My Nigerian Sativa Grow! (First Grow)


Well-Known Member
I have about 13 nigerian sativa plants growing right now under 3 300w equiv cfls in a an closed off area closed off by mylar sheets. im using metromix 360 soil with MG general ferts with a constant temp of 75 and humidity of 40% under a 24/0 cycle.

im planning on a getting a 4x4x6.5 tent with a 400w hps and carbon filter by flowering but for now ill keep you updated on whats going on. if you could give me any advise that would be greatly appreciated :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
i lost my patience and figured no one wanted to see every few days of growth up to this point, so i will show you where im at as of today. i ran out of two liters. im only using them till i sex them. im planning on flowering till i can sex then topping then going back to veg until im ready for flower.



Well-Known Member
today i went to the room to transplant some plants and jeez i could already see improvement in the ones that i transplanted yesterday. tomorrow im switching to 12/12 to begin the sexing then topping process. check these girls (hopefully). btw are the 3 300w equiv cfls good enough until i get my 400 w hps? Tell me what you guys think so far!!!



Active Member
looks pritty cool. if my research is correct droopy leafs mean a slight lack of water.
dunno if its just me but on soem of pictures you have slightly drooping leafs..


Well-Known Member
alot of the leaves were droopy until i transplanted, after i went from 2/3 of a party cup to 2 liter bottles the very next day, they werent droopy anymore


Well-Known Member
thoughs are some big plants for under a month using Cfls but then again 3, 300 watts lol its lookin great to me, i would say top before you switch into 12/12 so it has time to recover and veg before it has to start producing the hormons for the bud or ball sacks lol other then that nice ! rep +


New Member
looks very good however, uncharacteristic of a looks like straight indica, my friend, you have what is a hybrid or an indica

hopefully they are happy in their new home, the latest pics looks like they could use a transplant and you also fed them a tad too much.

anyway man it really does look great dont sweat it its going to turn out pretty good.


i also grow in a 4x4x6.6 under a 400hp light i use 4in pots for the whole grow. what i like about the tent i have is that it has a spill tray and i just att the water and food to the tray the thought that you need big pots is not what i have found using these small pots allows me to see what is happening under my plants also you do need to water them every 3 days bc they dry out quickly. also using smaller pots cuts down on soil mites and fungi. the pics are of my current grow. good luck and lookin good.



Well-Known Member
well the pictures you saw were of the day i transplanted, now they are a lot less droopy and seem alot more healthy, im going to top today, im very nervous to do it haha. does it look like a hybrid? and how do you figure im feeding them too much, because right now im using the MG (i know) 24-8-16 ferts at about half of the recommended dosage.


Well-Known Member
k so i topped my plants today (to the fourth node) and put them back on veg, (luckily they had only been on 12/12 for a day so i doubt any harm was done) one of my plants had a yellowish brownish tip. there are also a few plants with the biggest hulking stems ive ever seen hahaha. any input? :mrgreen:



New Member
yea yer feeding too much....ur still feeding to much, your plants have nitrogen toxicity to some degree, what is your medium?


Well-Known Member
some SunGro metromix360 soil, the miracle gro general purpose 24-8-16, only feeding every other water with fert half of recommended dose.


Well-Known Member
im not an expspirt but i would trim the brown parts off the bottom leafs or the leafs all together IMO


Well-Known Member
do you think so? i was using 24/8/16 ferts, and i just read up more on the soil im using, and it has slow released hight nitrogen ferts. dammit :(


Well-Known Member
yeah cause the plant will try and repair the leafs but if there to far damaged im 99% positive it would be better to trim them off , wouldnt worsen the condition at all if you did, and if it was a disiese your deffinatly better trimming them off