can be and still be able to function as a part of society.

First of all you should try reading some of my posts before making such claims about me. If you had actually read or paid any attention to anything I have posted you would see that on at least 6 different occasions I specifically said I don't refute evolution as a whole. I only refute the fact that evolution does not and can not discredit a creator since it does not provide a mechanism for how life originated. Second I have also said that I fully believe that the big bang happened since we can measure the rate in which our universe is expanding. Third, I did not become a christian until I had graduated from collage and was living on my own. Neither of my parents are religious in any way so your brain washing theory is out of the window on that one too. So you should really try and get your shit straight before you start spewing off at the mouth. Whats our education level again. I would really like to compare transcripts if you think all Christians are so fucking stupid. I graduated with honors how bout you?
America has become what it is today because of organized religion and the unintended, yes, but that doesn't make it any less damaging, consequences people like you refuse to accept. Our population is retarded because parents pull their kids out of science class when evolution gets brought up, they don't want them to hear the facts because their authority could come into question. Because kids spend 5 hours a day in front of a tv instead of actually being raised by their parents because parents in our society don't have the time to spend teaching and raising their kids and also making a living to support them and put food on the table all at the same time.
Well your so called facts about evolution are widely disputed by religious and secular scientists alike. Which version of evolution do you think should we teach? Should we teach mutations, synthesis or diversity? The reason people get pissed off about it is because it is not an exact science and no other alternatives are being taught.
How you don't see that Christianity specifically has stifled progress in our country since it's creation is beyond me. You're fuckin' blind crackerboy.

I used to think just like you. But now I realize that I was once blind and now I see. You just need to remove those blinders you have on.

Well, interesting conclusion, but again, obviously wrong.

Anyone who goes off to fight and die for a country who lies to them is a mindless drone who deserves everything they get on the battlefield.

The reason atheists don't join the military in the numbers believers do is because we only have ONE life and it would be a waste to die for something or someone you can't even see and have never even met because society says it's the ''honorable'' thing to do. Fuck society. Fuck anyone right in their arrogant self righteous mouth who thinks that way. Go ahead and believe it, it doesn't make you any less dead in the end.
I can tell you have never left this country. Your ignorance to how the rest of the world lives shows through clearly. Why don't you go to some of these countries and ask the people what the conditions in that country was before we got there. I have been all around the world and have seen first hand the progress that we bring to these countries. Why don't you go visit Panama, El Salvador, or any of the other third world counties that we have rebuilt the infrastructure in and ask those people how life was before Americans came.
Edit: Also got a kick out of the irony of you believing it to be selfish to NOT go off into foreign lands and murder other people... so selfish indeed! (idiot!)
You have no idea what your talking about. let me guess your one of those people that think the CIA crashed those planes into the world trade center. And what else, oh maybe we also bombed pearl harbor ourselves just so we could test a bomb on Japan. Or wait we secretly controlled the Nazi's and made them invade Europe. Your right those are all pointless wars that we sent soldiers to die for no reason. Get a clue. Read a history book instead of some atheist propaganda site.


Active Member
Why do you make yourself out to be some polite little shit who is anything but ignorant in one post... "oh look at what america has become" and then moments later you insult atheists as a whole, you sir, are a fucking bigot.
I was not the one who came onto a thread and started taking shit. I know that im no saint. But I at least try to be tolerant of everyone. I am usually civil with everyone. But such ignorance deserves a harsh response.


Active Member
hey,,yeah there was a man called jesus, but he wasnt a christian or jew, he was a buddist.
let me explain, in a lot of ancient text, such as the bible and koran to name two have references to this man.
In the buddist religon when a new dila-lama is needed 3 elders are sent to follow a star to guide them to a baby to be selected and taken at the age of seven to be taught the ways of the budda. hence the wise men, hence why there are no account of jesus as a teen in the bible,,he is just an adult when he re appears.
also alot of his teachings or preachs are stolen from buddist pro verbs and just re- worded.
also jesus never died on the cross, he was simply close to death and when they took thing to 'bamb that body in the cave it was more like actual meds and revival herbs to make him better. so he didnt rise again just recovered. crusification as we know it from the romans take a long time to fully kill someone. jesus wasnt on there long enough.
anway as he disappeared there is evidence of a tomb. some where in nepal or tibet around there, are to graves of anicent dila-lama's.
one grave is facing south north,,one east west, which is unusal, anyway these graves have foot imprints cast in bronze of the feet of the dila-lamas. One of these has stange scars on the foot sole which are slighty indented and slight off set. if the feet where crossed they would match to lap over each other if the feet where place as such,,like on the cross.
These are all facts about jesus,, the man who did preach good and helped peolpe. the buddist had a different name for him, but the koran, bible, have him as a saint or 'son of god' when infact he was a buddist preist. buddism being atleast 2,000years older than hinduism,let alone christianity.:joint:

There is so much wrong with this statement I don't even know where to begin. Even if the Buddhist thing is true so what. He was well educated and wise. Just the simple fact that God led the wise men with a star to find Jesus is a miracle in its self. But I don't really buy this story of the Buddhist. First of all the three wise men came from Persia. As for Jesus not being dead on the cross, the soldiers pierced him with a spear just to make sure he was dead. This is all just another bs story used to confuse the masses.


Active Member
very simply jesus was a terrorist, (crucifixion was reserved solely for the enemies of the state) he cut off a roman legionnaires arm in the garden of gethsemine (so much for meek n mild eh?) and was sentenced to die by crucifixion for that very offence which was well witnessed and documented in many towns/cities public records( roman records are commonly acknowledged as some of the most complete of any past civilisation to date) so there we go, this is in no way my opinion just a matter of fact that is well documented in public records

If it is public record, then can you post a link or something cause I'm calling bullshit on this one. I have read extensively on this subject and have never come across this. State your source.


Active Member
This is why I hate these pointless threads.
Live and let live.

Like I said in the original post. I did not want this to be a debate thread. I just wanted to educate people on what Jesus actually taught. But the intolerant masses on this site just could not allow that.


Well-Known Member
If it is public record, then can you post a link or something cause I'm calling bullshit on this one. I have read extensively on this subject and have never come across this. State your source.
Funny how you require and ask for evidence when someone else makes a claim you don't agree with, but you can't provide any of your own when you make a claim.. You sir, are a hypocrite.

If you applied that same standard of evidence in every aspect of your life, this thread wouldn't exist.


Active Member
Funny how you require and ask for evidence when someone else makes a claim you don't agree with, but you can't provide any of your own when you make a claim.. You sir, are a hypocrite.

If you applied that same standard of evidence in every aspect of your life, this thread wouldn't exist.

I have provided plenty of evidence for what I believe. As a matter of fact I have already posted the answers to everything you have asked. I just did it before you ever posted the questions. I even pointed you to the specific threads that you could find those answers. So while we are both on at the same time. Ask whatever questions you want and I will re answer to shut you up.


Well-Known Member
I have provided plenty of evidence for what I believe. As a matter of fact I have already posted the answers to everything you have asked. I just did it before you ever posted the questions. I even pointed you to the specific threads that you could find those answers. So while we are both on at the same time. Ask whatever questions you want and I will re answer to shut you up.
Yes, you posted invalid answers that have been refuted.. They cannot be accepted as evidence for anything other than your ignorance..


Active Member
Yes, you posted invalid answers that have been refuted.. They cannot be accepted as evidence for anything other than your ignorance..

oh no, your not getting off that easily. What have you refuted. I have seen no posts from you that directly address any of the issues that I have mentioned. You posted some definitions from wiki thats it. Now you keep hammering away at me about not responding. I am here now so come on what have you got to say other than insults? Les hear it. Which subject would you like to discuss?
Couldn't have said it any better baaamalaaam! As for cracker boy I think you have some critical thinking to do about your "holy doctrine" and current mythological beliefs. I find it insulting that for what ever reason you took it upon yourself to post about this. If I wanted to be "saved" from damnation and learn about jesus I wouldn't be looking on a marijuana forum. Please refrain from bringing your ideological views into these kinds of situations. With that being said I can appreciate your interest in growing and wish you best the best of luck.
How about the fact that missionaries are going to third would countries in Africa telling them that they are going to go to hell for using condoms even though 1 out of every 3 persons in some of the countries have AIDS/HIV?


Active Member
How about the fact that missionaries are going to third would countries in Africa telling them that they are going to go to hell for using condoms even though 1 out of every 3 persons in some of the countries have AIDS/HIV?

Do you actually know any missionaries? I do and I promise you that not one of them would do so. I think that your misconceptions and generalizations blind you to the truth. I post this kind of stuff because I continually see people misrepresenting what the Bible actually says. Believe it or not but I get a lot of positive P.M.'s from people all the time on this site. I think that this site needs to see the other point view. People have a very skewed idea of what Christianity really is. I have noticed over and over again that people make claims about the Bible and Jesus that are completely and historically incorrect. Also its the subjects that I enjoy discussing. Why does everyone feel so compelled to silence my freedom of speech?


Well-Known Member
Do you actually know any missionaries? I do and I promise you that not one of them would do so. I think that your misconceptions and generalizations blind you to the truth. I post this kind of stuff because I continually see people misrepresenting what the Bible actually says. Believe it or not but I get a lot of positive P.M.'s from people all the time on this site. I think that this site needs to see the other point view. People have a very skewed idea of what Christianity really is. I have noticed over and over again that people make claims about the Bible and Jesus that are completely and historically incorrect. Also its the subjects that I enjoy discussing. Why does everyone feel so compelled to silence my freedom of speech?
Dude, it's the Catholics, the largest denomination of Xtians worldwide. The last pope went on record advising the people of Africa that condoms actually spread AIDS and not to bother with them. In the same speech he also said not to worry about kids "because God will provide for all he creates." http://www.condoms4life.org/facts/lesserEvil.htm


Active Member
Dude, it's the Catholics, the largest denomination of Xtians worldwide. The last pope went on record advising the people of Africa that condoms actually spread AIDS and not to bother with them. In the same speech he also said not to worry about kids "because God will provide for all he creates." http://www.condoms4life.org/facts/lesserEvil.htm

Now I think you may be purposely trying to mislead people. I am not Catholic myself and disagree with a lot of the stances they have been taking. But that article is trying to connect the churches position on abstinence with the HIV crisis unfairly. All the Catholics are saying is that it is better to not have sex out side of marriage. To try and stretch that into something else is just untruthful. The article on several occasions quotes several bishops such as " Bishop Kevin Dowling of Rustenberg, South Africa, raised expectations even higher when he formally announced that the bishops would consider a change in condom policy, noting that people with AIDS had a responsibility not to transmit death. He said, “When people for whatever reason choose not to follow the values we promote as church—within and outside of our community—then the bottom line is the real possibility that a person could transmit a death-dealing virus to another through a sexual encounter. Such people, who are living with the virus, must be invited and challenged to take responsibility for their actions and their effect on others. They should use a condom in order to prevent the transmission of potential death to another.” Even though this quote is from someone that opposes the Vatican's view it still demonstrates that most Christians are not against using condoms. The Vatican is just trying to promote abstinence since it is the only sure way to prevent the spread of HIV. How ever misguided they might be it is not done for evil. They have good intentions behind the stance they have taken. You can't deny that abstinence is safer than using condoms.


Well-Known Member
I don't understand how you think I'm misleading people. The pope declared that Catholics shouldn't use condoms. I never said there are people in the church that disagree with the pope. This was about missionaries. The pope teaches that contraception is immoral. Catholic missionaries will follow the pope's decrees. How have I misrepresented anything?


Active Member
I don't understand how you think I'm misleading people. The pope declared that Catholics shouldn't use condoms. I never said there are people in the church that disagree with the pope. This was about missionaries. The pope teaches that contraception is immoral. Catholic missionaries will follow the pope's decrees. How have I misrepresented anything?

You are trying to promote the idea that the Catholics don't want to prevent HIV. Thats what 66freespirit was trying to imply and you where attempting to back up his claim by posting that article. You know what you where doing. Don't play coy.


Well-Known Member
I don't understand how you think I'm misleading people. The pope declared that Catholics shouldn't use condoms. I never said there are people in the church that disagree with the pope. This was about missionaries. The pope teaches that contraception is immoral. Catholic missionaries will follow the pope's decrees. How have I misrepresented anything?
You haven't.. He's just unable to defend himself logically, so he's trying to keep you on the defensive..


Well-Known Member
So glad to see you have overcome them, completely silent.
Now with heavens help, you cast your demons out.
And not to pull your halo down
around your neck and tug you off your cloud.
But I'm more than just a little bit curious how your planning
to go about making your amends, to the dead.

Recall the deeds as of thier own
someone elses atrocious stories.
Now you stand reborn before us all.
So glad to see you well.

And not to pull your halo down
around your neck and tug you to the ground.
But I'm more than just a little bit curious
how your planning to go about making your amends.

With your halo slippin down,
your halo slippin.
Your halo slippin down
To choke you now.

A song for your "Jesus" from A Perfect Circle called "The Noose"

It means how will Jesus explain to humanity what has been done in his name. For all the lies that were spread after his death about his intentions when he was alive, claiming he was the Messiah. Jesus was a high priest, a master in the Mystery Schools of Isis and Osiris. His high priestess and initiatrix was none other than Mary Magdelene. As well she was his consort.