got jacked!!


Well-Known Member
so called this kid i gave a ride home a while ago and asked him for some bud, said it was 60 and we met up with him, gave him the money and then 30 min later didn't return and we knew we were jacked.. just a few questions, anyway of getting the law involved and have them on my side?

saw a cops episode sometime ago and this girl stole money from this other girl and called the cops and she even told them she was going to by crack and the cops were on her side, kinda hoping for the same thing.. any advice would be great!


Well-Known Member

stop making threads about some weed.


get the fuck over it. its 60 fucking dollars man.

you live and you learn.


Well-Known Member
why would you even think about getting the cops involved.

like really.... are you still in middle school or something?

dont blv everything you see on TV, kiddo!


Well-Known Member
Everytime I try to get some weed. And he's like, "I'll be back. Gotta pick this shit up." I hate the feeling in your stomach when they're not back within a half hour. PUT THE SMACK DOWN.


100% Authentic A$$Hole
so called this kid i gave a ride home a while ago and asked him for some bud, said it was 60 and we met up with him, gave him the money and then 30 min later didn't return and we knew we were jacked.. just a few questions, anyway of getting the law involved and have them on my side?

saw a cops episode sometime ago and this girl stole money from this other girl and called the cops and she even told them she was going to by crack and the cops were on her side, kinda hoping for the same thing.. any advice would be great!


just give your local popo a call and explain the situation. Im sure they will have your weed for you in no time:hump:


Well-Known Member
Dude just like that crack head, YOUR HIGH!!!!!!!! Dont call the cop, bash that fool yo self... just kidding, trying to be gangster!!! Take the loss, you ever seen Bronx Tell, if you see him again, swell up on him, maybe he will pay you back, if not, it cost you $60 to find out he isnt trustworthy. Even if you beat him up he could call the cops on you, its just not worth it....


Well-Known Member

stop making threads about some weed.


get the fuck over it. its 60 fucking dollars man.

you live and you learn.
ya its 60 bucks... just go throw out 60 bucks and let me know how that feels.


Well-Known Member
Dude just like that crack head, YOUR HIGH!!!!!!!! Dont call the cop, bash that fool yo self... just kidding, trying to be gangster!!! Take the loss, you ever seen Bronx Tell, if you see him again, swell up on him, maybe he will pay you back, if not, it cost you $60 to find out he isnt trustworthy. Even if you beat him up he could call the cops on you, its just not worth it....
just blows there are douche bags out there that pull this shit off.. and what sux is i never saw it common..


Well-Known Member
ya its 60 bucks... just go throw out 60 bucks and let me know how that feels.

stfu dude, like really. now your just whining

i've been gotten for $1500, so dont sit here and tell me shit. you dont see me crying.

its $60 fucking bucks. thas like 3.5-5.0 grams of weed man.

stop treating this shit like crack.


Well-Known Member
sorry i come off assholish.

i just feel like if you cant take a loss in life, you're in a rude awakening bro....


Well-Known Member
Are you new to buying drugs??? You never hand over your cash with out getting the weed. It is your own fault for being dumb and giving up the money with out seeing the weed first. Chalk it up to a lesson learned and next time tell them you will give them the cash when you see the weed. And that cops episode you are talking about was in Ft. Worth, TX and the crack head called the cops wanting her $20 back because they sold her wax or something. The cop told her that he was not going to help her get her money back for a illegal drug deal and i think he searched her and busted her for having a crack pipe. There was another episode where a guy in a hotel room gave up his money to someone to go get crack and he wanted the cops to track them down and get his money back. The cops told him they would not get his money back for a illegal drug deal and i think they found a reason to bust him too. My point is this. If you want to call the cops and cry about getting ripped off for a illegal drug transaction then go ahead. The only thing you are going to do is narc on yourself and give the cops a reason to hassle you and maybe find a reason to bust you.

Stoners With Guns

Active Member
^cant agree more^
FUCK THAT SHIT!!!! you know him, you know his friends, find him and extract that 60$ from is asshole when he tells you he dosnt have it. because he will say that.
theres no other reason than this to get violent with someone than this. YOU WERE ROBBED. Vigilante justice the cops cant do shit.


Well-Known Member
Yea, everyone hates the feeling of being wronged, but if i did see him i would push him around a little though cause thats some asshole shit... Are you growing, cause if you arent, you should start, and in about 3-4 months you wount have to deal with crap again.... I feel for oyu dude...

Good luck !!

just blows there are douche bags out there that pull this shit off.. and what sux is i never saw it common..