Rightside up? or Upside down?


Active Member
Alright have had some friends that are really successful with hanging their plants off of the ceiling. So as the experimental person I am I went for it!

Vegged for 5 weeks and were turned on 12/12

Here is my method of madness just went and looked online at those upside down tomato bags. And came up with after some thought.

P1000387.jpg I actually drilled some smaller holes for air and drainage.

P1000388.jpg Here I had to do some major threading (the plant) in the 1 1/2 hole and then added some hydroton.

P1000389.jpg Added some more coco.

As you can see I used 3 buckets to have a center work area to thread the plant down in.

And then I put another bucket in the bucket to turn it over.



Gravity put to the test!!!
That's wicked dude. I've got this tent with all this extra space above the light, but then again I haven't had any tall plants yet, but either way this with some training, like an upside down scrog of some sort, might be something to think about. I'll be watching this one. Thanks kpac.
which end of the planter does the main root mass grow? will the tap root grow up or does it grow horizontal untill it hits the side?
Here's some more pics

P1000453.jpg They are well secured in the floor joists from upstairs

P1000457.jpgP1000458.jpg I drilled more holes for air and drainage. They are up near the lights so they will need to be watered more. They will dry out faster!


Yeah I havnt worked that out yet. lol First time. I caught the majority with a catch cup, and I move the plants underneath so they dont get dripped on. lol
With only 4 its not bad. If it works well. I will veg longer and end up getting some knee pads to crawl under. Maybe a hard-hat. lol
That's cool, I was just thinking about something like this the other day. I was wondering what would happen if you did that exact setup except put the light on the floor facing up instead. It's cool to see them bending towards the light like that! When you water them, maybe just rig up a temporary catch pan that you can clip or bungee to the bucket or soemthing that's like a piece of plastic with a slit to get around the stem then sits at an angle and drain the runoff into a bucket below. You could keep the plant being watered slightly tilted too so it runs to an edge and not so much down the stem...so maybe you'd need a little drain hole on the tilted edge. Or...maybe just keep it tilted to begin with, cut a small hole and add a drain hose so when you water it runs to the edge with the hole and drains out to wherever you route the hose. =)

Now you've got me thinking all kinds of crazy shit lol. Subbed! =D
Man this thread has me LMFAO!!!!!

I have about 15 holes on the bottom except for the 1 1/2 inch for the stem. It does drain out my little drain holes. I catch a little drip on the leaves, but for now not bad. I gotta come up with something for when the plants get larger.

I could get a supersized funnel - slit it and use it as drain even put a hose on it. Where would I find one a foot in diameter.
Sorry BBClan I have givven out to much rep in a 24hr period. lol

haha that happends to lime73 and reggaerican ALL the time, GOOOOOD ppl they have helped me out alot but, this is def. AWSOME man, it has me laughing aswell, i got my doritos out just readin LOL. all the questions i wondered are already asked and answered haha.. all except one:

what will the roots do?

gro up or down?

my guess is down becuz of gravity. but i also agree with "brownbearclan" it would b cool to put the lights on the floor and face the ceiling, it would trip you the fuck out everytime you walked in the grow room! ahahaha
actually come to think of it dude you should really try that out for us if you can. heat rises so your lights will be nice and kool, and ur medium will be nice and warm, the floor is obviously cooler aswell if in a basement.
Well I just just subscribed to two of your threads in one night, so what's one more gonna hurt. Can't wait to see how this one turns out for ya as well.

Grow on my friend.