Quit Smoking Cigarettes

crazy shit folks! Props to those who quit.

Ive been smoking for about nine years now and I KNOW its time to cut the bad habit out, Im thinking cold turkey...

I did hear tho: take a cigi, dip it in milk, dry it, smoke it. SUPPOSEDLY, you will be puking all over the place and you will never want to pick another cigi up again....

Let me know if anyone is going to try the above method...lol

Good luck my fellow farmers!!!!
i would love to quit.been cig smoker for 7 years.its so fucking hard!i can go like 2 days than my G/F will be a bitch on a bipolar rant and i go strait to the jiffy.im thinking the cig box full of pinner joints would be the way to go for me.that will be my next attempt but im gonna wait for my next harvest in 2 weeks.ill have 3 different strains rolled up in there and thats better than any cig! SuBsCrIbED

anyone ever try chantix??its a scipt.150 a month and no insurance covers it.its supposed to help quiting alot.if the pinner joint plan doesnt work it will be my next option.

really sucks to hear people 2 years off the cigs still reaching for there shirt pockets :/

i had been taking the chantix for almost a month when i quit and i think it was a big help. i work for a smoke friendly company, the only place we're restricted is in the customers waiting area, so i had plenty of my asshole buddies blowing smoke my way to help me all the way. i was the only smoker at home so that part was easy. good luck on quitting!
I started smoking when i moved to canada from the states, I met my gf online and its been kinda stressful living with her parents. I stopped smoking after 3 packs and just started smoking a shit ton of weed to keep me from going back.
I started smoking when i moved to canada from the states, I met my gf online and its been kinda stressful living with her parents. I stopped smoking after 3 packs and just started smoking a shit ton of weed to keep me from going back.

last time i was in canada the cigarettes were almost $10 a pac and they had some pretty nasty warnings printed on the pac.
Yup, Each pack has a huge picture of something nasty. My last pack had a par of lungs completely covered in tar and your right about the price there really expensive but if you buy them from the reserve its like 250 cigs for $20
im 27 and been smoking cigs for about 9 years....i quit many times for a week or so then started up again...a few weeks ago i decided to try again, i havent lit a cig for a little over 2 weeks now, this time its soo easy for me i think mainly because my room mates arnt smokers so im not around cigs all the time like i use to be. The weird thing is this time i really didnt want to quit as bad as other times in the past but this time is way easyer than any of the previous times ive tryed.
Ive read studys that say most people who quit smoking are in their late 20's to mid 30's.
What helped me decide this time is i just seen some shit that showed how bad smoking was, cigs are the #1 killer in America and after only 1 year of not smoking the risk of heart failure goes down by 50% WOOOOOOW!!!

So like i said its been over 2 weeks since i smoked a cig..I have little urges here and there but nothin i cant overcome with a strong head and strong will.....
Good luck ladies and gentlemen...CIGARETTES SUCK!!
I quit on June 5th and I have to say this thread has had a major impact on my doing so. Thanks to everyone for all the encouragement you've given me, even though it's only been 3 and a half monthes, I can safely say I'm never inhaling another puff of tobacco in my life.

Thanks everyone and best of luck to all quitters! You CAN do it!
i would love to quit.been cig smoker for 7 years.its so fucking hard!i can go like 2 days than my G/F will be a bitch on a bipolar rant and i go strait to the jiffy.im thinking the cig box full of pinner joints would be the way to go for me.that will be my next attempt but im gonna wait for my next harvest in 2 weeks.ill have 3 different strains rolled up in there and thats better than any cig! SuBsCrIbED

anyone ever try chantix??its a scipt.150 a month and no insurance covers it.its supposed to help quiting alot.if the pinner joint plan doesnt work it will be my next option.

really sucks to hear people 2 years off the cigs still reaching for there shirt pockets :/

Hope it worked for ya, man! It did for me :)
i quit for a year in ny...but i started again back in korea. it's tough not to smoke here because EVERYONE smokes and you can smoke ANYWHERE you fucking want. and stogs cost 2.50 a pack...lol

and my boys comin to korea soon from ny, he's in hong kong right now..but he told me he brought a box of newports for me lol
i had been battling with quitting for a while. driving on the highways and byways i was up to a pack and a half. the truckstops sell'em cheap and hit you with the buy two and save a dollar, or you find'em (newports) cheaper in other states so you buy multiple packs. i quit by telling myself i was killing myself slowly, i don't really enjoy smoking (cigarettes), and i was tired of feeling like i couldnt quit and was addicted. i stopped cold turkey. i knew i was healed when i got stressed out a while after quitting, wanted a cig, but chose not to cop a pack. i'm also glad i'm not in an area that sells loosies...that also helped. i don't know my quit date, but it's been at least a year. so far its never have a want never have a need.
i was tired of feeling like i couldnt quit and was addicted. i stopped cold turkey. i knew i was healed when i got stressed out a while after quitting, wanted a cig, but chose not to cop a pack.
Congrats on quitting, it is a tough uphill battle to put down those damn things but once you're a couple weeks clean its amazing how much you can smell/taste. Including fresh air - well worth the effort it takes.
I did the same as you, cold turkey after 20 + years smoking. I found that gum occasionally helped with the oral fixation - other than that it was just plain old will power.
Oh, and that was over 10 years ago. *pats self on back*. I feel I have earned back a couple quality years on the tail end of my life, and I dont have that persistant phligm in my lungs.
after 19 years of two packs a day, i rolled a jar of joints and froze a pack of cigerrettes in a bowl of water and after two weeks the joints were gone but the ciggs were still frozen ,that was almost two years ago.
YA man, good luck to you..i wish i could quit this shit one day..I have smoked cigs for 5 years now, and i am pretty young...I dunno, the sooner the better right, but its so relaxing and i love my cigs, but at the same time i know they are the killer sticks!!!
I quit for 6 months, then went to a trip to france, drank a lot and on point i had a burning sig in my mouth-Fuck i was stupid, why???!!!!

YA man, good luck to you..i wish i could quit this shit one day..I have smoked cigs for 5 years now, and i am pretty young...I dunno, the sooner the better right, but its so relaxing and i love my cigs, but at the same time i know they are the killer sticks!!!
I quit for 6 months, then went to a trip to france, drank a lot and on point i had a burning sig in my mouth-Fuck i was stupid, why???!!!!
I haven't met anyone who successfully quit the first time. Keep at it, if you really want to, you can do it.
another thing i would notice when i smoked bogies was the smell of ammonia every now and then when i would take a shower. it had me thinking about that commercial about what the tobacco companies added to bogies. ***damn, she can dance her ass off***
Quit Jan '10 only smoked for 2 years, took about 2 months before I stopped bumming off my friends every once in a while but now I don't think about. An outside support source helped me most. Try to imagine not having the most important thing in the world to you because you want your cigarettes too much, that got me.
I quit after smoking for 30 years, getting sicker and sicker as I got older. People don't recover from illness lilke they do in their youth.

I used Snus to stop the withdrawal symptoms...it worked for me.

One and a half years ex-smoker!!!!!!
I quit 4 years ago, January 2nd. I think the biggest obstacle to get over is your own brain. I tried unsuccessfully many, many times before that, and would always say "Oh, I can have one while I am drinking" and then be back to smoking after night of partying.

When I quit for good, I realized that I could NEVER smoke again. Not while partying, golfing, or any of my normal habits. Those drugs grab hold of you and do not let go.

I had some nicorette gum to help me to NOT be an asshole during the first week or two. And I really only used the gum a few times, during cravings. I did not party for about a month, while getting my body used to it. When i did go party, I asked my girlfriend to help me watch myself, and that smoking was not acceptable.

After about a month of hard work, it really became very easy. Now, the only time I really ever want one is when the golf course is backed up, and I have to wait a while to tee off.

Good luck.
I haven't met anyone who successfully quit the first time. Keep at it, if you really want to, you can do it.

I would always have an excuse...

#1 - I am drinking in a Bar and have to smoke.

When I finally quit, I realized that so much of it was the fixation of what I SHOULD be doing with my hands.

The last cigarette I had, I placed 2 cigarettes on my mantel and said to myself, that I would stop smoking when I finished them.

I smoked half a cigarette and placed it back on my mantel to smoke later.

Then it hit me, just how stupid it was for me to smoke.

Never picked up the other half. I had the other cigarette for years. :bigjoint:

I haven't smoked cigarettes since 1978. :leaf:

P.S - Cigarettes were stronger back then :wink: .