1st from Seed Grow (Cowboy Style)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Lmao you can have a manky wanky. Manky=nasty,filthy,foul. Mine is now all sparkly clean. My downstairs neighbour is on bloody earlies I've been up since half 5.... gonna rip the bong and hit the xbox.

mr west

Well-Known Member
yeah cannabis is the only way to start the day unless u wanna get something done properly and quickly lol.


Well-Known Member
Alright Don, you guy's kill me lol, so how"s things mate, see thats the snow back on! Had it out with my neighbour yest. day before i spent hours cracking and lifting 9 inch thick ice (after moving the snow and softer ice) all with a shovell so my lass can get her moter out and get to work. Now i know its not 'our' designated space, but its a neighbourhood thing that people generally park in same spots outside their homes! While I was knocking my pan in doin it a couple of my neighbours including the guy who leant me the spade, aggreed that if i put the work in then im not gonna be happy if some wideo thinks yee ha! and camp up. So while we nipped out for 10 mins to get some bit n pieces, we came back to find the Polish couple over road had moved over from his ice into my nice clear tarmack! All i done was leave a note on the window telling him to give my door a knock, since he wouldnt respond to my peeping or very loud shouting! Anyway he finally comes to window and tries to abuse me so i told him to get his ass down quick shit, but by time i got trackies n trainers on he was out moving the car bac over to where it was, then as i looked out my window the filthy MoFo dropped them and started swinging his wanger! WTF!
Think that will be the last person to park outside my house now lol.

mr west

Well-Known Member
so ur saying u was flashed in protest by some polish guy from over the road. Did he move his car? Strange goings on indeeed lmao>>>>>>>>:joint:

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Just reread your canna milk recipe, was going to do something like that today, but no stove in the abode for a bit. Have a micro and a little convection oven though I should be able to come up with something....

Hows your bubblegum doing, she finishing up for you?

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
bloody suasage rolls man honestly. lmao dropped hi pants!?!? surprised you didnt go ballistic. i think i might have. or at least popped the wheels lol. then again owt for a peaceful life, but you canny have folks walk over you or theyll do it all the time.

HC you could do it in the microwave i guess probably wouldnt absorb as much thc but if you heated it stirred it let it cool and repeated probs be but the same. just be careful not to go too far boiled milk is nasty man!

so without further adoo
cherry cheese, herming :(
bubblegum also herming :(
cherry cheese frost + naner :(
more bubblegum herm with seed pods :(
DOG lady parts
the creche, livers casey jones psychosis a load of JTR x DPP ( i think) ak48, cheesequake & qrazy train
my freshly cleaned and half hit bong.
2 dogs under the 600!
next round in flower
an 8 meter black cock seen floating over newcastle this afternoon...

right, gonna put the xmas decs up in the ofice and hit the pub.


Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Damn nanners all to hell! Spider mites and fruit flies too while we're at it lol. Dogs are looking nice man, Bubblegum too other than the nanners. So thats what my bong should look like!! Not enough rubbing alcohol in the house to do mine and I'm not going out today in this blizzard so.... Later man ave a pint fer me


Well-Known Member
Also Don, I cant be having the pigs come for statements, I'm suprised someone else didnt phone them with me larging it up at his window lol when i think about it now lmao, but your right, cant be getting walked over either brother! Thats a bummer with your cherry eh! How far on was she?

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Looking really good Don old Man...Frosty like outside. Will ya have a shanty at the pub sice its early?
fo daaaaamn sure bro! tequila today...
Damn nanners all to hell! Spider mites and fruit flies too while we're at it lol. Dogs are looking nice man, Bubblegum too other than the nanners. So thats what my bong should look like!! Not enough rubbing alcohol in the house to do mine and I'm not going out today in this blizzard so.... Later man ave a pint fer me
will do chief for real! yeah its a pain to do but the first toke of that clean piece is awesome. fuck naner. i still cant quite believe it from serious seeds
Also Don, I cant be having the pigs come for statements, I'm suprised someone else didnt phone them with me larging it up at his window lol when i think about it now lmao, but your right, cant be getting walked over either brother! Thats a bummer with your cherry eh! How far on was she?
yeah i know man i have a veryy much more quiet life than i used to now im growing. boundaries still need maintaining though bro! she was8 weeks man smoke is lovely but not a keeper


Well-Known Member
Nice update Don, 8 metre black cocks eh!!! this thread always tends to slip into a theme everynow and then, hehe.

HC, if you have a convection oven, put it on a low heat with the milk in a casserole dish (like you are poaching a fish with milk in the oven) That will work a treat, nice slow heat (in fact it's probably better than on a stove) I lived in my new house for 4 months without a stove so got quite good at cooking everything in an oven!!!

Pea Soup in the Dam the day!!!


Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hahahah were devising a master plan to attach balls to the thing and put mike ashleys head on the bell end and float it from the winking eye bridge over the tyne..... we contacted the manufacturer to see if they could do a bigger one but sadly not :(

i cook most things in the oven D, my lass thinks im cracked for doing tins in the oven but i say why not the things on for chips etc why not put the peas in with!? ( saves washin up too ) foods not meant to be microwaved imo


Well-Known Member
aye, yer a canny lad Don!!!

I hate to waste lecky.....as he quietly burns HID lights, dehumidifiers and fans 24/7 hahaha.

hahahah were devising a master plan to attach balls to the thing and put mike ashleys head on the bell end and float it from the winking eye bridge over the tyne..... we contacted the manufacturer to see if they could do a bigger one but sadly not :(

i cook most things in the oven D, my lass thinks im cracked for doing tins in the oven but i say why not the things on for chips etc why not put the peas in with!? ( saves washin up too ) foods not meant to be microwaved imo

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
aye im conscious that my leccy bill is going to be through the roof... im holding off putting the oil filled radiator in there cos its 800w :( 2 600's the 8 inch fan the dehumidifier the 300w cfl all adds up eh.


Well-Known Member
How's it Don, good to say no "Nat King Cole" cocks getting swung around my way latley! And all neighbours agreed with me and have since cleared they'r own parking space's! The daft arse does'nt realise how much im gonna fuck with him now! Been sitting since thinking all the thing's I could do from, play with his moter, Piss off his landlord and get him out, I wonder how long he would have them staying there when his nice windows start getting smashed every week! Im sure the young team would gladly go ahead for a gram a go! Anyway How's you Man, love your cooking method, simple common sense works every time! Stay safe m8.
