Stealth draws?


What I meant was, for instance your going to look in your cab at how your prized ladies are getting along, and as you open the doors a HUGE BRIGHT ORANGEY LIGHT floods into your room lol :) ..............If you have dark walls it'll take the edge off the brightness that excapes from the open cab, If you fit a blackout blind to the window the excaping light will be reduced as far as any spectaters etc from outside are concerned....If dark walls aren't an options I'll show you another technique how to block the light from getting past your window and blind - STELTHY :leaf:

I dont think she will be wanting a dark colour so we can try the other idea. Our house backs on to a massive field then a forrest so there are no houses behind us:)

How much mylar will i need, was thinking maybe Ebay for it?

The room will be decorated next Saturday. It was a brewery but ive flogged the lot to someone so that will cover my cabinet cost:)


They can do it mate but have a read of what they suggest. Sounds better to me as i can try and assemble it with just the misses and me.

The other approach - and generally better - is to supply two cabinets which are then stacked. I attach a sample image which shows two 1200mm wide cabinets stacked. There are a couple of advantages doing it this way:
- it makes the assembly easier as you can work on one smaller sub cabinet at a time (only 100Kg to move rather than 200Kg!)
- the grid of four doors aesthetic is generally more pleasing than a two door cabinet
- you can make a feature of the join by creating a 'shadow gap' with spacer pieces (we'll include then) which once again makes the overall design more visually appealing

Because the entire construction is 18mm thick MDF it will be incredibly strong and therefore you can make holes/cutouts in it wherever you want. People find this useful when for example they need to work around gas pipes.

Not sure what the shadow gap thing is but would this work?


Well-Known Member
They can do it mate but have a read of what they suggest. Sounds better to me as i can try and assemble it with just the misses and me.

The other approach - and generally better - is to supply two cabinets which are then stacked. I attach a sample image which shows two 1200mm wide cabinets stacked. There are a couple of advantages doing it this way:
- it makes the assembly easier as you can work on one smaller sub cabinet at a time (only 100Kg to move rather than 200Kg!)
- the grid of four doors aesthetic is generally more pleasing than a two door cabinet
- you can make a feature of the join by creating a 'shadow gap' with spacer pieces (we'll include then) which once again makes the overall design more visually appealing

Because the entire construction is 18mm thick MDF it will be incredibly strong and therefore you can make holes/cutouts in it wherever you want. People find this useful when for example they need to work around gas pipes.

Not sure what the shadow gap thing is but would this work?
Do you mean have 2 seperate cabs 100cm/1M wide each? If you did that you would be less likely able to run a 600 MH/HPS ballast, I mean for the veg side You can get away with using 250W Blue spec CFLs (Envirolites)-I've used them and they are perfect for huge veg growth and I would reccomend them for Vegging any way but you really need a high powered HPS either 400W or 600W for Flowering 5 plants :) I think the one I designed and the pics posted allow alot more equiptment to be stored in a more stealth way - STELTHY :leaf:


I think he means a cabinet on top of a cabinet for ease of assembly. Ive asked him for a pic anyway. I think it will be exactly the same as your plan but just have 4 door.


Well-Known Member
STELTHY- is there any way u could give some dimensions for that sketch?? I like that a lot and was just wondering what the sizes would be to get 5 plants on each side like that, plus what the top and bottom would be. Thanks.
Hi Kobalt You can make the dimensions what ever you like to suit your needs, The main thing is to sort out the DWC nuit tubs 1st then the shelving fits level with the lids, and up top ......once you know the size of your fan and filter etc you can then set the height of the top shelf... If you put a divider in then just measure the width of the unit and the distance between the bottom of the top shelf and the top of the bottom shelf and the divider should slide comfortably into place, secure it there with 'L' brackets and tape up the gaps with silver duct-tape, No1. Though is get the cab and set it up...After that modding can begin :) - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member
I think he means a cabinet on top of a cabinet for ease of assembly. Ive asked him for a pic anyway. I think it will be exactly the same as your plan but just have 4 door.
Post the pics up n I'll see whats possible, we don't wanna loose any grow height and still need to store everything so as to keep it stealth without comprimising power of lamps etc.... - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Just gotta nip to my mates Gaff lol to help him with his grow...Gotta show him how to use Cha-Ching :) and boost his Co2 but he's got beer for me and some ice hash so I don't mind...Anyhow I'll be back on line at some point tommoz...Post the pics and I'll get to work with them :) - STELTHY :leaf:


Here are the pics and the email

I attach the image with two 1000mm units stacked to give you the overall dimensions you need (meant to attach that before).
I also attach two other other options (which both give an ultimate finished size of 1800mm wide, 2000mm high, 1100mm deep):
- Two 900mm wide units side by side (good thing about this is it reduces door widths to 450mm)
- Two 900mm wide, 1600mm high units on top of a 1800mm wide, 400mm high unit.

Because our cabinets are cut on a computer controlled production saw the measurements will be spot on so they'll stack together to give a very sharp final appearance. They'll also be incredibly strong so if you want to drill loads of holes for cables/ventilation etc there's practically no limits.

Cost wise the two units stacked I can do for the same price as the original unit. With the other options it's more material but I can split the difference for you. (By the way the images attached were generated by the system. You click the 'Add cabinet to my order' button and they appear on the 'My Order' page and then you can drag them around to give the kind of images attached.)



Mailed him and asked what he meant and he replied

"That's right, the same amount of internal space but easier to build. Where the cabinets butt up to each other you would effectively have a divider/shelf but if you wanted you could just make cutouts with a jigsaw to give you whatever internal spaces you wanted."

The third option looks good and maybe the easiest to assemble . Could even make the bottom cabinets look like draws? More aesthetically pleasing also looking like a wardrobe and draw set. Could hopefully still make a drying area also.

Could see if he will do the 1600mm cabinets with no bottom so when attatched to the top of 400mm cabinet via dowel will give me an 18" thick 400cm high shelf and 1600cm high rooms. Would be less timber also so would save money:)

Let me know your views mate.


Well-Known Member

With the 3rd design,can you also have a set of drawers added to the top of each unit, we could work with that.....Otherwise the plants will be able to grow max of approx 40cm tall and thats at a push... If you can have a top pair of drawers as well then that would give you approx 70cm of grow height for the plants

*The lower drawers will hold the res tub and be storage for the nuits

*The large mid section will be for lighting and the plants

*The top drawers will be for the in-line fan and carbon filter and ballasts

it says the drawers are 40cm in height, and the main cabs are 90cm in height

40cm is great for both res. etc below, and storage for fan and filter above,

and 90cm minus the height of the reflector is an ok size for some medium sized plants....

could do with being 140cm really lol but if thats as big as they go we'll have to go for 90cm as the height for the 2 main units

If we could do 40cm Height Drawers-(Bottom) 140cm Height main cab-(Middle) 40cm Height Drawers-(Top) for each unit THAT WOULD BE GREAT!!!!

and still keep the width of each cab at 100cm/1M+ (Wider the better) - more room for the reflector,+ 90 degree elbow+air-flow :)

and the depth of each cab at 800 or 1100cm

2 doors per Cab (4 in total) plus the drawer doors 2per cab (4 total)

and then we wouldn't need any shelving because we'd have our three sections already made :)

What do you think??

If this is possible defo do this and we'll have good space for everything as well as keeping it stealthy - STELTHY :leaf:


Well my total width was only going to be 1800cm. I think 2000cm wide and 1100 would be to deep and look to big for the room.

I suppose its only an extra 200cm though.

How about i try and get what you suggested but 2000cm wide x 1000cm deep x 2200cm high. I didnt really want to spend more than £500on the cab itself but i like the idea of what you said about the top cab aswell.

If he will supply the 1400 cab withough top or bottom that should save me some cash.

What do you think to that? Can you see any reason why he wouldnt do the 1400 cabs without top or bottom?


Well-Known Member
Well my total width was only going to be 1800cm. I think 2000cm wide and 1100 would be to deep and look to big for the room.

Ok how about making the each cab 120cm wide, so together they would be 240cm wide (2.4Meter's) ..A bit wider than you wanted but you could cut back on the Depth to between say 80cm to 100cm Deep

If I measure my reflector and the elbow plus a 6" gap for air movement I can let you know the exact measurement you'll need for the width but would reccomend

getting the same reflector as mine as its smaller, it still reflects perfectly and is air cooled but will compact the nessesary lighting equipment as much as possible - STELTHY :leaf:


Well a 1200 wide 1000 deep 400 high cabinet is £156 and i would need 4 of though so thats £624 plus 30 delivery then the main cabs on top not much cheaper for an 800 deep either. It must be the extra width.

Ill see what he says tomorrow, could probably stretch to 700 at a push but i can see it being more than that. Could we work with a 2000cm wide 1000cm deep 2200 high?

I think if he will do it without the top and bottom for the main cab that will save a few quid. It will pay for itself over the years.


Well-Known Member
Well a 1200 wide 1000 deep 400 high cabinet is £156 and i would need 4 of though so thats £624 plus 30 delivery then the main cabs on top not much cheaper for an 800 deep either. It must be the extra width.

Ill see what he says tomorrow, could probably stretch to 700 at a push but i can see it being more than that. Could we work with a 2000cm wide 1000cm deep 2200 high?

I think if he will do it without the top and bottom for the main cab that will save a few quid. It will pay for itself over the years.

Erm... its the 200cm wide that "May be the problem" As I say - I'll measure my reflector and elbow etc in the morning and let you know the exact measurements.. And or I can measure the dimensions of my cab and we can try n get the same heights figured as well as the width's ~ I'll sleep on it :) let me know if the dude can do a drawer,cab,drawer unit X2 and for how much cos those heights would be perfect (40cm Height Drawers-(Bottom) 140cm Height main cab-(Middle) 40cm Height Drawers-(Top) for each unit) - STELTHY :leaf:


Ok mate i will. Im off to bed now so ill speak to him tomorrow.

Was thinking if i got a full cabinet and 2 draws whether he would let me have just the sides back and doors of the other units. So basically less wood so hopefully cheaper. Just dowel it all together. Not sure if he will do it though. Would have 18mm thick shelves top and bottom then plus an 18mm thick partition and maybe more affordable to go up to 2400mm.

Was also thinking LED light for veg room? What you rekon are they any good?


Well-Known Member
stelthy, that is one kind offer. +rep for being what RIU is all about.
Thanks man! :) just keep'in it real lol, my philosophy is 1 good turn deserves another, what goes around comes around, and treat people how you want to be treated! I'am confident that 'as and when or if' I need any help, my helping other people will get me known and people will (hopefully) help me lol :) plus I enjoy helping people do good things with their time :) I am well looking forward to 'Dungie' getting his cab/s and getting to work - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Ok mate i will. Im off to bed now so ill speak to him tomorrow.

Was thinking if i got a full cabinet and 2 draws whether he would let me have just the sides back and doors of the other units. So basically less wood so hopefully cheaper. Just dowel it all together. Not sure if he will do it though. Would have 18mm thick shelves top and bottom then plus an 18mm thick partition and maybe more affordable to go up to 2400mm.

Was also thinking LED light for veg room? What you rekon are they any good?
For vegging Leds are great, as are Cfls I'll post up a couple of veg lighting setups in both LED and in CFL to see what you want to go with :) *Good LEDs 'are' Expensive though :) - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member
All these Cfls are great :-

I have include some with reflectors to show you which reflectors work best with these lamps NB/ THESE 6100/6500k LAMPS ARE GREAT FOR VEGGING :) !!!

Also the good thing with these bulbs is that the ballasts are built in and surprisingly they run at touch temp which is great cos it illiminates the need for a noisy fan etc....

Envirolites are effective, energy-saving, reliable, low heat generating horticultural grow lamps, giving excellent results and lower operating costs for all indoor growers.

Plants need light in the correct spectrum, which is proven to be between 400 & 700 Nana Wave, and Envirolites produce high output light in exactly this spectrum.

There is no wasted light, unlike HID and HPS lamps were much of the light cannot even be seen or used by the plant.

Envirolites give 100% PAR (Photosynthetically Active Radiation) high output light and are used successfully for all propagation, vegetative or flowering stages.

Envirolites do not generate excessive heat and can be used directly over plants. This is the secret of growing with Envirolites, positioned directly above, just 3 cm or 4 cm, the top of the plants! Unlike HID lamps, this new generation, grow lamps will not burn your plants.

This is a real advantage compared to growing with HID lamps, as there is no wasted light, which occurs when HID lamps are positioned high above plants. Envirolites give 100 % PAR, correct spectrum, high lumen light directly on top of your plants - where they need it!

Envirolites are available in 2 models:
* 6100K Propagation & vegetative growing.........................................................................THIS IS WHAT YOU NEED TO VEG - (BLUE SPEC) !!!
* 2700K Flowering stage growing Self Ballasting Lamps - simple to install or wire
100 % PAR in the correct spectrum for growing
Generates much less heat than HID Lamps
Energy saving lamps give lower operating costs
High Lumen Output ~ Long Life Operation

Below I'll add some more pics of some more reflectors that work awesome with these CFL's:-


The Powerplant Sun Mate Reflector is great for hobby growers who wish to propagate, grow and flower just a couple of plants, with the use of compact fluorescent lamps to reduce running costs.

These reflectors can support 125w, 200w or 250w compact fluorescent lamps with ease and will deliver all light towards your plant canopy with the closed end dual parabolic reflector design.

The outer body of the reflector is vented for cool running and has two fittings for hanging the reflector easily with jack chain or eazi rolls.

The Sun Mate reflector can be used with a blue CF lamp for vegetative growth keeping a mother plant and cuttings under, or these reflectors are also great used with a red CF lamp for providing additional lighting in large flowering grow rooms, without raising running costs and temperatures too much.

•Designed for optimising the light from compact fluorescent lamps.
•Sturdy design can support 125w, 200w or 250w self ballasted CF lamps.
•Low power usage.
•Use the Sun Mate reflector with blue CF lamps for large scale propagation or early vegetative growth.
•Use the Sun Mate reflector with red CF lamps for flowering plants.
•Can be used horizontally for top lighting and also vertically for side lighting.
•Vented for cool running.
•Convenient on/off switch fitted on reflector.
•Fitted with plug and 4 metre power lead

This reflector is another great design from Powerplant. The Sun Mate Twin CFL reflector is capable of holding two compact fluorescent lamps, either 125w or 250w.

The Sun Mate twin CFL reflector has an outer body that is finished white and has vents on the front and rear and also on the top to allow any heat produced from the lamps to escape quickly and efficiently. Hanging hooks are provided that clip into the reflector body for easily connecting to Eazi Roll hangers or jack chain. There are two seperate On and Off switches on the rear outside of the reflector to allow more control with the two lamps, a cable and plug is fitted to connect to the mains via a timer. The inner of the reflector is partitioned down the middle so it can hold the two dual parabolic reflectors neatly inside, these parabolic reflectors will spread the light evenly over your garden. The E40 lampholders are fitted through holes in the main body making them capable of supporting a 250w lamp with no problem. Another benefit with this reflector is you are able to mix your lamps, a blue and red CFL lamp can be used together delivering a broader spectrum of light for plants that require it

This reflector is an excellent choice to use inside a grow tent delivering a maximum of 500w, keeping heat inside the tent low and also running costs lower compared to HID lighting.

Takes two CFL grow lamps.
Cool running double wall and multiple vent design.
Twin dual parabolic inner reflectors.
Plugs straight into a 13amp socket.
Built in twin independent On/Off switches.
4m power lead and plug.
Dimensions : HWD 180 x 665 x 525mm

And that about it :) for the Cfls.........I'll look up some LED info next and then we can decide what will be best for your setup - STELTHY :leaf:


He is working me a price out now on 4 x 400cm high x 1000cm deep x 1200 cabs and 2 x 1600mm high x 1000cm deep x 1200 cabs.

Works out on the site at over a grand but he said it will be cheaper than that because for the big cabs instead of using 18mm mdf for the top and the bottom sections he can use a 100mm wide rails which should reduce cost. Not sure what rails are though.

This is what he emailed me

"Yes that makes sense. We could do as you suggest but use two 100mm wide rails instead of omitting the top/bottoms. That way you could build each unit independently and then stack them together."

They cant omit the side of one of the 1600cm cabs though as they are essential to make it sturdy.

How does that sound mate?


Ill leave the choice of lights up to you mate. What watt are the veg lights and do they cost a lot to run? I want the best most cost effective one and as i say ill leave it up to you.