The Art of The Auto

word... dont mean to sound like a no-no-nancy... lol

mossey says 4 days light dep starts balls on his

guess you need faster? they are autos yes?

J ps - on the MG.. I forgot they have an organic line.... still cant support corporate america... rich get richer.. poor get poorer... rather make fox farms rich! J[/QUOTE said:
The MG is much cheaper. I paid eight bucks for 12 quarts of FFOF or about enough for two 1.5 gallon pots. For about twenty bucks I can get a 1.5 cubic foot bag of MG organic garden soil and a bag of perlite. That ends up being enough to fill ten pots. Half the price of the FF per pot
The MG is much cheaper. I paid eight bucks for 12 quarts of FFOF or about enough for two 1.5 gallon pots. For about twenty bucks I can get a 1.5 cubic foot bag of MG organic garden soil and a bag of perlite. That ends up being enough to fill ten pots. Half the price of the FF per pot

fair enough... just not a fan of MG.. thats bottom line... probably from too many retards gardening and always asking me... "Do you use Mirace Grow?"
It pisses me off cuz I go way outta my way to use real organic materials.... ok... I digress... before I get myself all fired up for no reason... ROFL


ps teflon... what do twinkies lead to? I'd assume obesity... which we have a huge problem with in this country... but I'd hate to flowchart from weed to obesity... help me out? lol
The ALF#3 needs to be hit with pollen in atleast 10-14 days, The STF will make balls in 2-3 days and they will need a week to rippen and open.
So bottom line is I guess there isn't much of a difference but I would have to do the whole plant if I just restricted light but I can just do a lower bud with the Silver Tiosulfate.
About the MG-OC, I have just watched the growth difference compared to it and other leading organic brands and also the ph stays in the 6's.
The ALF#3 seems to love the MG Organic choice also;) But I wouldn't think of feeding my plants anything but Fox Farms nutrients...
Yes obesity is where they will lead. It's like they are saying come to the dark side, we have cookies. Very tempting whilst blazed, baked, stoned, stunted or stuperfried. I try to not let the twinkies lead me around, but I have been known to follow a creme filled sponge cake or two
The ALF#3 needs to be hit with pollen in atleast 10-14 days, The STF will make balls in 2-3 days and they will need a week to rippen and open.
So bottom line is I guess there isn't much of a difference but I would have to do the whole plant if I just restricted light but I can just do a lower bud with the Silver Tiosulfate.
About the MG-OC, I have just watched the growth difference compared to it and other leading organic brands and also the ph stays in the 6's.
The ALF#3 seems to love the MG Organic choice also;) But I wouldn't think of feeding my plants anything but Fox Farms nutrients...

word... I see all your "Valid_Points" and :) on the feed!

Now ya got me thinkin I might try MGOG... jeez... what r u a con man? lol
Yes obesity is where they will lead. It's like they are saying come to the dark side, we have cookies. Very tempting whilst blazed, baked, stoned, stunted or stuperfried. I try to not let the twinkies lead me around, but I have been known to follow a creme filled sponge cake or two

LMHO.. Now I know how to employ your help... get you baked and put a twinkie on a string like a carrot... ROFL
word... I see all your "Valid_Points" and :) on the feed!

Now ya got me thinkin I might try MGOG... jeez... what r u a con man? lol
Man you made laugh when I read this.haha
Yeah I would love to follow along on a grow with MGOC but You have reasons that you love your soil type and they are valid.
So I guess it all boils down to grower preference..
Glad to make you laugh... always one of my primary intentions with everyone I interact with... love to make people smile and work/bend their minds a little :)

Well maybe when I get done with the 8000 different experiments that I've got online at the moment I'll actually have room for another variable! lol

It'll def be in the list... I was thinking actually for my outdoor starts for my regular garden... mostly cuz FFOF is Expensive as you say... 38 liters is about 27 US here locally. I have ALWAYS been successful with it. Ultimately, I will be making my own soil... the only reason I'm not currently is lack of indoor (controlled environment) space. Worms will freeze fast up here outside controlled enviros...

Neal... its a real pleasure to have you in the thread... ur riht up there with mossers, FD, BH, teflon, you know... all the regular good dudes here.. hope you sticky around! :)

Thanks brother, I'm mostly here but every now and then I will go check my threads on ICM.
I kind of followed the Moss man,FD,BH here but I have been a member of RIU for a while now and I have just gotten the pleasure of getting to know teflon.
I'll hit you guys with some good pics in a bit when my ride is back...
I wish I would have came back sooner though because I've missed out on some good pics and people like yourself.
Well I have some bad news on my Girl.... Roots are in terrible shape!!! They got like this in less than a week! She was only in a 2" net pot which should have been plenty big enough to get her through until the end but since she did not automatically flower she has grown much bigger then she should have been. The net pot was stretch and was choking her! Well since I figured she was going to die anyway I have taken some drastic measures!!! I took her out of her dwc bucket and did some major cutting of the roots. This is what I chopped off:


I rinsed the remaining roots with a water/peroxide mixture. She is now in a hempy bucket with perlite and she has been watered with ph'd water/hygrozyme. Here she is in her new home:

Please keep her in your thoughts as she fights this battle....:cry:
Well I have some bad news on my Girl.... Roots are in terrible shape!!! They got like this in less than a week! She was only in a 2" net pot which should have been plenty big enough to get her through until the end but since she did not automatically flower she has grown much bigger then she should have been. The net pot was stretch and was choking her! Well since I figured she was going to die anyway I have taken some drastic measures!!! I took her out of her dwc bucket and did some major cutting of the roots. This is what I chopped off:

View attachment 1317356View attachment 1317355

I rinsed the remaining roots with a water/peroxide mixture. She is now in a hempy bucket with perlite and she has been watered with ph'd water/hygrozyme. Here she is in her new home:
View attachment 1317366View attachment 1317365View attachment 1317364

Please keep her in your thoughts as she fights this battle....:cry:

She actually looks like she may pull through bro, But how long had she been in her new home when you took those pics?
Well I have some bad news on my Girl.... Roots are in terrible shape!!! They got like this in less than a week! She was only in a 2" net pot which should have been plenty big enough to get her through until the end but since she did not automatically flower she has grown much bigger then she should have been. The net pot was stretch and was choking her! Well since I figured she was going to die anyway I have taken some drastic measures!!! I took her out of her dwc bucket and did some major cutting of the roots. This is what I chopped off:

View attachment 1317356View attachment 1317355

I rinsed the remaining roots with a water/peroxide mixture. She is now in a hempy bucket with perlite and she has been watered with ph'd water/hygrozyme. Here she is in her new home:
View attachment 1317366View attachment 1317365View attachment 1317364

Please keep her in your thoughts as she fights this battle....:cry:

In our thoughts and prayers... Good Karma Sent my friend!

FD- ROFL... I can only say I'm dissapointed in myself as a man for not catching that! lol

ps - on the MG.. I forgot they have an organic line.... still cant support corporate america... rich get richer.. poor get poorer... rather make fox farms rich!


I am all for not supporting monopolies but sometimes you have to when your resources are limited.
Organic Choice is the only thing I can get and that I trust in my area. It would probably raise some eyebrows if I were to order bags of dirt through the mail in the middle of winter.
Hopefully by spring I will have my compost operation in full swing. By then I will be able to go out and buy horse manure and bags of peat at the local co-op without looking suspicious.

I say why not do it like FD does it and build your own compo?

Here are the the oldest of my autos. They both turned 14 today.
Eliza JaneEliza 14.jpeg DanaDana 14 .jpeg I gave them both some molasses for their B-days.

Here is Tessa in her new pot. She did not like the transplant very much. Her bottom leaves yellowed slightly the day after. She is looking much better today though. Notice the pink hues on her new growth.
NEW T.jpeg