help me please i have mites

my first post sorry it had to be this to day I notes some of my girls had little white dots on there fan leafs as I looked I saw some mites so I order some ladybugs . they should be hear in 3 days. should i wait for them or use some neem oil for now what to do :sad:


Well-Known Member
one tip i can give you with mites.......... never wait to do anything, by the time you do they will have doubled in population.

use whatever you have at hand for the time being. if you can afford to, get rid of the plant in question. i had 15 clones from a friend that were infested, i binned the worst one and treated all the others with mite rid (which contains neem oil) every 4th day for two weeks. i haven't seen any more since, good luck with killing them little shits.

how far along are you?, if you are in flower you need to act drastically to save your babies.

lady bugs may help, but you need to take other measures asap.
thank you. Ok 20 min,s be for light out i will spray the girls down with some neem oil i know to spray under leafs and on tops soil too stay a way from buds right


Well-Known Member
if they are only small i would spray the buds too, how far in are you?. make sure you douse the plant til the point of it dripping off the leaves, spider mites are vicious and aggressive you gotta beat them down now!.


Well-Known Member
drowning your plants with neem oil sucks ,,
just buy a hotshots no-pest strip and your mites will be gone


Well-Known Member
drowning your plants with neem oil sucks ,,
just buy a hotshots no-pest strip and your mites will be gone
yeah, that's the only way to go you don't want them to get into your buds, they'll shit all over them. You don't want to smoke that.
Safers soap works but you can taste that in your weed.


Active Member
I've used azamaz and a shop vac with water in the collection tank in my single experience. Shop vac will suck up majority of adults. Azamax fucks up their eggs. I've never saw those fuckers again.

edit: use a gaping net front of the shop vac nozzle so the plants/leaves don't get hurt and dispose of it.
ok i sprayed my girls with neem oil be for they went to sleep waiting on ladybugs now i am in my 17 day of flowering is there any thing that i should do know
ok ladybugs came today, but I sprayed neem oil on them yesterday. can the ladybugs be put with my plants now or will the neem oil kill them