How do i convince a friend to do shrooms.


Well-Known Member
YEah, most people have a great time on shrooms, especialy the first time...
about the breeding thing... actualy its an ancient entheogen used in old cultures all over the world, rediscoverded about 60 years ago in Mexico.
If anything this is an archaic revival, and not something new.


Active Member
First of all, none of you besides the OP know this person, so to call him a fool is well...foolish.

He may have heard some bad info from a very trusted source close to him. Not saying that he is correct in that thought, but obviously he needs to be educated on the truth's about mushrooms. That doesn't make him a fool.

I would have him check out somewhere like shroomery. Read up on some trip reports and prepare himself for it if it is something he feels like he wants to do. The guy could simply just NOT have a desire to do mushrooms. If that's the case you can't force your beliefs on him. Let him make his own, educated, decisions.


PS - A fool would have eaten the shrooms based solely on what his friend told him. No research of his own. THAT, would have been foolish.


Well-Known Member
I think the shorter duration of the shrooms combined with the smooth comedown followed by typical tryptamine clearheadedness afterwards, makes it an easier substance to deal with for inexperienced trippers, than acid.

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
I'm just saying he SOUNDS like a dumbass, which he is if he believed ridiculous disinformation. :) If he did LSD but wont do Shrooms, I mean, come on, that is foolish. :(


Active Member
Explain that shrooms are just as natural as weed, and tell him to not be ignorant and do a little research. Then explain that tripping is a lot like just being extremely high, and its much more of a body high then visuals, well on shrooms and as long as he doesn't eat more than 2 grams of penis envies or some amazons, which tend to be more visual. Just tell him you become super happy and shrooming is really a great experience


Well-Known Member
I think the shorter duration of the shrooms combined with the smooth comedown followed by typical tryptamine clearheadedness afterwards, makes it an easier substance to deal with for inexperienced trippers, than acid.
Exactly. LSD gives me a feeling of withdrawal (I feel drained and strung out) Which is alot less then some pills prescribed by doctors. With shrooms i never had any hint of withdrawal just a headache simialar to a hang over the next day but it was only because i didn't drink enough water during my trip.

Also he is my friend as are you guys on rui. I respect my friends, he is just misinformed... yes he can have a bad trip but most likely he wont :O the first shroom trip is always the best :P


Well-Known Member
4-PO-DMT (Psilocybin) and 4-HO-DMT (Psilocin) the active ingredients in magic mushrooms are both mentally a lot more opening than LSD for me. I've had my most intense trips on mushrooms and I have never dosed passed an 1/8th. They are imo a lot more of a mind fuck than LSD which provides analytical thinking and complex ideas while mushrooms seem to take my emotions and warp them completely. One minutes I am laughing my head off when the next I am crying over sheer joy over the fact of just being alive to just crying wishing I was "sane" again. I've had inanimate objects talk inside my head. My bathroom door became a ancient sort of tiki god that started talking to me and told me I was "In his domain now". I've never experienced such things on LSD mostly just fun beautiful patterns and faces, while mushrooms is like someone took 50 cans of paint and just threw them all in my line of view, along with my mind being bent and twisted to another's form of view. I had some friends who have done both. First shrooms and than acid an now they refuse to trip unless it's on acid never on shrooms. It's just people's preferences though like everyone else here has said he must make the ultimate decision and if he has doubt in his mind then the chance for a more difficult trip increases.


Active Member
im not for one second attempting to suggest shrooms are bad or evil, but really man, as a mate, shouldnt you somewhat respect your friends decision, ive seen people flip out, OD, reality is some people can mentally cope, others cant, i dont advise trying to influence anyones decision to use, ultimately it could lead to something real bad happening that not only effects you guys, it effects a range people, friends and families, there lives, id rather enjoy my own trip and only have to account for myself, i dont want that shit on my conscience. just a thought, take it or leave, your entitled to your own opinion. dont take this as an attack dude....just saying, isnt it all about having fun ??? do it with peeps that wanna do it with you..makes your trip all the more awesome.

Nice Ol Bud

Well-Known Member
Tell him this.
I took shrooms once,
and it was the best thing that ever happend to me.
Since then my view on life changed and I loved nature from that point on,
and thats what made me also have interest in growing.
I got connected with the universe!

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
Tell him this.
I took shrooms once,
and it was the best thing that ever happend to me.
Since then my view on life changed and I loved nature from that point on,
and thats what made me also have interest in growing.
I got connected with the universe!
LOL If that's true then you made me want to try shrooms AGAIN for the first time. :D :p