Stealth draws?


If thats what you recomend mate thats what ill go for.

What are these clearances they are asking for on that cabinet site?


Well-Known Member
Yes mate i can get the cab made to measure and pre doweled so i just have to put it together, misses is gonna help me so nobody else knows. Is it worth adding 2 shelves with it, again made to measure so im sure they will come in handy and there only £30. Not sure it its cheaper to make shelves? As i say im not known for my DIY skills lol and dont drive to go and pick up wood etc. Plus i want to keep sawing to a minimum because ill prob mess it up lol.

I havent looked into the equipment i need yet to be honest so ill go with what ever you think is the best. Im gonna be leanring how to grow as the time gets closer lol

As for the fan again ill go for the best/stealthiest you recomend. Ive read sometimes its better to get one bigger than you need and run it at a low speed for stealth but agaiin ill leave it up to you.

Ill go for the dimpled mylar if its better. Id rather spend now to save in future.

I just need to know bottom position and clearance mate so let me know on those also and i can get the cab ordered tmrw for delivery this week:)

Oh the bab is made of 18mm MDF so not sure what exact internal dimensions are.

Ok get 2 fitted shelves, we can easily move them higher or lower when need be :) We will also need to divide the unit with an MDF panal right in the center, (But maybe better to do this after) since we need to keep the space above and below the shelves...That sounds confusing..allow me to draw a couple of diagrams n I'll post what I mean so you get the jist of what I mean :)

Once we have the cab ordered we need to buy that dimpled Mylar.... (and apply it to the unit with spray adhesive and a staple gun) before assembling the cab.

Have you got the spending power to buy all the equipment pretty much at the same time? only then we could cut the relevant holes etc before applying the Mylar, (creating a more profesh finish) ... If not no worries! We'll just be careful when cutting the holes later its not hard I'll show you what to do :)

When you say bottom position and clearence ..Do you mean the Botto shelf? if so..We need to 1st deside what size/type of plastic storage style tubs where going to use for your nuitrient res. I'll post some possibilities after Iam done posting the pics of the reflectors :)

You could just buy the cab and the Mylar and then we can put in the shelves our selves on small steel 'L' brackets, I put my shelf in after I had my res. sorted it makes life easier :)

How long do you think it'll be before you're in possession of the cab? - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member

Square shape is perfect for square growing areas (i.e. 4’x4’).
Very uniform, square, intense light pattern.
6” integrated air-cooled fittings.
Interior made from 95% reflective European aluminum.
Completely sealed with neoprene gaskets and hinged glass.
Pre-wired with lamp cord and socket.
Galvanized steel housing with Dupont powder coated finish.

This is a nice one too, but now looking at it I think you'll be better off with the 1st one The 'Magnum XXXL' Are you UK or US or other? Only I can find you the best prices for you area etc...

I'll look into res tubs next :) - STELTHY :leaf:


I can get the unit for Friday mate and i am in the position to get everything together if need be.

What about bottom position? It says 100mm on the site but i can change if need be.


I can buy a partition for it aswell or is better doing that later and just sticking to 2 shelves for now?

As for the shelves the bloke said i can fit them where ever i want anyway.

From what the geezer was saying i ca\n basically have what ever shelves and partitions i want and fit them where i want this is why i decided to go for there cab.

I just hope i can build it with the misses and dont have to ask someone for help.


Well-Known Member
Ok I have some sketches to upload, I am still unsure what you mean by the bottom position :) - STELTHY :leaf:


Me too lol take a look at wardrobe place and see what you think. Theres is a creation tool on there where can put all my sizes in. You may be able to undertsnad about the bottom position then but i cant lol.


It will be Monday now when i can get the cabinet as the breadknife says ive got to decorate the room first lol.

Just had a right bollocking lol, she has been onto me for 12 months to sort that room out and now ive decided to do this ill have the room empty and decorated in 1 week lol.


Well-Known Member
Lol always the way :) lol... I've just had a look on the web site, I now understand the bottom measurement.. I put in 50mm So 5cm...Its how high the bottom shelf (the beginning of the shelf) will be elevated from the floor..You need as much room as poss..So enter 50MM in that section :) I am still getting the hang of using that site I'll upload my sketch asap..

Get busy man BUSY BUSY BUSY and decorate that room, Also bare in mind which way the cab doors will open, so paint/paper the wall the light is most likely to reflect onto a dark colour ie black or brown etc ...even dark green. And put up a blackout blind just to help keep the lighting low profile and stealth :) - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member

This is the Cab with the Dimensions :-

Width 1800mm
Height 2000mm
Depth 1100mm
Bottom position 50mm


Well-Known Member

Heres the same unit as above fitted with 2 doors, The text mentions (learences ..the gap around the doors and the unit)...Idealy you want a standard gap for the hinge sides of the door but enter 1mm for the Top+Bottom of the doors and 0mm for the Center


Well-Known Member
Also I think It would be worth while to get 4 shelves its better to have 1 or 2 spare incase we make a wrong sized hole etc in the grow shelf, I hope you think thats a good idea too :) - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member

Clearance top 1.0
Clearance bottom 1.0
Clearance sides 2.5

Thats what I entered on the pic above :) - STELTHY :leaf:


Cheers mate. Just had an emial form the place asking if i could go 800mm deep for the cabinet due to transport or soemthing and the fact they have had to use oversize stock. I think its just easier for them that way so ive told them i need it 1100 mm deep and i need delivery monday so i can mount my audio system in them as a suprise for the wife before she gets back off holiday:)

Ill let you know what they say. I hope they can do it!!!

Ill get 3 shelves so ive got one spare and should i get a partition or can i make my own more cheaply/easily?

Design looks great mate, cant wait to get cracking:)


As for the paint we were going to use some Magnolia, would this be ok? I dont really understand what you mean about the paint colour.


Well-Known Member
Cheers mate. Just had an emial form the place asking if i could go 800mm deep for the cabinet due to transport or soemthing and the fact they have had to use oversize stock. I think its just easier for them that way so ive told them i need it 1100 mm deep and i need delivery monday so i can mount my audio system in them as a suprise for the wife before she gets back off holiday:)

Ill let you know what they say. I hope they can do it!!!

No worries man :) 800mm is still quite wide, but yeah it'd be better if they could do the 1100mm in Depth, 3shelves sounds fine also :) Personally Id make your own ats easy enough and if you buy from say B&Q they will cut to size and deliver as well (for a small charge)- So the partition is ok 2 do later.

Have you any idea where your going to get the Mylar from yet?

Yeah I am looking forward to getting the wheels rolling too :) I'll keep my fingers crossed you recieve the cab Monday, Have you started decorating that room yet?

Just a note: Also remember we'll cover the inside with spray adhesive and the Mylar before putting it together, It will look so much neater once its done :)

Have you got a staple gun?....You'll need loads of staples to!

I'll look back through my thread a copy a pic of the adhesive you should use for best results too - STELTHY :leaf:


Active Member
STELTHY- is there any way u could give some dimensions for that sketch?? I like that a lot and was just wondering what the sizes would be to get 5 plants on each side like that, plus what the top and bottom would be. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
As for the paint we were going to use some Magnolia, would this be ok? I dont really understand what you mean about the paint colour.
What I meant was, for instance your going to look in your cab at how your prized ladies are getting along, and as you open the doors a HUGE BRIGHT ORANGEY LIGHT floods into your room lol :) ..............If you have dark walls it'll take the edge off the brightness that excapes from the open cab, If you fit a blackout blind to the window the excaping light will be reduced as far as any spectaters etc from outside are concerned....If dark walls aren't an options I'll show you another technique how to block the light from getting past your window and blind - STELTHY :leaf: