Can anyone quickly go over the whole process of growing ?


Active Member
i will probibly be germinating in around 10 days time.

i know what to do brief(ish) but can anybody explain the whole process.
doesnt have to be detailed.

just the steps.
i will search how to do each step



Well-Known Member
go into the journals section, there will be sum1 in there that will have done whatever u are plannning. u can check out my journal , its only been going for a few weeks but it may give u an idea as how to start.


Active Member
Yea use that link plus sit on here for like an hour or two and type searches for anything you could think of wanting to know its all here just takes a little research


If you need any help you can private message me and I can help you along the way I'm on here everyday best site you will ever find. Everyone helped me and I learned so much the past few months so I will pass on everything I have learned been growing for awhile but I still learn something new everyday. So if you have a quick question instead of posting a whole new thread just drop a msg. To me and I will do my best to help. Good luck

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
i will probibly be germinating in around 10 days time.

i know what to do brief(ish) but can anybody explain the whole process.
doesnt have to be detailed.

just the steps.
i will search how to do each step

WOW! Quite the question. I operate a flood and drain budding system and I bud clones so there isn't any easy a to z answer to your question. It would take several chapters to explain all the different methods of growing and how they can be done effectively. I have answered to hundreds of threads and still haven't really gotton past the very basics of growing. The arguments can be endless and two or more possible conclusions that are totally opposed can be perfectly correct. Every op has its own distinct little problems and there isn't any one size fits all.