Wow you have got to be the most worthless piece of shit ever created you hit a woman for a material possession I know your type your just like my ex too bad you were around me I'd break every fucking bone in your body your headed to jail if she has any brain in her head at all! Learn some fucking respect and grow some balls man that isn't ok I'd fucking stabbed your ass oh and well if she is big your the one enjoying it if you didn't like a fatty you wouldn't be hitting that shit!Jesus Christ calm the fuck was only one slap the bitch deserved it...she lucky I didn't beached her fat ass lol... all u captain save a whale don't forget, we r all in this together...we're all potential butt rapping victims lol so don't play that I'm a man role n cry like a lol bitch when u get locked up LOL
[video=youtube;6bMLrA_0O5I][/video]Ok here's the into a fight with my fat ass girl friend...the fucking whale got mad and broke the neck of one of my g.d.p... I got mad and told her how would she felt if some on broke her neck ( stupid cunt so fat she has no neck)...
Dude, they butt rape girl beaters more then they do weed smokers... matter of fact, if she did turn you in for growing, and were caught you might of got a small fine, nothing serious for two small plants. Since you laid your hands on her, she can have you arrested for domestic assault and you can face up to 18 months in prison...Jesus Christ calm the fuck was only one slap the bitch deserved it...she lucky I didn't beached her fat ass lol... all u captain save a whale don't forget, we r all in this together...we're all potential butt rapping victims lol so don't play that I'm a man role n cry like a lol bitch when u get locked up LOL
Actually people do get raped in jail but more often beaten within an inch of their life man I hope he ends up my way my brother would love to pay him a visit along with his crowddude what you did was wrong, but im not your daddy and won't lecture you like these other guys.
get rid of the plants and anything else that would make it look like you were growing.
and FYI a bunch of my friends have been/ are in prison and they say that no1 gets raped but they will beat the hell out of child molesters, rapist, and woman beaters. they told me the guards won't do nothing about it either just because they agree that they deserve the beating.
I have to agree with you to a degree here woman who do that are vindictive cunts but doesn't give anyone a right to put hands on them and you will be surprised what a little slap will get you I got hauled off to jail for slamming my exs arm in the door only thing that saved me is my brain which this guy obviously doesn't havenever beat a girl man, it's just not fair to use physical strength against girl, but then again, she's done similar, used your weak point(love towards your plants)
i think you've done wrong to beat the bitch, but i also think that she's a bitch for breaking your plant. this type of girl would try and get you with the things you love wether it's your plants or something else. now she's threatened to turn you in for growing and that also is low. i think you should ditch your grow right NOW! and i also think you should take some anger management with a doc, and never give the fat bitch a chance to get back with you cuz thats what she is, she'll do similar things over and over. i doubt you'll be going to jail for just a lil slap, she has to prove you did slap her and even if she initiates some beating marks you can get a lawyer and prove her wrong and get her ass jailed for trying to nail you.
Jerry! Jerry! Jerry!
...sounds like we have some white trash in the house.
You should really call it sounds worth it...let us know if you joke.
I wanna be on Steve Wilkos show...........Jerry is weak............You should really call it sounds worth it...let us know if you do
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