Can anybody answer this question?


Active Member
are we to assume they all started at the same time and conditions thru out thier lifes.

my answer is the white pot is suppier to the black potts any body can see that, looks like to diff, homes , temps, growers, nutes, i mean wtf do you want i need way more in for nutes, watering schedule, nutes of soil, how much yard dirt was left on roots, ligth given per day what you doing to thet plant and i mean everything fuck quick beinglazy you want answer we want details.
light schedule 18\6.
soil fox farm(blue bag)
NUTs-Big Bloom, Big Grow, tiger bloom
Water Schedule- every 3 days, on NUTs, every other watering w/ a quarter of what the chart says

knocked all dirt off roots when i took the plants out. They were in the bs dirt for about 2wks. The healthier plant sprouted on NOV12. Im using a 250w MH and a 250w HPS with two cfls in the back. should i moved them off the light a little? Thanks


Active Member
i dont use these nute but make suree you only use nutes for veg stage big blooms prally not one of these or tiger bloom, but i dont know for sure read um to be sure(the bloom nute dont support growth accully inhippit itcould be problem. knocking 100% of dirt off double edge sword stressed roots could slow growth will recover better in long run.

flush soil with 3-4 times the amount the empty pot would hold of phed water 6.8-7.0 let dry completely water with phed water for 3 waterings then start nute schedule with proper nutes

keep lights as they are once starts growing again in week or 2 maybe sooner bump up to 20/4 or 24/0

oh yeah if the FF blue bag has nutes in it dont add any more until will i dont know but much later i believe flowering im a hydro guy.

best i can do for yu
hit the star just below to the left


You disturbed the rootball resulting in slower initial growth
Bingo ^^^

Just a slight shock from the transplant into a new medium. Transplanting doesn't usually stress a plant too much when staying with the same soil. But, if you are introducing it to a new medium it usually stunts a little (from my experience anyways). Also, as sparkjumper pointed out, manhandling the rootball during transplant doesn't help either. :-P

Just keep it on the same routine as the healthy plant from here on out and you should be fine. Good luck!