• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Ounce of homegrown? $$


Well-Known Member
Bomb ass kush is $100 a quarter...top quality, canned in alum tins, but you can only buy in quarters
I live in canada so every dealer pretty much has good bc tree and it all goes for $10 a gram, or $25 an 1/8
Will prob sell my brother and close friends an ounce for no more that 150


Well-Known Member
Kitty, love the cranberry idea you have put into action. That idea shows great marketing skills.

My homegrown is better than anything that can be purchased in this area since back to the 70's. If they want or I decide to let some go, it will be higher than the price of the smoke that is going around. You have to compare the high of your weed to the best in your area. If your smoke beats it, you can charge what you want, within reason (up to almost double price of the street weed). Just my opinion though.


Active Member
I'm up in Seattle... This is a hot topic for me as of the last two years.

You have all these little punk ass dealers walking around with "The Shit", and just because someone tells them that their stuff is home grown, or BC Bud, or whatever they think that they can jack up the prices! Some guy tried to talk me into paying over $400 for a zip... I asked him what he was trying to give me, and he didnt even know what it was. Just that it was the shit and that I would be totally fuckered up.

Are you kidding me!?!? Stop contributing to that bullshit! Stop being greedy!! PLEASE!

Be reasonable... If you're going to charge $40 for 1/8 (and you damn well shouldnt be charging more) then toss in a little extra nug, just in case your shit dries up between now and the sale. I personally weigh everything before it comes into my possession, and right before it leaves my possession.

I think $40 for 1/8, $80 for 1/4, $150 for 1/2 and $280 for 1oz are seriously fair prices considering.

Thats just my 2cents.

Thats about exactly what I pay my friend for mine, and he's getting it from the grower. I am not sure about exactly what strains they are but it is always very high quality and I've yet to be dissappointed. In fact...I'm rather toasted now... :joint::peace:


Well-Known Member
$300-$360 an Oz here, never know what it is but its usually high quality bud. recently though been getting some wet headache material so I decided to grow.

Altair Everex

Active Member
off the street, i wouldnt pay more then a 100$ an O, most of the time u can get top grade shit for 70-80$ an O, 100$ is more if im desperate. its all supply demand and the sucker. the sucker is always based off of how dumb the buyer is vs the seller, ive sold an ounce of commercial for 1K before just cause i talked it up. when ur hustlin it, u deserve what u get, u dont get the info ur gonna get burned on the price
I'm always pressured to cut a deal. I do with my established clients. With everyone else I don't cut any deals for the reason of - my prices are always 10% below market.

Altair Everex

Active Member
when u get into the drug dealin business(no matter how u cut it, thats what sellin weed is) u gotta decide one of 2 things. ur either doin this for a few xtra bucks here and there or ur in it for the money.

the xtra bucks, feel free to cut deals keeps friends happy.

but when ur in it for the money, its a ruthless business. u cut deals, they can say ur just tryin to get rid of it and not standing behind ur product, many other things to boot. on top of it, once they get one deal, they wont stop, they will be always asking for deals, and when u cant or wont give them one they think ur shitting on them. people u thought were ur friends start thinking ur acting funny, which can lead to the future problem of the snitch.

basically decide what u want, xtra bucks do what u feel like long as u dont lose money ur good. the money, be merciless, dont make the deal unless ur gettin somethin for it. u aint gonna get ahead by givin ur profits away.


Asshole Patrol
I get that prices are probably always going to go up... If/when the economy crashes and the world goes into recession, marijuana sales will sky-rocket! :-) To all of the dealers: You have my best wishes. :twisted:

Would be nice to have a government that had the balls to stand up to corporations that oppose legalization/decriminalization. I would be interested to see what kind of impact that had on the economy! haha

Altair is completely right. I dealt on a decent scale for a while, with a few runners that did all of the leg work. You have to be in it with a game plan, or in it to feed some friends and nothing more. If you try to play outside those lines, you'll end up crossing paths with someone that you dont want to be involved with. I have a friend that ran off to do his own sporadic dealing. We had run a pretty tight ship until he split off to do his own thing. He ended up with a gun in his face and short a bag full of cash.

I prefer my own home grown these days. Anything I have to go outside my walls for comes from a very trusted friend. Its just not worth it.

Hopefully there will be a day when there are so many people growing that the government will either turn their head or decriminalize it altogether!


If I get rid of anything its usually around 300 an oz or 80 a 1/4! I am trying to personally drive down the prices in my area. There was a drought here (for people who dont grow there own0 and that forced the price way up. I am trying to help with that by undercutting the prices and not by a little. Here people are paying 400 an oz for just better than beasters. So when i come in with the funk for 300 the other have no choice to cut prices. It has already started working. The stuff mailed from cali went for 65 an 1/8 to 60 an 1/8 after i started letting a little go! Pot cost too much. I always give it away and smoke all of my friends down! If we turn down the high prices they will have to lower them or get stuck holding it. trust me this works!!
we really need more people such as yourself in our country, with many of them located around me!:mrgreen: +1 rep, cause that is what pot is about, not making $4-500 an oz.


Well-Known Member
It deffinatly depends, see i live in a small town and i can get an ounce of mid grade for $100.00. But if i wonna get some grade A besides growing it i would be charged $200-300.00 an ounce. So it sucks when it comes down to me sellin. But i hardly ever buy weed anymore, unless i get tired of smoking the same shit i have been growin.

And im likin HotNSexyMilf's new avatar, about time we got that porn you promised us so long ago.


New Member
Yup, these prices are DEAD ON, sw burbs of Chicago here.. same prices.. 60 an 1/8 is the norm for anything dank
You must be very close to me, I'm in the SW burbs as well. Anytime I ever tell people not from around here we have to pay $60 an eighth they are always surprised.


Well-Known Member
You guys /Girls are a bunchof "MORONS" can we please stop this thread? Anywho i do love you all:-)



Well-Known Member
Austin, Texas
Price Quote:

Black and Blueberry
210- 1/2 o
120- quarter
60- eighth
20- gram

Some people have it so good.
i would literally pack up and move if i knew somewhere i could get a zone of decent mids for $150.