leaves curling up and twisting...please help....


Active Member
I am growing 2 brainstorm, 2 WWxSkunkxNL and 2 Bubblegum
all about 6 weeks from seed.
50/50 pro COCO Perlite mix.
250w MH
they get the entire Hesi coco product line
powerzyme, supervite, TNT, Roots all according to the chart.
on RO water with PH 5.6-6.

on one of the brainstorm plants leaves are curling up and twisting...
the top leaves looked like they had a rusty/redish burn like mark...only the leaf was still soft....these turnd into yellow/brown within a day or 2...
the bottom leaves has the same burn like mark...only in pale yellow.

what can that be? def? over-fert? please help before it gets worse....

the rest of the garden looks great....just transplanted them into a gallon pot and i'm going to let them veg for about 4 more weeks.



Hey man. I'd say they are getting too much of something. I'm no botanist or chemist but they are getting burned I think. Just go water for a few days or something. Then back off on the nutes. Looks like your soil is full of stuff so you may not need to hammer ferts to them. The two little ones are struggling for sure, but your big ones I think are showing small signs too, yellow tips. Maybe just a stronger strain or something.
Either way I say just go water for a bit man. It can't hurt right. I do it to my hydro res lots. I don't have an ec meter or tds, and I like to run max nutes so if I see ANYTHING that doesn't look perfect, I add water. I mean, think about this. People flush for two weeks sometimes. No nutes. They don't die. Water is beautiful.

Good luck!!


Active Member
the above is good info for a soil grow absolutely fatal for a coco grow never water only yor plant you can flush tehm then water them with nutes, ide drop to half the recomended dose of nutes and see how that works it looks like a ph thing or nute over load sometimes the recomened dose is too much so go halh and work up from there and keep eye on ppm. and 3 post can kill u some times


Active Member
thank you for your replies.
I started them slowly with the dosage...with 1/4 then 1/2...until they got fed with 100% of the charts dosage.
they get the exact same feeding for the past 3 weeks, so i inituitivly thought its def.
ph and ec are closely regulated.

are you sure it looks like over? cant it be P def?


thank you for your replies.
I started them slowly with the dosage...with 1/4 then 1/2...until they got fed with 100% of the charts dosage.
they get the exact same feeding for the past 3 weeks, so i inituitivly thought its def.
ph and ec are closely regulated.

are you sure it looks like over? cant it be P def?

Well I have to say that's a little out of my knowledge base right now man!!! But if this isn't your first time and you've followed a feeding schedule chances are it could be something else.
Just a thought...are you mixing your nutes to your water properly? Had the brainwave too that if your plants are getting a def somehow, how come the other two aren't?
Just trying to do some elimination with ya man!!

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
I haven't seen this issue very often to this extreme.

Probably over fertilization. Potassium deficiency doesn't show up like this.
Part of me wants to say it is related to pH also.


Well-Known Member
Boron Deficiency
Plants deficient in boron exhibit brittle abnormal growth at shoot tips and one of the earliest symptoms is failure of root tips to elongate normally. Stem and root apical meristems often die. Root tips often become swollen and discolored. Internal tissues may rot and become host to fungal disease. Leaves show various symptoms which include drying, thickening, distorting, wilting, and chlorotic or necrotic spotting.
Treat with one teaspoon of Boric acid (sold as eyewash) per gallon of water.


Active Member
ok guys....
I've flushed...
set them back to 50% nutts
all plants started to go lighter green as expected.
but the twisted baby won't recover....and the twisting of the leaves is spreading slowly....it started from the top...at the youngest shoots and fan leaves..and working its way to the bottom...

now one of the leaves on another plant started to curl up and flipped...only unlike it's sister, the most bottom, oldest sun leaf curled...

any ideas??????

I found evidence I have spider mites...can the fuckers do that to a plant?

can the plant be saved?

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
As I was reading that the flush didn't help the first thing I thought was

"Fuck, I forgot about spider mites."
Then I finished reading the post...

Yes, absolutely... Shit. I feel like an asshole. I totally spaced on that as a cause and the flush was probably totally unnecessary, actually depriving the plant of nutrients when it's trying to fight off a bug infestation.

I suppose I'm not the only one to blame but I totally could have seen this coming and should have warned you. I promise that other people won't suffer in the same way.

Mites will do this to a plant. Things are going to start getting bad for them in a hurry.

Take a look in the pest forum. Spider Mites a total bitches to deal with but you can employ a series of treatments to at least get them under control.

Sorry to hear about this. Are these clones? If so, I'd contact the place you got them from and scream their ear off about contaminating your grow room with their shit cuttings.