is it bad that these leaves are like super droopy and almost curling under?


Well-Known Member
it's not good, that's for sure.
let me guess, you've been watering every day to help speed things up, right ?


Active Member
nope i water every 2-4 days or whenever the soil starts to look dry bro idk what it could be i hurd it could be over watering but that just cant be it


Active Member
Use a little little less water during watering. Stick about 2/4 of your finger in the soil and if its still wet you can wait to give your plant water.
good luck and happy growing


Active Member
how much do you water? every 2-4- days could easily be too much for a plant that size. the top of the soil will dry out fast but that is not what you should use to check, as the rest of the media will still have plenty of water in it for a few days usually. a good method is to check by the weight of the pots. keep an identical pot full of dry soil until you get the hang of it. the weight will change as the plant grows but it is easy to get the hang of anyways. your plant does appear to be over-watered which is a common mistake for beginners. they can go awhile without watering when they are small. you would be surprised. either way, give it a few days and see what happens. chances are it will perk back up. once it does, do not water until it starts to show slight signs of drooping again (this will look different than the overwatered look). then water.


Serious stretch going on there aswell mate, CFLs can practically touch the top of the plant, too late now but bit of advice for the future!


Well-Known Member
Have you only been watering thus far? And what is the soil mix you are using? The plant is too young to be showing deficiencies, so the logical answer would be over doing something.


Active Member
okay yeah those are all CFLS 60 watt ecuivalent to a 150 i think thats what it said. therre daytime not softwhite i already made that mistake once....yes i know about how its all streched out i fuckked up in the beginning but its getting compact now so i think it should be good.....also you guys where right the leaves are starting to perk back up i must have jjust oveer watered it i normaly put about 3 cups water in when i do water it i didnt think that would be enough to really hurt it more then help it but yeah n-e-wayz heres a pic update120600_0833[00].jpg