white widow


Hey this is my first grow on this strain and i cant work out if it looks right or not ?1? Its just a mass of hairs on bud is this right ?


Active Member
looks like bud to me in the first pic. other ones kinda shitty cant see good. try turning a reg light on right and take pics before your grow lights come on for the 12 and u will get good pics


Hey thanks for the replies i've dropped the light to dark 14/10 up'd temps to 25 dark and light in hope the thc will cover them like meant ....


Well-Known Member
Hey thanks for the replies i've dropped the light to dark 14/10 up'd temps to 25 dark and light in hope the thc will cover them like meant ....
better be careful with that light. Some strains will start revegging with only 10 hours of darkness. You don't want to screw up your buds by having them stop flowering.


Well-Known Member
no no no no wrong way round more dark less light ... thats ok yea ?
ok, but not optimal. Most growers if they alter the 12/12 try to push for 13light/11 dark. A few strains can even go 14 light/10 dark. Your plants need light to grow and for the buds to grow and swell. You are not helping the plants by giving them less light like that.

you want as much light as you can get without triggering veg mode.


Greenhouse Seed Company recommends that growers reduce lights to 8 hours a day for the last 2 weeks of flowering, in their white widow strain. This stops regrowth of buds and encourages maximum resin production, its how you get white widow to look very very white with crystals.


Well-Known Member
keep doin what you do, 10 hrs light is fine , did it for 4 yrs with an ak47 plant that i had . 10/14 right from the beginning and never had anything want to revegg.


Active Member
Greenhouse Seed Company recommends that growers reduce lights to 8 hours a day for the last 2 weeks of flowering, in their white widow strain. This stops regrowth of buds and encourages maximum resin production, its how you get white widow to look very very white with crystals.
whered you hear that, im growing ww and have been on this site for months, and have NEVER heard that. check your facts bro


for a start i'm a girl so don''t call me bro have some respect thats not my facts its whats written on the greenhouse seed company website ! Also on many other websites i can link you straight to them with some pretty good pictures to. I'm here for help not to be spoken to like some chav.



Active Member
for a start i'm a girl so don''t call me bro have some respect thats not my facts its whats written on the greenhouse seed company website ! Also on many other websites i can link you straight to them with some pretty good pictures to. I'm here for help not to be spoken to like some chav.

not speaking to you "like some chav" just you have no reputable background on here. and you were incorrect because u stated greenhouse says that, it does not! that is dutch ww site that you gave me. and i am looking at gh white widow and it doesnt say that. i am growing Nirvana white widow and it too does not say that.


Active Member
just keeping an eye out for false info. no disrespect, and you can calm down because if u read my original reply, it was not offensive either.

not trying to piss you off sorry. just check your facts before lending false info.

lets smoke some herb :leaf:



Hey, that's cool ... Yea correct but the greenhouse seed company website also states it just couldn't be bothered to find it again lol
Believe me i questioned it many times but many people have done it and advise it ! After growing it and being at 11 weeks in flower i can see why to be honest !!! Takes forever don't it :-)


Well-Known Member
I think iv seen this stated on a youtube video i watched..so if the breeder recomends it go for it... Your pics are kind of blurry ...but your girls look nice...thats going to be some nice smoke.....plus rep....happy growing....