Are some of these strains really supposed to taste like fruit/spice?


Well-Known Member
Cus I can never notice any difference other than the degree of smoothness between the strains. Oh actually, I do taste something kind of like citrus in the spacebomb (or was it the chernobyl), but only when smoked out of a bong. Don't have my own bong btw. I actually don't smoke much and just started again after a 5 year break. Is the JillyBean really supposed to taste like oranges? I mean it smells incredible, but I couldn't taste the oranges.

So I'm wondering if it's just something wrong with my tastebuds or brand of nutrients (CNS17), or maybe I should switch to supersoil. I love growing in coco though, been trying to figure out how to do supersoil without the Roots organic or if it's worth it. Would cost a good $100-200 to source all those ingredients from different places.
grab some nice Chocolope and come over to my house tomorrow, it smells like chocolate milk and its all my wife smokes.

Snassberries taste like snasberries.

If grow right they all have a unique flavor and smell.
Give organics a try, ditch the synthetics. If you wanna stay in coco and Botanicare, go with Pure Blend Pro, Liquid Karma, Hydroplex for a bloom boost, and use General Organics CaMg+ (it's way better than Botanicare's CalMag, imo. plus it has molasses in it).
Maybe you are not flushing long enough. If your plants look green still when you chop, you did not flush enough. I go 10 days on my Coco plants, too little of a flush will effect taste and smell.
Don't forget to take into account your palette. Just like tasting a fine wine most people taste or pickup on subtle differences. If you're a cigarette smoker that will limit the range of your palette tremendously.
They smell great, they don't taste bad, there's just no "wow factor" in the taste.
I don't smoke cigs.

Also, I'm using a clean chillum to smoke out of

lol, I was hoping JillyBean would actually taste like I just finished eating an orange icecream. Hasn't been curing for long though. My friend told me that it's kind of like tea.
oh I have much to learn...
Read a wine description then taste it and tell me you can taste everything they claim there. I think it's some reality mixed with some marketing. Drying and curing are big factors in taste too so if you're not spot on there, you may miss a bit of it. Agent Orange definitely tastes like oranges to me and Strawberry Cough definitely tastes like strawberries. Other than those two the "fruit flavors" get a little murky for me.

It's either not there, or we have unrefined pallets
I'm not a wine drinker, that's why.

That's all I wanted to know, if it was actually that close of a taste to the description.

I think I actually taste something floral/poopy/hashy in the Vortex.
yea, holy shit I just tasted the fruity/hashyness of the vortex just now. Weird thing is, it was from a piece of bud that got chewed off by a caterpillar and very dried out.
I said floral but I wasn't too sure, it was kind of in between fruity/flower taste

We'll see, I haven't smoked them all yet fully cured.

Does it need to be incredibly dried out in order to taste it?

wow, i'm definitely tasting something in the vortex. It's weird, cus it tastes diff every hit.
Ha as long as you're loving it I wouldn't worry if it doesn't taste exactly like Sub claims. I find that curing improves taste too. How long has yours been in jars?
1-2 weeks, stem breaks but bud is still pliable, it isn't in that rock hard solid state yet, which seems to be what people prefer.
Have a orange jillybean and orange cream (candy shop) that taste as they smell as soon as they are dry. Taste like they smell....might be the pheno.

Have two differenet lemon phenos from a honey moon mix that taste like lemon lime and lemon head candy as soon as they come off the stem.

My pandoras boxes have a funky/smell taste that goes with the smell but I cannot put my taste buds on it.
Also, one thing I've seen about alot of TGA strains is that there a multiple phenos for most of their strains. So maybe that's why you're not tasting it?
Sounds like your buds aren't even dry enough to start curing yet. Sweat them a little bit more until the outer part of the buds are no longer spongy feeling and then close the lid on those jars. Let them cure in that state for at least two weeks and some incredible smells and tastes should start coming through.
your not done with the curing stage. the longer it sits the more flavor it picks up. in a jar in a dark place 1 month and your in action.
your not done with the curing stage. the longer it sits the more flavor it picks up. in a jar in a dark place 1 month and your in action.

I agree, dry them til the stems break and they are crunchy on the outside... Then throw em in jars burrping twice/day for first week, then 1 time a day for another 2-3 weeks... then no more burping for a week... then it should be legit... My AO's finally just started with the real flavor a couple days ago man.... its been a while since ive chopped them.... i hope this helps you out