Sharksbreath and Qwerkle


Well-Known Member
love the qeurks...hopefully mine would looked like that...bra!!! hows the cloning on ur querkle if you dont mind


Well-Known Member
whatcha mean?

their super good at cloning. ive even revegged clones of them. heck matter of fact, after i harvest these, im gonna reveg one of them. ill just leave some foliage and place in 24 hour light. hopefully then i can get another couple cuttings from her.


Well-Known Member
i think you should be able to do that, she's looking close to done tho.
really beautiful stuff cant wait to read the smoke report!


Well-Known Member
thanks guys. michigan ALWAYS in the house round here:)

love, in these pics i wanna say it was day 44. both strains.


Well-Known Member
whatcha mean?

their super good at cloning. ive even revegged clones of them. heck matter of fact, after i harvest these, im gonna reveg one of them. ill just leave some foliage and place in 24 hour light. hopefully then i can get another couple cuttings from her.
i was asking if its easy to clone...good to know then


Well-Known Member
That sharksbreath is very extreme. That and the qwerkle have a similar flavor which i enjoyed a lot. Smoked them both and i must say... DON'T STOP GROWING THAT CHRONIC


Well-Known Member
thanks dudes. ya know, i was all excited to get that camera but now im shopping for a better one. thats like a 7 mp sony. i want one with the different lenses and shit. this one doesnt get goood enough macros.

someone else

Active Member
Fantastic Querkle shots!

I think even subcool would be impressed with what you've got cookin here. :mrgreen:

That also pretty much sold me into picking up 4 or 5 seeds of it for next year.
(I was already gonna get some, but this really sold me!)

Thanks for the post!