i got some new pictures of my weak ass setup
this is my highly technilogicall super technodrome mega intake exhaust fan. its letting all the light out so it sucks...oh well

this is my new ultra supersonic lightning light setup. i dont know if you can see it, but its a 125 W blue cfl watching from above, ande 3 20 W soldiers standing upright behind them.
the plant on the left is the notorious "ikaros" i woke up one day and that fool was frenchkissing one of my lights(like ikaros flew to close to the sun). so i punished her with some nutes that burned one of her leaves haha shes about 3 weeks tops
the one one the right is "madelene" thats the name of the swedish princess. she got the name cuz she was born under much better circumstanses than Ikaros, plus she had her seedshell on top of her lika a crown

shes only 1 week
Ikaros up close. shes stretching a bit, but her stem is twice as thick as it was in the beginning (check out my journal) so im kinda happy. shes my guinnea pig
Madelene up close. she on the other hand is stretching lika crazy! i told the bit to get off her high horses before so fall down and break her puny neck!
thats all for now, one week from now i be posting new pictures for those with interest. maybe sooner if sumtin bad happens =O
feel free to comment and give me pointers or just cuss me out for not taking care of my babys properly
