Strongest Strain Known To Man?

i was trying to give this some thought and im not a scientist and i dont have a lab where i can test this but here are my picks based on exp:

for all around eff u up:
medical strains sour diesel
sensi seeds jack flash for a sativa
mr nice black widow for indica
my personal favorite would b black domina very potent ....sour d comes close second tho...i just created black sage im hoping it will come close ....i can
The strongest I've smoked was Herojuana, a BC strain that has been tested between 25-27% THC. Can't say it was really enjoyable though, at those levels it takes on a completely different buzz. My staple strongest is Kali Mist (pre 2000) X Strawberry Fields(Kyle Kushman cut) that no one else on the planet other than a few friends will ever have the treat of smoking :)
Hash. Strongest, when you have 100% pure THC.

Nope, seriously, there are many very good strains of marijuana, but growing conditions affect the amount of THC dramatically. Even the worst strains can contain decent amounts if cared for well, and best varieties of marijuana can loose all of their potential THC if something goes wrong.

hash is no where near 100% THC the closest ur gonna get is budder at maybe 99%
the strongest strain i have ever had the privilege of smoking was called "Kryptonite kush" i bought it at the 420 celebration/smoke out/open weed market - in Vancouver in 2010, the only bad thing was i only bought a couple grams, there were just soooo many strains to sample that day,Now im a veteran kush smoker so it takes an extremely good bud if i can still remember everything about it 7 months later. i think the cross was ( Green Crack x Purple Kush) and it was just lime green and white from the crystals on the outside. on the inside u started to get a couple of flecks of purple through-out the densely packed buds , the buzz was extremely strong and fast hitting , couch-lock but very talkative
very sad to see that one go , the last of it was smoked in a blunt with purple haze and some incredible master kush - fr one of the RAREST blunts known to mankind
g-13 (i doubt it was real, but it was phenomenal!)
Pure Thai (probably the best one ever)
Real Blueberry
Kahuna, outdoor grown in Cali, organic, summer of '09. A very well rounded smoke, well rounded high.
Jack Herer, Sensi seeds version.

I've had white rhino, white widow, Durban poison, etc, and i didnt put them on this list. They are all FANTASTIC, but nothing compares to that original Thai, and Sensi's Jack Herer. Oh, and i'm vaporizing Sour Diesel right now.
Im just about finished growing some Nirvana Bubbalicious & its the strongest stuff I've had. NOt sure if its the strain or the love & care I've put into growing it but 2 hits & Im alright.. Anymore & I get all paranoid & time seems to take on a WHOLE new meaning..
Im just about finished growing some Nirvana Bubbalicious & its the strongest stuff I've had. NOt sure if its the strain or the love & care I've put into growing it but 2 hits & Im alright.. Anymore & I get all paranoid & time seems to take on a WHOLE new meaning..

You need two tokes?? I'm just kidding :lol:
Usually its a 5-6 hit bowl for me with Norther Lights to get me in a nice relaxed place... The Bubbalicious is a totally different high though.

Never had a 1 hit wonder though. This stuff is close. Its been about a week longer of ripening & another weekish until I can harvest so maybe I might have a 1 hit wonder once its dried & cured.

MAN I love growing my own stuff. I mean really.. Its a GREAT hobby, I grow GREAT stuff & its fun. Gotta do something about the smell next grow though..
Its a GREAT hobby, I grow GREAT stuff & its fun. Gotta do something about the smell next grow though..

It is a great hobby for sure!! Here's a link to what I thought was a great tutorial for making your own carbon scrubber. If you're looking to buy one already made than disregard. If you like one-hit-wonders, try DNA's OG Kush. Fcuking ridiculous!!! And I had some seriously high expectations for that strain too!:leaf:
Why do I see a lot of ppl say they weren't pleased or impressed by AK47 smoke? Some ppl love it, others are willing to pass it by, sup with that? I never tried it so just wondering....

Hmm I had an outdoor version and an indoor version. The outdoor bag appeal was low had a brownish tint and a woody subtle smell. I was blown away by it tho I liked the high and it was strong but the flavor was very subtle just like the smell. The indoor verion was completely different more bag appeal light green buds and frosty. It also had a good high but more completely different flavor and taste. I hear there is a cherry flavored pheno of AK-47 so maybe there is a wide range of phenotypes and some of them might lack bag appeal and flavor, I loved it tho I want to grow it sometime.

Most potent strains I've smoked are purple indicas. As far as potent indicas go they have more enjoyable highs than most I've had but one drawback of it is it's hard to get out of bed the next day it wastes you. I've had a purple erkle cross grandaddy purple and an unknown dark purple indica all 3 were very strong.
Is that Diesel x Sensi Star? Who makes this strain?
An older Sensi Star "cut" outta Portland, OR is legendary. Tastes/smells so damn good. Strong as hell.