Boycott The Attitude!

Just because an act or a bill is labeled the "Regulate, Control & Tax Cannabis Act" and unofficially referred to as the "Legalize Marijuana" law - it simply doesn't make it a wholesome and desirable piece of legislation.

Many fail to realize that there are often huge discrepancies between the generally perceived facade of a piece of legislation and how the actual text of a law will ultimately be interpreted.

Aside from allowing cities and towns unlimited potential taxation (even for growing your own), it also would have allowed the state to "prohibit and punish through civil fines or other remedies the possession, sale, possession for sale, cultivation, processing, or transportation of cannabis that was not obtained lawfully from a person pursuant to this section (11300) (a person who is licensed or permitted to [sell marijuana] under the terms of an ordinance adopted pursuant to section 11300)". Therefore, it would have specifically made black-market cannabis illegal and allow for the punishment of people who obtain cannabis from the black market, which is not the case currently.

I know, nobody cared about that whole 'tax' issue; the part about marijuana being 'regulated and controlled'- i.e. 'legal' overshadows that completely and you just wouldn't pay the tax right? But, guess what? Then you would be breaking another law: tax evasion!
Obtaining a license for commercial cultivation would have been ridiculously expensive, and few would actually be permitted to set up. We would have a new multi-billion dollar industry that only existing billionaires could participate in.

There were other issues with Prop 19. A ban on public smoking and smoking "anywhere minors are present" and even adults sharing joints in public could result in arrest, imprisonment or fines. And because Prop 19 is itself an initiative it probably would have been interpreted as superseding Prop 215, opening the door for local government to control medical marijuana (which they cannot do currently thanks to the Compassionate Use Act).

All of this is outlined in the recent issue of Skunk Magazine, along with the opinion of Ed Rosenthal in favor of it.

i wasn't intending to re-debate the pros/cons of Prop 19
just that SubCool(and GN of SB) did support it, which was a legalization bill
many here didn't like Prop 19, so be it
Just because an act or a bill is labeled the "Regulate, Control & Tax Cannabis Act" and unofficially referred to as the "Legalize Marijuana" law - it simply doesn't make it a wholesome and desirable piece of legislation.


You don't comprimise during war, you kick ass and get whats rightfully yours...or die trying. Our parents/grandparents didn't succome in times of war. They laid their lives down for us. What message would we be sending our children to vote in legislature that still allowed them to bend us over after a song a dance? Doesn't matter if they outright fuck you in public, or sneak around the side of the building and fuck you in the are still getting fucked.
Seedbanks are so profitable because cannabis is illegal almost everywhere. Limited supply and high demand, this seems elementary.

Growers should share seeds and clones locally when possible. Seeds and clones cost next to nothing to produce.

The money that would have been spent buying seeds can be reinvested in some other way, perhaps donate to a food bank? Or similar.

If anyone is legal from California, I am always looking for trades and I will start making donations when I get a breeding room.

Hope this is at least somewhat relevant.

Peace :joint:


If someone spends the time to breed an amazing bud,
i'll pay them and a retailer $10 for a seed.

Breeding/marketing/shipping is a job that I am willing to pay someone to do.
I could get free seeds, but they would be shit. I could fly to South America to find a
cross,butI'd rather do my thing and let them do theres,

The amount of work and knoledge it takes to get some land race seed from butt fk egypt into
the product we all love, Super lemon haze, jack the ripper, OG Kush for example is HUGE!

The risk it takes to get them to us is great as well. Ask the Canadians bout that one.

Where would we all be with out places like the Attitude? Breeders like Subcool? They rock in my book!

Hope this makes sense
Imagine if all growers took the time to breed one crop, and gave them away, spread them all over and let nature do it's thing, etc.

Shitty weed or not, it would change the world.

This statement is ignorant and lacks foresight.

All the government would do is get more money from taxes to put more people in jail. Who knows what other tactics they would do to up the arrest.
hobbes has gone off the deep end....i hope he took his bong with him...

i'd like to be with ya on this hobbes but i dont really understand most of what you're saying.
yah, i'm way beyone lost in this thread, and that video really only managed to cloud things up a lil more..
so long as anything is illegal, be it cannabis or what have you, there are always going to be people making money off it, and that's just the law of the land, supply and demand if you please, and its never going to change till things become legal.. i don't understand how attacking or boycotting such people really changes anything in the end.. the only way for things to change is for cannabis to become a completely legal product.. but if and when that happens, were going to hear people saying such things as boycott merk, or boycott lorilard and the other big phamra. and tobbaco companies who now own all the rights to the strains we have been smoking for years..
i would rather have it the way it is now persoanally..
this makes so much more since now thank G>O>D> i read the hole tread Hobbes im with u the hole world is brain wased wearther it be guns or natural meds there are tons of herbs that people will use that grow exactly like mj but have never been brain washed to think they will be prosicuted or worse for using it so they go on suffering or taking less afective chemicals that actully damage other parts and yearslater there asshole fallout and alls they had to do is relax and enjoy just enuff to let the pain go.

great post
this makes so much more since now thank G>O>D> i read the hole tread Hobbes im with u the hole world is brain wased wearther it be guns or natural meds there are tons of herbs that people will use that grow exactly like mj but have never been brain washed to think they will be prosicuted or worse for using it so they go on suffering or taking less afective chemicals that actully damage other parts and yearslater there asshole fallout and alls they had to do is relax and enjoy just enuff to let the pain go.

great post

Jesus Christ...I sure hope English is your 3rd language. If so, my apologies.

Hey BS, we're all high here! Hopefully.

Sorry WithOutAChance, but BS's post was fucking funny all by itself - he could have attached it to any post and I would have laughed.

Good one. lol!



WithOutAChance I found your post perfectly coherent and it made complete sense. What does that tell about the two of us?


Getting some friends together for the up coming battle.




I will make it my

mission in life

To be sure that

Bobby Hoffman

is always high


Honestly, what the fuck were you idiots thinking? That you could fuck over the weak and the sick forever? You jumped pretty fucking quick when I tapped your change purse, let see how quick you move when I take you wallet. Then your bank account.

Do you think that I am fucking with you yet?


Anyone know what Lee is up to? Did he ever get out of prison for that armed robbery? Fucking limey, fuck it was funny when he knocked Tito out outside a fucking bar! LMFAO!

