Stealth draws?


New Member
i grow in a lab (aka a 9x10x8 room).

however, those dressers / grow boxes look nice!

if micro is your style, that drawer looks aesthetic & low profile... i wonder about odor control though.


Active Member

Holy crap. That's all I can say, just holy... crap. Are you sure you want to drop that much on a piece of equipment from some people who can't even get someone to proofread their advertising copy?

Rascality Afoot

Well-Known Member
Those do look nice, but very expensive. A good friend of mine actually has the exact same situation, and got a local cabinet/ furniture builder to make him a nice little custom box to his specs. It came pre drilled with a vent hole on top, a compartment for his fan/ wires (which he insulated for noise), and a really cool little intake hole which closes when the fan is off. Both of the vents are hidden, so even if you look at the back you can't see! To boot, it's a gorgeous piece of furniture that blends in with his decor perfectly. The best part? For the $3000 (not sure where the pound is at these days), you could buy the custom piece, get a full climate control for it, co2, lights, fans, air scrubbers, take your wife somewhere really nice, and pay for several ounces of headstash to tide you over until it's grown!

Remember, the IDEA of growing may be acceptable to her, when she actually sees it growing, and stinking, and shining, paranoia WILL set in, and you may have a problem. Do this soooo sneaky that she doesn't even know for months, and you'll both sleep easier.

Rascality Afoot

Well-Known Member
Those do look nice, but very expensive. A good friend of mine actually has the exact same situation, and got a local cabinet/ furniture builder to make him a nice little custom box to his specs. It came pre drilled with a vent hole on top, a compartment for his fan/ wires (which he insulated for noise), and a really cool little intake hole which closes when the fan is off. Both of the vents are hidden, so even if you look at the back you can't see! To boot, it's a gorgeous piece of furniture that blends in with his decor perfectly. The best part? For the $3000 (not sure where the pound is at these days), you could buy the custom piece, get a full climate control for it, co2, lights, fans, air scrubbers, take your wife somewhere really nice, and pay for several ounces of headstash to tide you over until it's grown!

Remember, the IDEA of growing may be acceptable to her, when she actually sees it growing, and stinking, and shining, paranoia WILL set in, and you may have a problem. Do this soooo sneaky that she doesn't even know for months, and you'll both sleep easier.


Well-Known Member
Dude......That is way too much money to fork out for a small drawer unit! I could draw you up a step by step DIY guide to make your own for way less than $500 all in! Check out what I started with and then turned it into :-

I could easily help you make a cool unit, If you begin with just buying the sized cupboard/drawers you are interested in getting, I can help you mod the setup - step by step.....Its what I am good at :) You can barely hear my unit at all... So if I built one that was scaled down I am 99.9% sure I could get it to run silently :) Also bare in mind running a 600 in that sized set of Drawers id over kill...Use a 400 Max, Lumatek do dimable ballast and ballasts with boost switches, I'd reccomend a 400w Digital ballast that can fire up both MH & HPS bulbs and has a switch to boost the lumens in flower (HPS ONLY)...

Chew it over man, I dont mind helping you at all :) But paying that much is ridiculous. Let me know your thoughts - STELTHY :leaf:


Cheers stealthy i think i may give it a go. I was gonna ask them to mod the draws for me anyway to make them bigger so if im building my own i can choose the size i want. Just looking at your cupboard now and it looks great.

Obviulsy my main concerns will be noise and odour but if you think you can help me through this it would be much appreciated.


Are you still considering custom building these and selling them? Id be up for that if you could do me one?


Well-Known Member
Cheers stealthy i think i may give it a go. I was gonna ask them to mod the draws for me anyway to make them bigger so if im building my own i can choose the size i want. Just looking at your cupboard now and it looks great.

Obviulsy my main concerns will be noise and odour but if you think you can help me through this it would be much appreciated.
Hi Dungie, Yeah man....Choose and acquire the unit you wish to transform! I can make a set of drawers nigh on silent :) and odor is too easy to overcome :) whats the biggest cab size you can go? and how many plants do you wish to have growing at the same time in there? Keep me posted/informed and post 'LOTS of PIC'S' and we can get started :) I look forward to helping you man :) - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Are you still considering custom building these and selling them? Id be up for that if you could do me one?
I would love to do that but at this end of the year don't have the space nor the funds (lots of people to buy Christmas presents for etc) I may look into doing it later on in the new year, But we'll see :) For now I am happy to help you build a cab (size of your choice) and just for the satisfaction that I've been able to help someone, do something productive :) - STELTHY :leaf:


Hi Dungie, Yeah man....Choose and acquire the unit you wish to transform! I can make a set of drawers nigh on silent :) and odor is too easy to overcome :) whats the biggest cab size you can go? and how many plants do you wish to have growing at the same time in there? Keep me posted/informed and post 'LOTS of PIC'S' and we can get started :) I look forward to helping you man :) - STELTHY :leaf:

Thanks mate. This will be my first grow but i want to do it properly and with a stealth box it will stop all the anxiety.

Ive got a spare room so can have a cabinet or a big wardrobe just not sure on size or how to grow.

Are autoflowering femanized seeds any good or are regualr femanized seeds better and just dont veg them very long?

I only ask because ive read reports of people doing 10 auto flowering seeds and getting a 10oz crop every 8 weeks? Im a heavy smoker so that would do me but i do wan t to grow the best quality stuff i can.

Any ideas stealth? If its an uber stealth box and i go the autoflowering plant root i think id prob grow 15-20 plants.


Well-Known Member
Thanks mate. This will be my first grow but i want to do it properly and with a stealth box it will stop all the anxiety.

Ive got a spare room so can have a cabinet or a big wardrobe just not sure on size or how to grow.

Are autoflowering femanized seeds any good or are regualr femanized seeds better and just dont veg them very long?

I only ask because ive read reports of people doing 10 auto flowering seeds and getting a 10oz crop every 8 weeks? Im a heavy smoker so that would do me but i do wan t to grow the best quality stuff i can.

Any ideas stealth? If its an uber stealth box and i go the autoflowering plant root i think id prob grow 15-20 plants.
Hi again dude :) I'd go with the big wardrobe...Means more everything from Plants to Lights to Buds etc etc...

Does your spare room have a window or a vent?

Auto's are ok but they tend not to grow to big although they flower quicker most the time, Its up to you really, I mean you cold have 4 BIG BEASTLY plants or 8-12 small ones and still get the same after harvest... Its what you'd prefer..But since you want it all STEALTH and to be ok with your Mrs. . I'd avoid them and go with normal reg/Fem'd seeds and either go 12/12 from seed or only veg for 2-3 weeks tops before throwing them into flower.

If your thinking of growing 15 - 20+ :) You'll need to use the whole of that spare room...and in which case wouldn't bother with either a set of drawers or cab. 15 - 20+ plants will fill your entire room! I could help you do that too, But think you need to have a word with your Mrs before she kills you for going 'crazy all out' :) lol

The drawers you could prob do 2 - 3 plants,

and the cab between 4 and 8 depending on the dimensions,

And you'll need a room for 15 - 20+ plants

I looked at the other HG LINK :-

QUOTE: Just found these, seem alot cheaper than the kamelian.

and would think 2-3 plants 4 at a push

Take a look on-line on a stores web-site for a cab etc... you're are thinking of getting, and post a pic of it and include the dimension's ie. Height, Width and Depth that's prob your 1st step :)

What are your thoughts - STELTHY :leaf:


Ill have a ponder on it mate and have a word with the breadknife.

These cabinets on the sites say they can take up to 27 plants? My thoughts were you see to grow a few of these autoflowering/dwarf plants to save time. How many of those type of plants could i get into a mtr square box?

I was thinking for stealth wise id rather have say 10+ plants producing an oz each every 8 weeks so i could keep the hight of the cabinet down.

Like i say im a total noob and need to do some more research.


Active Member
Dude......That is way too much money to fork out for a small drawer unit! I could draw you up a step by step DIY guide to make your own for way less than $500 all in! Check out what I started with and then turned it into :-

I could easily help you make a cool unit, If you begin with just buying the sized cupboard/drawers you are interested in getting, I can help you mod the setup - step by step.....Its what I am good at :) You can barely hear my unit at all... So if I built one that was scaled down I am 99.9% sure I could get it to run silently :) Also bare in mind running a 600 in that sized set of Drawers id over kill...Use a 400 Max, Lumatek do dimable ballast and ballasts with boost switches, I'd reccomend a 400w Digital ballast that can fire up both MH & HPS bulbs and has a switch to boost the lumens in flower (HPS ONLY)...

Chew it over man, I dont mind helping you at all :) But paying that much is ridiculous. Let me know your thoughts - STELTHY :leaf:
stelthy, that is one kind offer. +rep for being what RIU is all about.
Word. +REP Stelthy. God this place is awesome!


Well-Known Member
Ill have a ponder on it mate and have a word with the breadknife.

These cabinets on the sites say they can take up to 27 plants? My thoughts were you see to grow a few of these Autoflowering/Dwarf plants to save time. How many of those type of plants could i get into a mtr square box?

I was thinking for stealth wise id rather have say 10+ plants producing an oz each every 8 weeks so i could keep the hight of the cabinet down.

Like i say im a total noob and need to do some more research.
When the sellers say they will hold 27 plants etc and show a set of Drawers, I would hope they mean for either seedling's or for clones, even if you were to grow Auto's/Dwarf's.. I would say 6 at tops in that space.

I wondered do you want to grow in Hydro or Soil, ?? Soil is easy although the pots can take up alot of space, but if you learn with Hydro its just as easy and Hydro will make your plants grow faster too :), Again its your call :)

For your 1st grow I wouldn't aim for any more than 6 - 8 plants! Depending on how you feed them.. You should easily get the bud weight your looking for if not more - STELTHY :leaf:


New Member
Remember, the IDEA of growing may be acceptable to her, when she actually sees it growing, and stinking, and shining, paranoia WILL set in, and you may have a problem. Do this soooo sneaky that she doesn't even know for months, and you'll both sleep easier.
i'll respectfully disagree.

it took me TWO years to convince my wife that going out to buy dank, the carrying, the driving, and the drama associated getting it was unnecessary.

additionally, the douche bags charging top $ for B- shwag, in under over pinched, weight bags, started to make me angry as hell... seriously angry.

i grew for ten years straight, my friend.

never without herb until i stopped ...moved into a high rise for 7 years & met my wife.

now, i have my own home & the space to do it right.

all i had to do was convince my rush limbaugh listening, 100% conservative, (mad sexy & adorable) wife that my position a) has 100% validity & b) was safer & c) would save me $.

dont hide it. find a way to talk about & discuss the issue.

you already know her argument.

research your position!

====> use logic & FACT about the "good good sensi love" to support your position.


Right i have had a think about it and i think im def gonna TRY and build my own cabinet with the help of Stealth. I will say now i cant even usally put up flat pack furniture without messing it up and usually do one job and create 7 but i will have a go.

Now ideally i would like to have 12-15oz every 10 weeks so from what ive read that would mean i would need a flowering room and a veg room.

I dont really want to have more than 10 plants because i dont want to look like im doing it for commercial gain IF anything ever did happen so that would be 5 flowering and 5 vegging.

I have been reading alot about SCROG growing so i think i would like to give that a try. I want to use a 600 watt light ideally so not sure if that would be enough for a 5 plant scrog?

So i know what type of cabinet now (scrog room and veg room) i just dont know about size.

I can probaly go up to 1.2mtr wide, 800cm deep and2mtrs high but as small as possible would be good.

On a side note the breadknife said she wants no holes drilling into wall or ceiling so i can see this being a problem.


When the sellers say they will hold 27 plants etc and show a set of Drawers, I would hope they mean for either seedling's or for clones, even if you were to grow Auto's/Dwarf's.. I would say 6 at tops in that space.

I wondered do you want to grow in Hydro or Soil, ?? Soil is easy although the pots can take up alot of space, but if you learn with Hydro its just as easy and Hydro will make your plants grow faster too :), Again its your call :)

For your 1st grow I wouldn't aim for any more than 6 - 8 plants! Depending on how you feed them.. You should easily get the bud weight your looking for if not more - STELTHY :leaf:

I think id like to try hydro.